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lets not make this complicated, ok. The best players is just that. The best players. Pitchers are baseball players too. The best baseball players. The best HIGH SCHOOL baseball players in the state.

1. Trey Haley Central Heights HS

I'm not sure there is any competition with JP RAMIREZ who can really really hit. Who played for the St. Louis Cardinals Scout team.
Hey PD, hows things in your part of the world? Been to Carthage lately? You guys are really no fun.

Maybe we should say list the top pro prospects in the state of Texas.

I asked if anyone disagreed with Haley. I didnt say he was #1. But he is pretty good and will be even better. His delivery is as clean as it gets and so is his arm action. He has a lean frame that will pack on about 30 pounds by the time he is 23-24. He was dominate at Jupiter.

But, I will go out on a limb when I say JP RAMIREZ from Canyon HS is the best HS hitter in the state. He is a little guy however and has no other tool above avg and no remaining projection physically. But he can hit.

Now come on loosen up and lets put a good goup together here for our state.

I like Walker Kelly but is he well? heck as far as that goes, the best guy in the state is only a Jr. but lets just talk about 08 grads.
Last edited by Vance34
I wasn't comparing Vance to PG in the sense that you suggest. My point is this -- we are having a small-time discussion in a single-state forum. And the lists that are fabricated here are not meant for national distribution, nor are they offered on pay-sites. They're created for entertainment value. With that in mind, I will not contribute names of kids that I have not seen.....but I have seen many kids in the DFW area, including most that are "rated" highly by multiple sources. Chances are good that Vance has seen the kids he "rates" in this discussion....or he will indicate so. Why should his "expertise" be considered inadequate because we have a large state? I would go out on a limb and suggest that you can rate the best 10 kids in Connecticut (according to TRhit). That's all we're doing here. I didn't mean for this to turn into a discussion of BA or PG sources. That's a discussion for another topic.

AS usual you have that TEXAS attitude---for some reason I like the people in the Nutmeg state here a lot better

Panther Dad

As for you and your attitude it gets boring--you brought up the comparison BA/PG and Vance-- I cannot contribute to you guys because your minds are SHUT TIGHT-- I asked a simple question and got an typical Texas Forun response---totally inane---I love dropping in here --it always serves to strike a nerve-- are you guys/gals really insecure in your own being???
Originally posted by TRhit:
are you guys/gals really insecure in your own being???

Insecure? Heck, we'll take a shot at any foreigner that keeps bringing an attitude down here.

Don't take the lack of huge egos, such as yours, as insecurity.

I am certain that in a time of need, I could call on anyone in the Texas forum and they would lend a hand. You can't say that just anywhere. And from my experience, particularly not in the north (although there are some friendly folk there). Down south, the weather is warm and so are the folks.

We can do the same up here TEXAN---but we dont drag people behind pick up trucks


I have figured it all out---I don't want to be part of what you are---I surely hope you guys are not typical of the TEXAS popularity---if so they have some very small minds--

What is fun that you get your nerves riled by simple posts---there is real world out there
The south had desegregated its schools 20 years before the race riots in the north began, as some parts of the north finally began to desegregate its schools. And that was not an isolated incident, as was the one to which you refer.

If you want to really see God's wonderful real world, come down here to God's country. Just check your attitude at the border.

At least we don't go into other state's forums throwing around cheap shots and trying to stir things up for the sake of stirring things up.
Last edited by Texan
yankee, you haven't even seen me get close to going over the deep end.

The only thing 'fraid around here is the yankee who is 'fraid of anyone proud of their state. Probably cuz there isn't much in his own state, I guess.

We're having a great day down here. Nothing more we enjoy than roasting a little Connecticut yankee. Break out the fork, FO...
I'm not insecure -- I was just responding to your question with my own. Your post seemed intent on jabbing at Vance....since he wanted to "rank" players. I can safely say that no one person has seen ALL kids in a state -- would you agree? So, therefore -- by your reason -- they shouldn't be "ranked". As the moderator, I would just like you to come in sometime....and participate in a discussion without implying that the subject or the participants are "inane". It seems obvious that your contributions have one intent -- to incite the people here. Believe it or not, your posts carry the attitude.

Vance has not seen every player in the state of Texas, right Vance? PG has not seen every player in the country. TRhit has not seen every player in CT. SO WHAT? No one is going to lose sleep over whether Vance34 lists Walker Kelly in his top 5. Few will go sleepless over the PG rankings or Jason Becker's. Seems to me though that people are interested in the subject.....even if you are not.

I am not telling you to stay out of the Texas forum....I'm naive enough to think that you might have something good to say.....someday. But, do you ever consider why the collective hair on the back of the Texas posters' necks rise when you arrive?
Last edited by Panther Dad
“Texas will again lift it's head and stand among the nations. It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages.” - Sam Houston

“Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.” - Sam Houston

“Texas does not, like any other region, simply have indigenous dishes. It proclaims them. It congratulates you, on your arrival, at having escaped from the slop pails of the other 49 states.” - Alistair Cooke
I know a thing or two about lists. None are perfect, but I would say that Vance is hitting the right guys at the top of his list (including Walker Kelly). I kind of favor Robbie Grossman as #1 in Texas, but we all know that the lists (all of them) will change over the next 7 months.

While no one can see everyone, some people do know when they see a potential early round pick. So some may not have been seen yet, but those on that short list certainly do belong there!
And the boys who do happen to get mentioned might get a little boost.

The real fraud or dis-credit is the kids who don't get mentioned, I mentioned earlier in a post to PG staff how PG ranked a player from my team very high, He was a role/bench player on our team and the fact is we had 9-10 players who were clearly better baseball players(baseball talant) then him. I know PD can relate his DBAT players rarely get mention in list's, yet when it comes down to it those kids can flat play... His son is a perfect example of a highly underated player...Dichary and Jungman have been studs since they were 10 and get the credit they deserve. If you polled the people who have seen this class play day in and day out over the years you would see some very unfamiliar names when it came to chooseing players for a list!
Guys, I mean no harm here. Heck, you guys may have a guy I need to add to my list. Maybe I did this to make sure I haven't missed someone. Most of you guys see alot of games here in Texas. Why not share, at least with me, who the best guys are.

TR HIT, as for you, this isn't your state. Also TR HIT. YOUR RIGHT. I'm not PG or BA. BUT what I am a part of is far better and has far more money with a far better downline than either of those GREAT ORGANIZATIONS. Why do I say great, well, they give kids opprotunity.

If a kid played in the Fall Metro Plex league, or a summer or fall select team or on a high school team or the Texas Scout ***. game or went to an Area Code workout or was on the Area Code team or attended a Regional PG showcase event here in Texas or went to PG National in Cincinnati, or Future Stars in Durham or Joplin to The Premier World Series or to Joplin for the Jr. National Team Trials or to the Cape League HS all Star Game or to Aflac or to the Connie Mack Regional or to the U16 Premier World Series in College Station or to the East Coast Showcase or the WWBA in Jupiter, well heck TR HIT, thats my job. To see every player in the state of Texas. I guess if they didn't play in any of those then they either have other interest and priorities or I would have to say YOUR RIGHT. I didn't see them. Thats why I started the thread. Maybe there is a guy someone else saw that I missed because he didn't play in one of those events.

I'll also add here TR HIT. That I saw your club TOO! College Select and I didn't see a guy from there that I could put on the Texas list yet.

I'll also add, I would never rank a player on what someone else said. My opinion is all that matters to me. I get paid for mine and mine alone. Thats not an ego comment, its the truth. its my opinion thats wanted.

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