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venkman, I think your comments are on the mark. There was nothing to be gained by throwing your best pitcher 104 pitches in his first outing. Would like to know more about the game, such as, how many hits did he give up, how many walks did he issue, what pitches was he missing with, etc., but the most telling factor was his pitches per inning. At 22 pitches per inning, he would throw 154 pitches in a 7 inning game and 198 pitches in a 9 inning game. I would have kept him to a 75-80 pitch count and pulled him regardless of the score. He is too valuable to overwork at this stage of the season and his career. The high number of pitches per inning suggests he was missing his spots (i.e., rusty). Increase his pitch count during the next two outings, and he will be fine. Good luck to him at Mississippi or in the MLB, whichever he chooses.
Age old balance ...winning vs overuse. It is easy for coaches with star pitchers to go one more batter or one more inning because even at 90-100 pitches they are often much better than the next man in the rotation. The kids always want the ball so often in the heat of a game this stuff can be lost track of or disregarded.

How many coaches at the high school level will sacrifice a W for 20 or 25 extra pitches in the 6th or 7th inning of a tight game. I am afraid the number is much lower than anyone would really like to admit. As harsh as it may seem kids are commodities until professional ball when they become investments.
Originally posted by greenmonstah:
Originally posted by rollapair:
Lee comesfrom 7-0 down, to defeat Annandale 8-7.

What happened? This sounds interesting.

7-0 after 4. Starter (Schubert) pulled. Reliever in 5 gives up 4 including HR, settles down in 6th, no runs. Pulled for reliever (closer..) in 7, gives up 4. Clutch hitting by Lee including bases loaded grounder (yes, on the 3rd base line with 1st base in and 3rd base in normal position, ouch). AHS bats and baserunning got cocky early after 2 jacks and big lead - game should have ended after 5. Credit to Lee for hanging tough.

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