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The Bears are not a great football team. But the Packers success the last several years has nothing to do with being a good has been tied to the performance of a once-great quarterback, who like the team is in decline. Bush or no Bush (The Texans are going to grab him) the Pack is going back into hibernation...who knows it could be another 25 years---1968-1993.
Not being a great organization?

That comming from a bears fan is really a slap (as you guys have the market cornered on bad organizational traits)

We had one of the most respecected GM's in the game as well as a head coach who's assistants are now head coaches in record numbers.

We go through one bad year and its over?!?...we're not the Bears...we'll bounce back.

We're 25 mil under the salary cap and have an up and comming defense.

Bring your lunchbox on Sunday beacuse it's gonna be a fight to the end.
24 and 4 against the Bears! (Favre)
12 NFL Championships(League leading) to 9

Most touchdown passes in Soldier Field History of ANY QB (Brett Favre)

1st TD pass new soldier field (Brett Favre)
1st 300 yard game new Soldier field (Brett Favre).
1st Blocked punt ( Packers)
1st INT (Packers)
1st 100 yard rusher (Ahman Green)
1st fumble recovery ( Packers)

C'mon give it up already! The only reason the Bears are leading the division is because
1st RB Green out
2nd RB Davenport out
3rd RB Tony Fischer out several weeks
4th RB Gado out
1st Receiver Walker out
3rd Receiver Ferguson out most of season
4th Receiver Murphy out for season.
1st Tight end Franks out most of season.

Enjoy your one year in the sun via default. The Packers went from 29th to 5th in the NFL in team defense without making a single personnel change. They are 30 million under the salary cap for next year(4th in the NFL). Can you say quick turn around? The Packers take 1 year to rebuild while it has taken the Bears 20. The Bears are built and nowhere near an NFL elite team. They are at their peak right now with no chance of beating any AFC playoff team for at least 2 years.

Next year will be another strong year for the Packers. As the Bears will once again be a flash in the pan as they were a few years ago.

By the way, the Packers had the best won loss record in the NFL during the last 10 years heading into this season.

Rip Favre all you want, he has torched your team forever.
The great thing is that the Packers may actually be deluded into thinking theyaq re a few players away. This team relied on a great QB, and he was great....but without him they woudl have been an average up one year down the next team. And even though he is dangerous, his time is just about up......and Aaron Rogers is no Brett Favre.
Favre can still play. Can still move well enough to buy time to throw and still has great zip on the ball. In his prime he had fantastic coaches and a solid defense, good line, receivers and running game. It is the loss of surrounding talent more than his decline that has led to Packers offensive woes.
Put Manning or anyone you want in GB this year and you have similar #'s, there is simply nothing available and Favre then must force things to try and make something happen.
Conversely, put Favre with the Bears the last 15 years and while they would have been somewhat better the surrounding talent simply wasn't there. Soxnole was right, a team game all the way.
Farve looks like he is done, not physically, but mentally. Maybe if they were contenders he wouldn't just throw it up for grabs so much. While I can't argue that Rodgers is no Farve (how many hall of fame guys are second to Marino in all the top categories), it is way too early to tell if he can play or how good he will be in the NFL. It is still too early to tell if Grossman or Orten wil be any good. Parity allows teams to come back quickly. With high picks (if they don't blow them) and money under the cap, a team can come back fast.
As a Packer fan since 1961, this season didn't bother me. they have had a good run and THE WHITE SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!
I was one of those that predicted a 3-13 season.
Considering they played the Lions, Pack and Vikings in 6 games. From what I've seen, those 6 games were a lock.

I've seen Favre a few times on tv this year...wasn't pretty. Wonder how much the NO hurricane has affected his mental toughness?

I still think that the Bears stink but Grossman is 50 times better than his bud from Purdue.

Denver should win it all.
Been, how can we read your posts and not question your motives, judgement and credibility when you say something so
S&%&*d. "The Bears Stink?"
Your 40 years experience apparently has nothing to do with evaluating football talent. That team has the potential to win the ring: Let's evaluate (1)Ferocious defense, (2)with a bunch of durable athletes, (3) commingled with tenacity, desire & instincts...Kind of reminds me of a bunch of grinders known as the 05' White Sox! Now you throw in a QB who is tough has pinpoint accuracy and leadership skills. "The only thing that stinks is the hands of certain receivers"! Fix that...and you can place your order at Jostens!

I didnt know I had to get along with you--is that why I get demeaning emails from you and 5 times more from regular posters asking about you and your attitude.

Grossman being a kid has nothing to do with your age or mine--I said he was in the NFL for 3 years now --that means he is no longer a kid in terms of being a pro QB just like Eli Manning is no longer a kid--he is a two year pro that is growing

I am truly beginning to wonder about where you are coming from. Go back and read your post regarding speed rations and radar gun

Could you be good enough to enlighten the posters here as to your baseball background?

Curious minds would like to know--all you list is BIG GAME HUNTING--hey you better get approval from BUllwinkle !!!!

Bullwinkle where are you
TRHit...I will tell you this..I gave out a little too much personal information. Julie is now dealing with that. When people or (kids) take it upon themselves to contact someone outside the realm of this venue (message board)and in several instances besmirch the professional reputations of individuals well...some serious issues have arisen, Julie is now aware of it and hopefully the problem corrected. If you want to discuss anything personal with me; send me PM and I will decide what if any "personal information" I wish to share with a community populated with people utilizing pseudonym's. In light of what recently happened, I don't feel comfortable discussing my private life in any detail.
If you have any other problems I suggest you contact Julie.
Last edited by Travel Ball Select USA you stay put...your scampering around...jittery today? Approved for release: Travel; Grew up in California..Indian Wells to be exact..played baseball from the youth level through college..DII, some interest but not drafted. Currently live/work in Oak Brook, Illinois but travel extensively.. left the game for a while and have returned with a vengeance! Currently tapping the vast Travel Ball demographic...have successfully launched an Internet based company and have appeared in Baseball America Magazine and various other publications and web entities in line with what we cover. T-Hit Your background please.

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