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Which college teams from the northeast will you be following this year? I tend to keep an eye on UConn, Franklin Pierce, Colby-Sawyer, and St. Mike's, and have recently added Castleton State and Southern Maine to the list. Son has decided on a PG year, so we'll be back to evaluating colleges he may attend, soon. I'm pulling for any of the schools above. All have strong baseball programs, good marketing curriculum's, and beautiful campuses, and all are within driving distance, so hubby and I could attend more games than we'd be able to if he chose a school outside the northeast.

Anyway, that's why I follow the schools that I do.

Who do you like to watch (in person or online)? Do you follow only the program(s) your son is or may be involved in; do you follow a local team; or are you in tune with the whole northeast college scene and willing to enlighten the rest of us with where you see the strengths and weaknesses within various conferences in the northeast? I know the teams are getting ready to hit the field and the baseball bug is invading my winter-frozen brain.
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For D-III, Eastern Connecticut State should be solid again this year. They have quite a few starters returning this season. I live five minutes from there and try to attend games whenever I can. I would also like to see how Keene State does this year, building upon their solid finish last season.

For D-I, I am looking forward to seeing UConn play. I would also like to try and see St. John's this year, as it sounds like they have a very good team.
I try to follow all the schools that I have players at. I always follow St John's because I like the coaches. Iona because I'm an alum, Eastern CT because Bill Hollawaty is one of the all time greats. Maine because of my son and a few other former players...Manhattan because of my former player Kevin Leighton...Lots of teams to follow but it's a great hobby.

10 Days till Feb 1
I was very impressed with St. Johns after watching them in the NCAA regionals last summer. They are a very hard-nosed ball club who do not back down from anyone. My guess is that these traits speak well of their coach. With a wee bit more athleticism in the outfield, they would have upset Clemson in the opening game of the regionals. Scott Barnes pitched a masterpiece in that game. I am expecting to see him go high in the upcoming draft.
Originally posted by BoomerIL:
Coach Merc...TRhit...ClevelandDad....

The Florida trip for us is just right around the corner!!

Mom and me can't wait to watch our son Andy play again. Summer seems like such a long time ago!
I hope you and your families are all well!!!

Keep in touch!!!


Boomer - can just hear the excitement in your post! Indeed, the season is upon us. 29 days for us. Best wishes for all our hsbbweb sons this year Smile
Still crazier about UMaine is after playing in NV, FL and MD for 20 days, they will return to snowbanks. Friends who played there said it was weird to see snowbanks around the baseball field. The bullpen would take turns sneaking off to sit in a running car to warm up. Brrrrrrrrr!!!!
Maine does practice in doors. The dome was built right after Coach Trimper was hired. It has allowed them to have scrimages and take live BP since the weather changed in the fall.
Maine Dome

It's a great place, temperture controlled at 70 degrees. RJM - Make sure you tell your friends that played there that things have changed. time for a visit. In August they will be installing field turf and new dugouts with a major field renovation.
I used to hear stories of scrimmages in the fieldhouse with Winkin yelling "That's a double" or "That's a flyout" in his high pitched voice. When the players wanted to dump each other they would yell "Out of LL."

One of my summer teammates did great Winkin imitations. That is until Winkin walked up behind him in mid performance. In summer he would look around the park before doing an imitation just to make sure Winkin wasn't there.
Last edited by RJM
My team is looking alright. Alot of the teams in our league graduated some very good ball players so we could contend for the top spot. For summer I am playing down in florida for 8 weeks at the Florida Collegiate Instructional league. Its ran by IMG academy. I think its mostly college players then some high school seniors going into college, should be a good league. Do you know how portsmouth is looking?? I wonder if maybe there could be a scrimage between portsmouth and us.
KMOMNH. Glad to hear that you are following us! Should be a very exciting year. I know the guys are really itching to get out of the field house and get down to Florida. Some very exciting changes to the program (in the positive direction) for 2008. We've got some real power teams on the docket down in Florida (Hillsdale, Univ of Nebraska-Omaha) and some heavy hitters back up North (Franklin Pierce, UMass-Lowell) and some d3 powers (Castleton St, Amherst, Saint Lawrence)etc. Keep us posted on your son's progress. We wish him the very best!!!
Would it be safe to say that Franklin Pierce has become the best program of all the Northeast collegiate programs? - - and I am comparing programs to ALL regardless of their division status.

It just seems they get further nationally and always have at least one player on a draft list. Not that they can really compare to their DII rivals down south but they certainly have raised the bar up here.

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