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The japanese are great fight fans. Whether it's "worked events" (faked fighting and outcomes, like professional wrestling) or real "sport" fighting like MMA or boxing. Their announcers have an awesome tradition of calling fights. As a student of japanese and a fight fan myself, for years I had a buddy in Tokyo mail me tapes of local fight broadcasts. The announcer call in this snippet is very reminiscent of those broadcasts.

Originally posted by MadDogPA:
Taking out a defenseless catcher is BUSH!

Hope it was worth it?
So is stealing second and third after getting drilled as a lesson for taking out the catcher the day before. It's why Volstad threw behind him. Take your medicine and shut up. The first baseman dropped Nayjer like he was Jack Tatum defending the middle of the field.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by MadDogPA:
Taking out a defenseless catcher is BUSH!

Hope it was worth it?
So is stealing second and third after getting drilled as a lesson for taking out the catcher the day before. It's why Volstad threw behind him. Take your medicine and shut up. The first baseman dropped Nayjer like he was Jack Tatum defending the middle of the field.

I agree with RJM.

Take your medicine, and let's play ball. Morgan still couldn't figure it out, so he goes and takes two bags when they are getting killed. That is the amount of respect he showed for the Marlins. So, the Marlins had a send the message another way...

Last edited by ThinkPitching
I think Nyjer Morgan is a horse's a$$. He's a complete jerk. His running over the unsuspecting catcher is bush. His slamming his glove after missing the ball in CF (which he turned into an inside the park HR) is bush.

With that being said, I don't have a problem with him stealing 2nd or 3rd. If you don't want him stealing, don't put him on base or pick off a few times and slap his helmet into CF.
Originally posted by redbird5:
With that being said, I don't have a problem with him stealing 2nd or 3rd. If you don't want him stealing, don't put him on base or pick off a few times and slap his helmet into CF.

Amen brother. I'm not a Nyjer Morgan lover or hater, but don't think you can put a man on base and then dictate whether or not he runs. It was the fourth inning!

My favortie quote was Riggleman, something to the effect that "the Marlins will not dictate when we run".
You don't steal after you've been drilled as part of a lesson when your team is down by eleven runs. It's bush. It's showing up the team after they dished out a lesson. It's why they threw at him again. The kid is a punk.

What he did was a perfectly legal play. Marlins should worry more about playing the baseball game and less about the "bush league" BS.
Originally posted by RJM:
You don't steal after you've been drilled as part of a lesson when your team is down by eleven runs. It's bush. It's showing up the team after they dished out a lesson. It's why they threw at him again. The kid is a punk.

Not bush and it is good baseball if he is successful in the attempt.
Would you say it is bush if a player is justifiably drilled, and then in his next at bat hits a home run? Doesn't that tend to aggravate the other team also?

He got disciplined (and should have been). Once he reaches 1st base, eveybody needs to get on with playing baseball, and trying to win the game.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
You don't steal after you've been drilled as part of a lesson when your team is down by eleven runs. It's bush. It's showing up the team after they dished out a lesson. It's why they threw at him again. The kid is a punk.

What he did was a perfectly legal play. Marlins should worry more about playing the baseball game and less about the "bush league" BS.

May have been legal within the rules but the play wasn't about scoring( he actually ran into an out when he had an easy slide to score as I believe the Marlins catcher held on to the ball). No way the catcher had a chance to make a tag on a slide. That play wasn't about helping his team but rather making Nyger himself look good. That is when legal becomes bush league. Hard nosed...nah, cheap shot artist is all.

Riggleman was blowing smoke to protect a player is all. Do you normally start stealing when you're down 11 runs? Running/stealing was Nyger being a hot dog is all.

Nyger plays for Nyger, not the team.

I'd buzz him a little the next game he plays and mess with his head a bit. No, I wouldn't hit him/throw behind him but he ain't going to feel real comfortable in the batters box. Would love to be the catcher...he better wear earplugs because I would be talking to him the entire time in a very "discourteous" way.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
He got disciplined (and should have been). Once he reaches 1st base, eveybody needs to get on with playing baseball, and trying to win the game.

You're right, but directing it at the wrong place. Morgan is the one that aggravated the situation by stealing when it was disadvantageous to his team, figuratively giving the middle finger to the Marlins.
He plowed into the cardinals catcher when they played the Nats.

He's a punk (for Bear's info no racial thoughts intended), and I also assume a marked man at this point among teams. They don't like that stuff. If you don't play like a professional, you are not going to be treated like one, wherever you go.
Last edited by TPM
Ok so let me get this straight - if you're down by a large margin you're not allowed to try to spark a comeback due to the unwritten rules of baseball? You can't do anything to spark a comeback that might be taken as disrespectful to the other team - is that right?

Nyjer Morgan is a punk and anytime he gets beaned this year he deserves it. But to say the stolen bases were unprofessional, disrespectful or anything like that pouring gas on the fire. Granted trying to steal bases down that much is not very good strategy but it's not disrespectful. Yes it's unlikely that stealing those bases would spark a comeback but it's not disrespectful - it's competing.

In all my life I've never heard that stealing bases being down a lot of runs was disrespectful until just now. It's a terrible strategy but it doesn't go against the unwritten rules of the game. If the Marlins were upset then they shouldn't have put him on and if they do then they need to do a better job of holding him on.
Originally posted by coach2709:
Ok so let me get this straight - if you're down by a large margin you're not allowed to try to spark a comeback due to the unwritten rules of baseball? You can't do anything to spark a comeback that might be taken as disrespectful to the other team - is that right?

Nyjer Morgan is a punk and anytime he gets beaned this year he deserves it. But to say the stolen bases were unprofessional, disrespectful or anything like that pouring gas on the fire. Granted trying to steal bases down that much is not very good strategy but it's not disrespectful. Yes it's unlikely that stealing those bases would spark a comeback but it's not disrespectful - it's competing.

In all my life I've never heard that stealing bases being down a lot of runs was disrespectful until just now. It's a terrible strategy but it doesn't go against the unwritten rules of the game. If the Marlins were upset then they shouldn't have put him on and if they do then they need to do a better job of holding him on.

Please tell me you're kidding. What reason would he have had to steal in that situation? He put his team at a disadvantage by doing so, since he was a meaningless run.
Uhm let's see.....

1. He kept his team out of a double play situation
2. He advanced to a base he can score on that will cut the deficit - get a run or two in each inning you will come back
3. Possibly wake up the rest of your team
4. Comfortable lead usually leads to a more conservative defense by the team that's up so the chance of being successful are improved
5. He's competing

I never said it was a brilliant strategy and I'm not defending Morgan - he's a jerk and deserves to be hit by the other team. I'm just saying that wanting to compete doesn't go against baseball - it's what baseball, sports and life is all about. Criticize him all you want but don't tell me that competing is wrong.
Personally I would be glad if a guy tried to steal on my team when his team is down by eleven especially when he leads the league in caught stealing. The Marlins could have really punished him by making him look like a complete idiot by simply throwing him out. I'm sure Riggleman would not have been so defensive of him if that would have happened. He gave the Marlins two chances to really show him up.
Uhm let's see.....

5. He's competing


I don't see him as a great competitor, just someone who wants to do what he wants. He needs anger management.

Let's not forget he already got a suspension for 7 days, throwing a ball into the stands at a fan. He's playing because he has appealed both suspensions.

Take your punishment like a man, and shut up about it.
Last edited by TPM
The last player to act like this on the baseball field ended up the first player elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame, stole second, third and home in the same inning six times in his career, retired with over 90 baseball records and was hated by most of the other players in MLB. Among other quotes attributed to him were:

"In legend I am a sadistic, slashing, swashbuckling despot who waged war in the guise of sport."

"When I began playing the game, baseball was about as gentlemanly as a kick in the crotch."

Also said about him in a biography,
... was the fiercest competitor in baseball. Not satisfied with simply winning, he had to run up the highest possible score and therefore put unrelenting pressure on the opposition until the last man was out.

After reading Ty Cobb's biography, if he can make it into the Hall....makes you wonder why anyone would be kept out for any reason. I'm not advocating all out warfare but some of these players have as much passion as a worker in a widget factory. How about a little passion.
PA Dino,
Of course Ty Cobb actually had talent. Morgan is a 30 year old journeyman with a 630 OPS--way below replacement value.

Bulldog 19,
Morgan is only successful on around 68% of his steal attempts so the 32% chance of getting thrown out when your team is down seven runs is idiotic especially stealing third after you are in scoring position. This was all about him not his team. Only one other time since 2002 has a player stolen a base when so far behind and that happened in a game at Coors where big rallys are more common. Whether he scored or not does not erase the underlying selfishness, poor baseball sense and continuing self-destructive pattern of play ala Milton Bradley.
PA Dino,
Of course Ty Cobb actually had talent. Morgan is a 30 year old journeyman with a 630 OPS--way below replacement value.

What you say is of course true and absolutely irrelavant. You can't argue that just because Cobb had talent and Morgan (does not)that Cobb has(d) the right to behave the way he did on and off the field. The fact stands that a player of equal or maybe worse behavior is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. A is equal to B and B is equal to C, therefore A is equal to C.
Right or wrong, the greater the talent of a player, the more leeway he is given by fans, baseball leadership, and opposing players. This has been proven over and over throughout baseball history. When you have a ultimately very replacable player like Morgan who forgets that the game is about winning games for your team and not carving out a personal vendetta you have a player not worth having. He can't even steal bases at the breakeven point where you don't cost your team by running. No power, poor onbase percentage skills, he has to bat .320 to have any use at all.

I don't believe in unwritten rules and find most of them ludicrous. I agree, as I stated earlier, the best way to get him would have been to throw him out stealing. The thing is while he may have gained a run by taking rather selfish chances when down seven runs, he cost his team a victory in the play at the plate where he was so concerned about flattening the catcher, he neglected to slide and actually score the run. I like aggressive play especially on the basepaths, but winning comes first.

By the way if you read the new findings on Al Stump the author of two prominant books on Ty Cobb, it appears much of what he wrote was made up and patently false. Remember too, it is hard to compare the way people were a hundred years ago with our morals and political correctness of today. Baseball was a MUCH rougher gave in 1910 than in 2010.
Right or wrong, the greater the talent of a player, the more leeway he is given by fans, baseball leadership, and opposing players. This has been proven over and over throughout baseball history.

Not true as per the experience of the greatly talented Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire (sp?), Shoeless Joe Jackson, Roger Clemens (not proven PED issues), and the rest of the steroid era list. An entire decade of baseball history unacknowledged by the Hall of Fame.

I agree with the rest of what you said except that I would add that Ty Cobb was universally hated by the other players in his league because of play comparable to Morgan's. Just a few former teammates even attended his funeral. What occurred on the field and thus witnessed is more than enough to come to a conclusion about his poor character all other drunken bragging aside years later. The Georgia Peach was no peach and Morgan is no Plush. One is in the Hall of Fame, the other can go visit if he likes. The only thing separating them is talent. Now about Ruth and Bonds.....
I was referring to boorishness on the field, not major violations like gambling on baseball, throwing the World Series, or using illegal drugs. I actually feel more for Shoeless Joe Jackson than I do for Rose who was well paid and fairly treated by his owners. However, this is the ultimate crime in Organized Baseball. The steroid era will be sorted out after it is studied for twenty or thirty years. Ty Cobb was a product of his times, coming from the Deep South when there were still hard feelings about the Civil War, the unrelenting hazing he took as a rookie once his teammates saw that he had no sense of humor about such things, and the much more ruthless game baseball was in a time when men played just to eat.
Originally posted by ThinkPitching:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by MadDogPA:
Taking out a defenseless catcher is BUSH!

Hope it was worth it?
So is stealing second and third after getting drilled as a lesson for taking out the catcher the day before. It's why Volstad threw behind him. Take your medicine and shut up. The first baseman dropped Nayjer like he was Jack Tatum defending the middle of the field.

I agree with RJM.

Take your medicine, and let's play ball. Morgan still couldn't figure it out, so he goes and takes two bags when they are getting killed. That is the amount of respect he showed for the Marlins. So, the Marlins had a send the message another way...


Regardless of what else happened (and I'm not supporting anything else he did) what is the logic of getting on a guy for stealing 2 bases if his team is down?

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