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Just some random thoughts after getting back from this event, in no particular order;

1. Very well organized, lots of staff, on time and run really well. First class from an organizational aspect.

2. It was nice to see very good umpires at an event like this. The strike zone was a tad big but very consistent. Big kudos here.

3. The Metrodome was a very cool venue.

4. The players are all very good. The pitchers stand out and most hit 90mph (maybe only once) on the gun. Based on what I saw the avg. velocity were pitchers sitting 87-89 and touching 90. The best sat 90-91 touching 93-94.

5. Teams batted approx 17 players in the game. Players got up 2 times per game and if you were in the bottom of the order maybe only once.

6. The players rotate in the field. Infielders play 3rd, ss and 2b; outfielders play all three positions.

7. There were lots of strikeouts, even the "top rated" players had trouble against the good pitching.

8. If you get a chance to attend, this is a must do if you can. I can't imagine a better showcase.

9. 200 pro scouts, 200 colleges and 25 agents/advisors in the stands

10. During the teams one pregame infield/outfield the infielders get lots of reps, the outfielders only two throws.

11. Many of the base runners try to show off their speed, however when they get thrown out that is one less batter that gets up that inning. When you might get up only once a game this is a bummer if your batting at the end of the lineup.

I am sure I am missing a few things and will add them later. Overall it was just a great experience. Thanks PG.
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