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My son is long removed from high school ball but I was curious to see how his old team and friends' younger brothers were doing in Jupiter.  I found the PG website absolutely worthless unless you are willing to pay for absolutely everything.  A lot has changed since my family began participation in travel sports.  I very much appreciated the well organized and professional events but geez oh man!  You can't show a box score for free any longer?  C'mom!! 

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I can always see the box score without signing in.  I cannot see the details of it without signing in but I understand that.   I pay for or don't pay for the information that I want as in every area of life.  I have to pay for several forums and websites if I want to read information about my son and others.  I do not begrudge them for trying to be paid for their information that I obviously want.

GaryMe posted:
Jim T. posted:

My son is long removed from high school ball but I was curious to see how his old team and friends' younger brothers were doing in Jupiter.  I found the PG website absolutely worthless unless you are willing to pay for absolutely everything.  A lot has changed since my family began participation in travel sports.  I very much appreciated the well organized and professional events but geez oh man!  You can't show a box score for free any longer?  C'mom!! 

Dude, these guys are charging for parking at LakePoint to play there and an admission fee to see your kid play at most of their events, certainly the WWBA events during the summer in Atlanta. I am really surprised they let the players thru the turnstile without hitting them up for a couple of bucks as well. At $3,000 per team for the 17U WWBA this past summer, and 392 teams registered, you do the math. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Nearly $1.2M in team registration fees, figure 20 players per team so about 7,800 players involved in that week's tournament. Figure conservatively that 1/2 will have at least one spectator attending to support them and they will pony up for a weekly tournament pass at $55 per person (another $200K+ in revenue for the week). I want to say parking at LP is like $10 a day, so figure that revenue in with revolving cars every couple of hours in a parking lot that holds roughly 800 cars. Oh, and they have a sweetheart lease deal, you do the math. I figure for events like the 17U WWBA at LP they are grossing close to $2M a week, including hotel booking kickbacks.

They don't need to charge for box scores, they want to...because they are greedy. I get it if they want to charge for access to profiles and stuff, but the results of games? That's ridiculous.

Calling them greedy is a bit over the top.  Are you privy to their overhead?  

GaryMe posted:
Jim T. posted:

My son is long removed from high school ball but I was curious to see how his old team and friends' younger brothers were doing in Jupiter.  I found the PG website absolutely worthless unless you are willing to pay for absolutely everything.  A lot has changed since my family began participation in travel sports.  I very much appreciated the well organized and professional events but geez oh man!  You can't show a box score for free any longer?  C'mom!! 

Dude, these guys are charging for parking at LakePoint to play there and an admission fee to see your kid play at most of their events, certainly the WWBA events during the summer in Atlanta. I am really surprised they let the players thru the turnstile without hitting them up for a couple of bucks as well. At $3,000 per team for the 17U WWBA this past summer, and 392 teams registered, you do the math. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Nearly $1.2M in team registration fees, figure 20 players per team so about 7,800 players involved in that week's tournament. Figure conservatively that 1/2 will have at least one spectator attending to support them and they will pony up for a weekly tournament pass at $55 per person (another $200K+ in revenue for the week). I want to say parking at LP is like $10 a day, so figure that revenue in with revolving cars every couple of hours in a parking lot that holds roughly 800 cars. Oh, and they have a sweetheart lease deal, you do the math. I figure for events like the 17U WWBA at LP they are grossing close to $2M a week, including hotel booking kickbacks.

They don't need to charge for box scores, they want to...because they are greedy. I get it if they want to charge for access to profiles and stuff, but the results of games? That's ridiculous.

Parking at LP is $5/day and is charged by LP not PG.

rynoattack posted:
GaryMe posted:
Jim T. posted:

My son is long removed from high school ball but I was curious to see how his old team and friends' younger brothers were doing in Jupiter.  I found the PG website absolutely worthless unless you are willing to pay for absolutely everything.  A lot has changed since my family began participation in travel sports.  I very much appreciated the well organized and professional events but geez oh man!  You can't show a box score for free any longer?  C'mom!! 

Dude, these guys are charging for parking at LakePoint to play there and an admission fee to see your kid play at most of their events, certainly the WWBA events during the summer in Atlanta. I am really surprised they let the players thru the turnstile without hitting them up for a couple of bucks as well. At $3,000 per team for the 17U WWBA this past summer, and 392 teams registered, you do the math. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Nearly $1.2M in team registration fees, figure 20 players per team so about 7,800 players involved in that week's tournament. Figure conservatively that 1/2 will have at least one spectator attending to support them and they will pony up for a weekly tournament pass at $55 per person (another $200K+ in revenue for the week). I want to say parking at LP is like $10 a day, so figure that revenue in with revolving cars every couple of hours in a parking lot that holds roughly 800 cars. Oh, and they have a sweetheart lease deal, you do the math. I figure for events like the 17U WWBA at LP they are grossing close to $2M a week, including hotel booking kickbacks.

They don't need to charge for box scores, they want to...because they are greedy. I get it if they want to charge for access to profiles and stuff, but the results of games? That's ridiculous.

Calling them greedy is a bit over the top.  Are you privy to their overhead?  

Call it like I see it. 

Ryno, I know that someone posted on here recently a link showing they have something like a $1 a year lease agreement with lakepoint. Whether that is still the case or not, they are rakIng it in, buddy. I don’t know why there are so many defenders of what Perfect Game has done in monetizing this sport. I think it is shameful. Are they entitled to make a fair profit? Sure. But if I won Mega Millions my first order of business would be to drive them into extinction with free events for recruiting purposes. Show me one event that PG does that is for the good of the game and families who maybe can’t afford to showcase or fly to GA for a major event. Not a damn one. That spells greed to me.

Last edited by GaryMe

Holy cow!  Charge for parking? That's over the top.  Saying it's "Lake Point" charging the fee is nonsense.  It is all circular. If there isn't a direct financial benefit, I'd bet there is an indirect one.  

This issue has been raised countless times but the problem is getting worse.  Does anyone really believe that by driving up the cost of participation you are benefiting the sport?  What happens is that you reduce participation and decrease the quality of play because your best athletes aren't going to play the game.  They simply can't afford it.  

It always kills me to hear the PG apologists on this site.  Don't get me wrong, they have built a terrific business and my son has benefited by the visibility (drafted out of HS, ACC college) so I appreciated it.  That said, they're reaching too far and it is bad for the sport.  

SultanofSwat posted:

PG's Pricing Manager (or executive) should probably be replaced.  You don't charge for things that piss off people.  Add the little bit for parking, water, and game results to the entry fee.  Marketing 101.

Those are all LakePoint charges for parking, admission, and concessions (not PG). LakePoint was acquired by a hedge fund in 2016. LakePoint entered Chapter 11 in June of this year.

I will chip in a couple things here:

#1: As a parent, attending every one of your child's youth level games, in person, is a relatively new phenomenon. Nobody is compelling you to go to LakePoint & pay for parking & entry for the week, rack up out of town meal & hotel expenses etc.

I just shipped mine in the team van for a 4 day Lakepoint tourney for $450 total, in addition to $120 meal $$.

#2: I sincerely appreciated the ability to stay at home, log into Diamondcast & view extremely detailed information in real time for $45 / Annual cost.   (This info includes Velo on every pitch, daily stat leaders etc. etc.)  

#3: Your kid will probably be relieved you are not there, so get over yourself, give him some space, save some $$ & quit bitching. If you don't like it then go out & create a better alternative but you will not because (A): It's too difficult & (B): You do not have the talent.  

There is no rule requiring anyone to play in a PG event. Just avoid them if the price is too high.

My son has done only two PG tournaments. At his HS this year in the senior and junior classes the five current D1 commits (including two SEC and one PAC12), and a sixth kid with a current D1 offer, have played in a combined total of five PG tournaments or showcases.* It's not required to play PG in order to play in college.

The way I look at it, PG's real "customers" are the college coaches and the MLB scouting departments. The amateur athletes (and the data they produce) are the "product." I don't begrudge PG that; they've built a good business and I believe that they do want to grow the game of baseball, which I appreciate.

*Three additional seniors committed to D3s have played in a combined two PG events.

Last edited by 2019Dad

USA Baseball and USSSA charge for admission, although not parking.  USA Baseball uses Game Changer which requires a subscription fee.  The fact is that helping your kid get seen for recruiting purposes is expensive - very expensive if you don't live near the epicenters of recruiting (LakePoint, Florida or AZ).  Add on team fees, lessons, strength coaches, batting cage memberships, bats and gloves, camps, "fundraisers"... it never seems to end.

My advice 8th graders parents - determine how good your kid is within the next 12 months.  If the kid is a legit D1 prospect, then spend money and get to Lake Point, etc. and maybe he gets some athletic money.  If the kid is a D3 talent, focus on other kinds of HA showcases later on in high school and hope to parlay athletics into a coaches tip through admissions into a great school.  If the kid doesn't have the talent or desire to play college ball, why spend the money to do any of this stuff (ok, do it once for the fun and experience).

This argument is getting old. Stop going, stop buying the subscriptions, stop paying to park, stop complaining. They have a product. You either buy it or you don't. 

They have 392 teams (and more that don't get in) willing to come play for 3k dollars. Why would they stop charging that amount? If families continue to sign up for showcases - why would they stop charging $600? If they charged 5k a week, I guarantee you they still get 250 teams. Why do they have to be in it for the good of the game?  

Determine whether it will benefit you and if it doesn't find another tournament. Good luck finding one that doesn't charge 

I agree.  Good grief, we live in a capitalistic society.  If you don't like a product, don't be a consumer.  If you don't like the product, create a better one, don't sit back and complain about what someone else did.  Calling it greed is ridiculous. You have no idea what sacrifices may or may not have gone into creating what PG is today.  It is like people complaining about business owners being greedy.  Did you risk your future for the business?  Did you possibly mortgage your house?  Do you stay up all night dealing with the company problems? No?  Ok, then you have no business calling someone else greedy for reaping the rewards of their efforts.  Start your own and run it the way you would like.  

I like PG.  We haven't done any Fall showcases or tournaments this year, but if my son is invited, we will happily pay for some of the invitationals next summer (including the entrance fee).  If you don't like them, you move on OR UNSUBSCRIBE.  This is an argument that is continual here.  I just don't see why.  Most nay sayers think you don't need PG, so don't use them.  What are you complaining about?

There are multiple entities involved.  All of them are for-profit companies, and all of them have payrolls to meet, plus all sorts of other expenses to pay, before there might ever be a profit.  In any event, they are not government agencies or charities, so the notion that they should charge you less just because you'd like to get what they're selling at a lower price is really kind of a silly thought.

This is like the complaining over what MLB players are paid.  The armchair observer thinks it's all OUTRAGEOUS.  But if he were in the player's position, he'd get every last dollar, or million dollars, out of it as well.  Which makes the point that a lot of these comments come across as nothing more than envy, disguised as righteousness.

In the end, they have to deliver something that's worth it to you, or else you won't pay.  Conversely, if you pay it, evidently it's worth that to you, otherwise you'd say no thanks. 

I would second the thoughts posted above, specifically:

(a) If you don't like it, don't pay, don't go, don't send your son; and

(b) try sending your son without your being there.  This was the norm just a few years ago.  I don't know where this notion started that you couldn't possibly send your son to an event without parents also being present, but if increasing costs ends up being the thing that finally constrains the upward spiral of helicopter parenting, then I say, "PG, jack those prices up some more!"

This is supposed to be about recruitment for the college/pro prospect.  Do parents think they're coming to all the collegiate events?  Or all those GCL or NY-Penn games?  If not, then ask yourself, at what point DO I plan on cutting the apron strings?  It has to be some time between now and then.  I would nominate NOW as a good time.


Last edited by Midlo Dad

I don't understand the PG bashing.  You are the ones making the choice.  Those who want to bash PG then stop going.  Nobody is putting a gun to your head and making you go.  My youngest son has been to 27 PG tournaments with most being at LP.  I pay the parking fee, I pay the entry fee, but it is my choice.  I bet if I sat and looked at those of you who are complaining's business I could find the same problems.  All of us charge what someone is willing to pay.  I looked at Jupiter last week and thought how much was being spent on the dream of being the 1% that is able to play MLB.  I drove 10 1/2 hours each way and spent two nights for my son to pitch87 pitches in 7 innings.  I don't want to know what it cost me per pitch.   But the opportunity to give him the chance was worth it because I found the money to do it.  We make choices and if there are people willing to pay they will continue to go up.  I also wondered how many baseball players would love to have the ability mine does and the opportunity.  We live in a small town but I'm willing to be most parents of baseball players on my son's high school team would give anything to see their kid compete at some of the places mine has with the audience mine has had.  So when I am tempted to complain, I instead thank God for the opportunities and abilities to provide them for my son.  I also pay for 2 subscriptions along with DiamondKast and GameChanger.  Guess what?  Next year it will be MLB network or SEC Network.  I also hope I continue to spend money for years watching and reading about my kid.

On the not going aspect, I have not been to several of those because I wanted him to experience it alone.  He drove over 3,000 miles this summer by himself all over the Southeast to compete.  I also sat there the last two weekends and wanted to tell some parents go home and be quiet.  You are killing your kid.  I heard two scouts last weekend discuss a parent.  The one said whichever kid his is better be real good for a coach/organization to put with that dad. 

Last edited by PitchingFan
Steve A. posted:

I will chip in a couple things here:

#1: As a parent, attending every one of your child's youth level games, in person, is a relatively new phenomenon. Nobody is compelling you to go to LakePoint & pay for parking & entry for the week, rack up out of town meal & hotel expenses etc.

I just shipped mine in the team van for a 4 day Lakepoint tourney for $450 total, in addition to $120 meal $$.

#2: I sincerely appreciated the ability to stay at home, log into Diamondcast & view extremely detailed information in real time for $45 / Annual cost.   (This info includes Velo on every pitch, daily stat leaders etc. etc.)  

#3: Your kid will probably be relieved you are not there, so get over yourself, give him some space, save some $$ & quit bitching. If you don't like it then go out & create a better alternative but you will not because (A): It's too difficult & (B): You do not have the talent.  

I think Gary just got put into the boards by Steve. 

I'm with the capitalists. Lots of things cost more. Go play LL or rec ball and end up where you end up or move to Canada and hope you don't get sick.

I didn't expect everyone to understand the point because often they are the same ones who fan $$$ flames which will result in fewer kids of limited means playing the sport.  That may be fine for many here because if the African American kids played the game, many currently playing may never reach the field.  The expense of the game is a limiting factor and it is getting worse.  

I was fortunate because I have the means and my son had the gifts to play.  One of his teammates was the son of a well known big league player and he agrees with me 100%.  The hyper commercialization and resulting expenses shuts out a whole lot of kids.  PG will justify it in the name of recruiting and scouting efficiency. That's nonsense.  The fact is the sport is shrinking due in part because it has become a money machine.  Its no a coincidence.  

The comment comparing PG to taxes on a cell phone is nonsense as well.  You can reduce the cost of your cell service because there is competition.  A better analogy is what happens when a nation dumps product into another with the intent of driving competitors out of business.  Once that happens, you're screwed.  

The apologists crack me up.  You don't have to start a league in order to affect change.  You simply have to speak up and embarrass the people who have take a game and made it an industry now targeting 9 year olds.  I love the URL "www.perfectgame.ORG" .  ORG designation is for non-profits.  That is the last thing this organization is.  

Midlo Dad posted:

P.S.  to PGStaff:  I was being somewhat facetious.  Please don't really jack up your prices! 

Yes PGStaff.... Please don't be mad at me.  I was only kidding.  I support you 100% like Midlo Dad.  BTW... My son's name is Johnny Doe and I would appreciate it if you would increase his grade from a 7.5 to a 8.0 at his next showcase.    

Jim T. posted:

I didn't expect everyone to understand the point because often they are the same ones who fan $$$ flames which will result in fewer kids of limited means playing the sport.  That may be fine for many here because if the African American kids played the game, many currently playing may never reach the field.  The expense of the game is a limiting factor and it is getting worse.  

I was fortunate because I have the means and my son had the gifts to play.  One of his teammates was the son of a well known big league player and he agrees with me 100%.  The hyper commercialization and resulting expenses shuts out a whole lot of kids.  PG will justify it in the name of recruiting and scouting efficiency. That's nonsense.  The fact is the sport is shrinking due in part because it has become a money machine.  Its no a coincidence.  

The comment comparing PG to taxes on a cell phone is nonsense as well.  You can reduce the cost of your cell service because there is competition.  A better analogy is what happens when a nation dumps product into another with the intent of driving competitors out of business.  Once that happens, you're screwed.  

The apologists crack me up.  You don't have to start a league in order to affect change.  You simply have to speak up and embarrass the people who have take a game and made it an industry now targeting 9 year olds.  I love the URL "www.perfectgame.ORG" .  ORG designation is for non-profits.  That is the last thing this organization is.  

If its limiting the game, how do you explain the  talent?  Kids are better and better every year.

MidAtlanticDad posted:
SultanofSwat posted:

PG's Pricing Manager (or executive) should probably be replaced.  You don't charge for things that piss off people.  Add the little bit for parking, water, and game results to the entry fee.  Marketing 101.

Those are all LakePoint charges for parking, admission, and concessions (not PG). LakePoint was acquired by a hedge fund in 2016. LakePoint entered Chapter 11 in June of this year.

I have heard this cop-out since it opened.  PG can pay LP for those fees in advance and recoup them in entry fees.  Again Marketing 101.  PG could easily solve this annoyance, but it hasn't.  I give them an F for this.

Last edited by SultanofSwat
SultanofSwat posted:
PABaseball posted:

This argument is getting old. Stop going, stop buying the subscriptions, stop paying to park, stop complaining.

No it's called giving 'reviews' or 'constructive criticism'. Any business that doesn't listen to it's customers won't be in business long. This is not novel or new.

Not going too far out on a limb here but I think they are safe....

baseballhs posted:
Jim T. posted:

I didn't expect everyone to understand the point because often they are the same ones who fan $$$ flames which will result in fewer kids of limited means playing the sport.  That may be fine for many here because if the African American kids played the game, many currently playing may never reach the field.  The expense of the game is a limiting factor and it is getting worse.  

I was fortunate because I have the means and my son had the gifts to play.  One of his teammates was the son of a well known big league player and he agrees with me 100%.  The hyper commercialization and resulting expenses shuts out a whole lot of kids.  PG will justify it in the name of recruiting and scouting efficiency. That's nonsense.  The fact is the sport is shrinking due in part because it has become a money machine.  Its no a coincidence.  

The comment comparing PG to taxes on a cell phone is nonsense as well.  You can reduce the cost of your cell service because there is competition.  A better analogy is what happens when a nation dumps product into another with the intent of driving competitors out of business.  Once that happens, you're screwed.  

The apologists crack me up.  You don't have to start a league in order to affect change.  You simply have to speak up and embarrass the people who have take a game and made it an industry now targeting 9 year olds.  I love the URL "www.perfectgame.ORG" .  ORG designation is for non-profits.  That is the last thing this organization is.  

If its limiting the game, how do you explain the  talent?  Kids are better and better every year.

Fewer kids are playing baseball.  Fewer African Americans are playing baseball.  These are facts. Cost is often sited as a contributing factor.  

I don't blame PG or travel organizations for the exploding costs.  Ultimately the parents need to get better informed about their own kids talent level, even though the industry "experts" seem to conspire against this.  How many hitting instructors tell a 10 year old's parents "you are wasting your time and money taking these lessons, go back to little league and pick up a violin".  How many times have we heard "play on the best team you can actually play on" - this is code for "you're not good enough to play on the team the scouts will be watching".  Why does PG say that a kid with a rating of 6 is a "Potential College Prospect".  Why not say it like it is ("you're kid isn't in the top 2%")?  It's funny how guidance counselors have no trouble saying "with your scores and grades you can forget the Ivys, Big State U is a better fit", but sports people don't do this.  I think we all know the answer to this, but as with any major purchase (yes travel ball and recruiting is a major purchase) the buyer needs to get informed and educated before spending the money.

SultanofSwat posted:
PABaseball posted:

This argument is getting old. Stop going, stop buying the subscriptions, stop paying to park, stop complaining.

No it's called giving 'reviews' or 'constructive criticism'. Any business that doesn't listen to it's customers won't be in business long. This is not novel or new.

No it's not. It's complaining. Criticism would be saying, the experience is great, but I'm not a fan of all the side fees unrelated to the actual games. Calling the website worthless, calling the organization greedy, calling for executives to be replaced is complaining. I don't like the fees either. I don't pay for diamondkast because our team has Gamechanger. I don't pay for the site because I don't care much for the write-ups/rankings. I don't go to some of the tournaments because I know he's only going to throw once and it would be a waste. 

Why should PG change anything? They have one real competitor and while they put out a decent product, they're about 10 years behind PG. Until people stop going, stop subscribing, stop parking, they have no reason to cut back on anything. 


That’s a great point, Bob, and I believe the answer is that you never deviated from your initial mission of finding the best young talent.

While that may have been the original intent with PG, it definitely doesn’t appear to be the case now.

I would make the same argument against PBR and any other organization like PG. 


I dunno. I think about the premier tournaments for HS kids, IMHO and in no particular order (and conceding that this is a California perspective):

• USA baseball Championships in Arizona and Florida 


• Boras Classic 

• Area Codes

• Summer WWBAs

• Jupiter 

• Arizona classics

Obviously there are elite showcases put on by PG and PBR, but for tournaments I don't feel like PG has any kind of monopoly. Plus layer in opportunities like scout ball and -- gasp -- high school games, and there are other ways to get recruited. 

I'm not knocking PG. But it seems like for those who don't like PG, just pursue other venues.

SultanofSwat posted:

PG's Pricing Manager (or executive) should probably be replaced.  You don't charge for things that piss off people.  Add the little bit for parking, water, and game results to the entry fee.  Marketing 101.

They’re so pissed off they’re signing up for tournaments in record numbers.

There used to be a poster on this board who was very informational and very helpful in the recruiting process. He even used his influence to get poster’s kids into events their parents had failed to get them signed up in time. 

He got tired of people attacking him on this site. He didn’t feel he had to explain business decisions to every anonymous complainer on this board. It’s why Jerry Ford stopped showing up here. PG also used to be a  major sponsor of this board.

No one is forcing anyone to participate in PG events. Jerry is the first to tell anyone PG is not for everyone. There are other avenues to college ball.

As for the poor black kids who can’t afford PG how come they are traveling the country attending every major AAU basketball event?

Last edited by RJM

It would help if some of the disgruntled posters in this thread actually know what the ... they are talking about.  PG doesn't have control over what is charged for parking.  That has been stated here before and I believe by PG.  If you don't like the charges, be a da n parent, make a decision and stay home.  

This thread is making my head spin.  There are racist comments (perhaps unintended, but nonetheless racist).   

Please do not assume every African American kid is poor or traveling the country playing AAU basketball.  

In addition, there are many reasons for the falling numbers of African American baseball players (in the MLB, in Little League, in general).  

Please, let's keep this about baseball.  There are many who cannot afford the expense of travel baseball, including PG, and their race does not matter in this thread.  

RJM posted:

There used to be a poster on this board who was very informational and very helpful in the recruiting process. He even used his influence to get poster’s kids into events their parents had failed to get them signed up in time. 

He got tired of people attacking him on this site. He didn’t feel he had to explain business decisions to every anonymous complainer on this board. It’s why Jerry Ford stopped showing up here. PG also used to be a  major sponsor of this board.

No one is forcing anyone to participate in PG events. Jerry is the first to tell anyone PG is not for everyone. There are other avenues to college ball.

As for the poor black kids who can’t afford PG how come they are traveling the country attending every major AAU basketball event?


And I’d like to add. No one and nothing is perfect. The positive contributions Jerry Ford has made far outweigh the negative. I wish he still posted here. And I wish the complainers would reach out to him personally and privately, instead of trying to embarrass him on a message board. I’d like to have information about how the complainers on this website earn a living so we could all b**ch about them. Now that would make this website just so much more legit. It would be oh so meaningful for the game of baseball, doesn’t everyone agree?

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