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Heard Keith Olberman on ESPN radio this morning saying managers should walk Pujols like they were walking Bonds in the past. I remember a year or two ago a thread about Bonds and the constant intentional walks. Since the subject came up on the radio today I thought I would give my 2 cents worth (if it is worth that much). Why not make the intentional walk worth 2 bases. It would severely limit the opportunity for the double play and would put a runner in scoring position. That would certainly make managers think twice or more about issuing such a walk.
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Then Keith's been in the mountains with you --- Pujols is already being walked once in every four ABs.

If Rolen is doing well, he's pretty good protection behind Albert. Now, if Edmonds is batting behind AP....mmmmm, not so much.

I don't have a big problem with the IBB; I feel it's a legitimate tactic in certain game situations. Although I did used to get my knickers in a twist when Dusty Baker would intentionally walk McGwire in the halcyon days of '98....when the Cards held a 5 run lead and the bases were empty.
"Beaning" a batter serves no purpose than to cause an uprising and possibly hurt the batter.

DG do you teach your young son this stuff?

There are ways to pitch Pujols since he is much more a free swinger than Bonds and does not have Bonds patient at the plate as yet.

To speak of beaning sir as you do, I certainly wouldn't want you coaching any young kids I know--totally off the wall and WRONG ! !!!

And then everyone will want to know why Pujols had the "explosion"--- funny stuff

As for patience at the plate nobody has ever had the patience at the plate like Bonds has---now I have a question for you-- "roids" is supposed to trigger rage and impatience correct?--if Bonds was such a "roids" guy how come he developed such patience and control--certainly contraty to what they say especially after what we have seen with known "roids" football players like Romanowski

Even last night he just shrugged off the Springer nonsense--think about it a bit--I thought he was ultra cool as he bent over and took off his shin armor

By the way there was a skinny TR in his 20's and then a not so skinny TR in his 40's--
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there was also a "skinny, and i mean skinny" Glove Man in his early 20's also, and now zI'm a "not so skinny" Glove Man in his 30's, but my hat size has only gone from a 6 7/8 to a 7 1/8 since then.

"roids" is supposed to trigger rage and impatience correct?--

Different products have different side effects. Also, we don't see what goes on behind closed doors.

He shrugged it off becasue he can't even run to the mound anymore, by the time he made it to the mound Garner could have already replaced the pitcher and he already would have thrown his warmup pitches. And he probably knew he deserved it.
Pujols is just an exceptional athlete hitting the prime of his career. His numbers going into this year were incredible, does anyone think that as he now goes through his prime years and becomes an even more discipled hitter that his number were going to go down.

Thanks to the steriods era, every time an exceptional player starts to perform at very high level that question will inevitably come up.

(are people asking those questions yet about the young man who broke the 100m record the other day?)

Also, its amazing how much better your image is to people when you treat them with respect & dignity. Pujols is a class act all around.

Example, I dont recall seeing Pujols trying to go one-on-one with his manager because he thought he didnt have to do what the manager told him too.

Please lets enjoy this great player and lets not turn this thread into another Bonds-roids debate.

I went into the beaning aspect as the prime topic for me---no responses to that --

But I will continue to ask about all others who "seem" to have great years --a players personality means squat to me--what are his numbers? why a great season all of a sudden ? I say this for any player who has a "break out" season-- if you want to make it happen, clearing the "roids" air all need to be under the same umbrella

I am not hung up on crucifying any one player--I just think it should be the same for all-

Now how about the posters comment on beaning Pujols?
He has had the best first 5 years in history. It looks like he will have the best 6th year in history. I think it's fairly obvious that if he has a fairly long career, he will be one of the greatest if not the greatest hitter in history.

He has had well over 3,000 ML at bats, they have not figured out how to pitch him. In fact, he just keeps getting better. His first 5 (now 6) year statistics are of another world. Here's a link - Albert Pujols

Sometimes you just have to set back and admire!
TR-Lets not turn this into something its not. You know were not talking about youths here. Were talking about the professionals and if you read the newspapers today you will see quotes from boths teams after Barry Bonds beaning that its part of the game. Some sports Radio figures in the Bay area believe the beaning of Bonds last night think its Astros Manager Phil Gardner's strategy to bait the Giants starter tonight into retaliating-we'll see if it works. I am only throwing out the same idea on the forum for humor. Please lighten up.

Finally, to be perfectly clear I don't teach youths to bean other kids. However, I did coach an allstar game one time where my fifth batter in the line up hit a grand slam in his first at bat. He was subsequently beaned the next three times up to bat. Not cool at all. Me and the other coach had a loud argument over it after the second beaning. The umpires didn't do anything. The next time up my pitcher beaned their pitcher hard without my prompting and that was the end of it, no more beaning from either side. As they say, its part of the game. I don't make up the unwritten rules of baseball-they are what they are-common TR you know that. Please don't take cheap shots at me-you don't know how much I really respect your opinion.

You said beaning to begin with--NO I wont lighten up when you use that term--NO WAY!!!! There are young players reading this site

In fact Bonds wasn't even beaned --he took it in the back of the shoulder

Think before you use terms like that and I surely know about unwritten rules and none them calls for a "beaning"---
Your thinking is being distorted by your hatred for Bonds--

How does anyone know what goes on behind the scenes?

Is "behind the scenes" the reason for Pujols having a explosive start ?

Explain it us

Nothing there about beaning, only the usual banter. If you look at Barry's numbers you will note he also had a jump in production at about this same time in his career. In his first 4 seasons his RBIs were below 60. In 1990 he jumped to 114.

Pujols career low in his first 5 seasons is 117.
would it be unexpected to see him go a few years driving in 150 to 160 ?

Are you also questioning David Ortiz ? Why is he such a player now?

If you bothered to read my first post in the thread, I address the beaning.

It would be the same for ANY player, if teams decided to bean guys on a consistent basis, there own pitchers would be getting tossed for the obvious intention of it.

Why do you want to throw at a players head--whether you like him or not--that is certainly the wrong message to send to kids-- I will have our pitchers go inside as much as anyone but inside,dusting etal does not mean beaning
ie going for the head

As for Ortiz he falls in the category of ALL PLAYERS--you cannot single one player out--it has to be all of them
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PG, thought I heard he was considered very good coming out of Maple Wood CC but wasn't considered a phenom type...nevertheless don't think anyone could have expected him to be what he is. As you pointed out he is best ever thru first 5+ years in the league. At this pace perhaps we will be saying Barry who in another 10 years or so. Big Grin

I am not going to get drawn into a useless discussion about semantics.

I never once advocated "beaning" in my posts.
If you wish to infer such things thats your buisness.

My responses to the idea of throwing at ANY part of the batter purposely was extraodinary simple. If people started hitting a particular batter to avoid pitching to him, the first thing that occur would be the pitcher who hit him would be tossed for the obvious intent.

If it continued, I'm sure MLB would take other steps to intervene.

The concept here is a forum, If you wish to not have others join in, that is what the PM feature is for.

The point, of purposely throwing at someones head with the intent to injure is a bad thing, is OBVIOUS. One does not need to sit here and turn this discussion into a terminology class.

Your right...."BEANING" is throwing at the head.

Now lets move on already.


Posted May 15, 2006 04:30 PM
Then Keith's been in the mountains with you --- Pujols is already being walked once in every four ABs.

If Rolen is doing well, he's pretty good protection behind Albert. Now, if Edmonds is batting behind AP....mmmmm, not so much.

I don't have a big problem with the IBB; I feel it's a legitimate tactic in certain game situations. Although I did used to get my knickers in a twist when Dusty Baker would intentionally walk McGwire in the halcyon days of '98....when the Cards held a 5 run lead and the bases were empty.

"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not
one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." --- Terry Pratchett

Yur right, Olberman isnt paying too close attention to the situation. 34 walks in 39 games and only 11 K's

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