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A prospect might recieve a higher rating than usual because the overall field he was in was lower. Conversely, a good player might recieve a lower ranking because of a high number of good players at that event.

I don't believe this is a true statement as far as PG is concerned. In other words, there might be quite a few 9s given at a particular PG showcase and no 9s given at another. The ratings of each individual player are not based upon the number or caliber of players in attendance.

However, PG also has a Top Prospect Team for each showcase. Whether a player makes this team or not would be based upon the number and caliber of players represented.

Of course... IMHO.
Its time to end this thread about PG. Bottom line is that if your kid is good they will find them. Many good athletes are not on that list but they still get found by the big boys. I agree their are some kids on the list that should not and never will make it to the next level IMO.

Its a business out their and PG does a great job of offering exposure to those that want to spend the money. I still believe having a solid HS season that gets attention along with playing for a solid summer team will be enough exposure if your kid is good. I will ad that a summer camp dealing directly with the college coach is much better to attend than these 100 kid camps that claim they give exposure to everyone.

Do what is right for your sons ability not what everyone else is doing. PG may not be the right solution for every athlete IMO.
Money is always an issue, but it shouldn't be.

There are annouced tryouts with MLB teams in the area. See the MLB website.

Summer and fall teams attend regional college showcases with mostly local representation.

A regional PG showcase is a good option. I don't know that it costs anymore.

Texas boys most likely sign with schools in this area.

That's what makes the PG regional showcase effective. They get your vital stats and give them some credibility.

Stand out on your high school team and in your district.

There's more communication there than you will ever understand until you are able to look back at the process.

You never know who's watching and they are.
I like what I see on Garcia, that is good to know. I will stick with what I said regarding camps as opposed to tournaments. I don't think PG could have had that info on Garcia if he attended a half day "skills" type camp only. In my case I couldn't afford a camp and tournaments. So for my son, the tournaments seem better. JMO


That report came from a Showcase, not a tournament. Lance Broadway was at the same showcase, I believe.

For those who are wondering... You can reach the highest level of college and/or professional baseball without ever attending a PG event. It has happened before and it will happen again! But is it wise to "completely" ignore something that HAS helped so many. It doesn't cost anything to get a players information to us. Nearly everyone in DI recruiting or pro scouting reads our information.

Why would coaches keep their best players a secret from anyone who reaches an important NATIONAL audience? Luckily this does not happen in every case. It's not always necessary to pay anything to utilize the flow of information PG provides.

I agree with "Train" on this statement... Do what is right for your sons ability, not what everyone else is doing. (BTW - This works both ways) PG may not be the right solution for every athlete IMO. (That is my opinion also)
Going to PG didn't get my son an instant offer from a college, but what it did was help some colleges that may have only seen him play a time or two to confirm their feelings on him (Thier words, not mine, and that could be good or bad)

I will say Jerry Ford is a standup guy. I won't go into specifics, but he has offered to help my son in ways that go above and beyond what you would expect out of a $*** fee sent in to a showcase company.
Here is my two cents worth (right or wrong)

I think the PG can hurt, help or be irrelevant.
In my sons case, I was told that there would be a school or two there to watch him pitch. Also was told that a scout from the Yankees was assigned to watch him pitch. Now I know it was not because of what he had heard or seen but because he was a 2007 grad LHP and they were there checking out those kids. I do not have access to the crosschecker and will not pay for it. So I do not know if PG had any opinion about my son or had any feedback. I do know that after the tournament we did not here from any schools or scouts and the feedback that I got back from some parents and his coach was that he really pitched well(I could not make it). A few weeks later my son signed a scholarship with a D1 school that had seen him play earlier in the Fall. So in my humble opinion for our particular situation the PG was irrelevant.
It was a good measuring stick for how he stacked up against some of the best, but thats about it.
I know that the select organization that we played for was much more important than the PG we attended.
The team my son signed with saw him at a local showcase because DBAT,Tigers,Mustangs etc...were there. They were not there to watch my son, they were there because of the organizations.
So to sum it up, PG is good for some, but in our case it was the strong select program.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
And to think................

There once was a day when this game was all about the kids playing a game they enjoyed and learned so much from.

Not that it matters, but in my opinion PG is the none......organization out there in helping kids.

But it is also my opinion that only we, as adults, create the BS that goes along with it.

Please folks.......let the kids play the game and let the chips fall where they fall.

Because when it's all said and done, you won't remember any lists or events.

What you hopefully will remember are the life lessons your son was able to obtain as well as a little bit of what life is all about......

That is to enjoy something within a group working towards a common goal.

Hopefully my son will make a list of many sorts, but my #1 wish is that the list he strives for is the one that matters most..........

The character list. Wink
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:

my #1 wish is that the list he strives for is the one that matters most..........

The character list. Wink


Someone post that list!
I would like to see who is on it, who is not on it, who should be on it, and who should not be!
And is it free! Roll Eyes

There is no visible list.

It is only obtained by those who understand the true intent of the word itself. Smile
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:

my #1 wish is that the list he strives for is the one that matters most..........

The character list. Wink


Someone post that list!
I would like to see who is on it, who is not on it, who should be on it, and who should not be!
And is it free! Roll Eyes

There is no visible list.

It is only obtained by those who understand the true intent of the word itself. Smile

char·ac·ter (kăr'ək-tər)

# The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. See synonyms at disposition.
# A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, group, or category. See synonyms at quality.
# Genetics. A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or group of genes.
# Moral or ethical strength.
# A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.
I agree that character is what counts. My son may not be on any kind of baseball list since we are from a small town and do not play the likes of the Tigers or the Mustangs. However, I know that he always gives the game 100% and that, to me, is better than any list. PG staff may not have ever seen my son since we can't afford the showcases. It doesn't matter. He is still the best 2007 pitcher that I know because of his character and his committment. One example - in our playoff game last spring, my son injured his groin muscle in the second inning and could barely walk. However, he insisted on still pitching even though he was in intense pain. He knew that the coach and the team were depending on him. He went back out on the mound and completed 6 innings with no runs! After the game (which we ended up losing), the parents and coach from the opposing team came up to our coach and parents to tell us what a good game we played. They all mentioned the pitcher who did such an awesome job. To me, that's what a good player is all about - not just tools, not just being on a list - but being able to say that I gave it all I had! I gave it my heart!
Couple of things in response to those who had "not so nice" things to say about PG in relation to the money aspect. I was told my son was on the list, and it was never my intention for anyone to put the list on this site. I was just curious who else (friends, teammates, etc.) from the area might be on there as well!!

OPson has never attended any PG showcases, so it didn't take me buying his way on the list. As many of my close friends know, if it took money, he wouldn't be on ANY list.

There is absolutely NO question in my mind that PG collects their info on the players they have not seen personally from people who they trust can judge players and give them the info they need to make a good guess on where to put them. That is the case for many players listed on the top 500 I am sure.

This is just my opinion of course.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
There are about 13 thousand FRESHMEN who will enter a NCAA D1-3 (about 898 teams)or NJCAA D1-3 (394 teams) school and play baseball next year.

13,000 (just Freshmen) that doesn't even count NAIA.

Let that sink in - Is your goal for your son to play college? If so I'd say if he's not in the top 13,000 it wasn't PGs (or anyone else)fault.

He can find somewhere to play -- if he can play!

However, if you're goal is for yourself to get some Walter Mitty trip on his rating - get over it. The contest has 13,000 contestants.

Think of it as a beauty contest. Only 3 or 4 thousand send in a photo how are you gonna rank all the ones without photos???

How is PG or any other rater gonna do that? If you want to win the beauty contest you gotta "flash" (be seen) some judges -huh!!!! The judges confer, rank the lovelies and someone wins. But that's the beauty really they are all beautiful (all get to play at some next level) because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

13,000 winners and few agree on who's the prettiest.

It's pretty rare that I'll dwell on the negative stuff that we sometimes see on this website -- lucky for us there's not too much of it relative to the helpful information. I won't dwell here on it but I will make an observation.

Like it or not, the showcases and especially the tournament hosting which PG and other promoters put together are very helpful to many kids. They are supplying a demand (letting the lovelies flash the judges) which, if it did not exist, they would not be in business.

Yes I think PG is at the top of what they do...but that's not relevant. More lovelies choose to flash PG!

What is relevant is that this site is very fortunate to have as a member the President, Owner or whatever of any of the Showcase companies.

In Mr. Ford you have someone who is obviously not in it just for the money, if he was he'd hide away in his office counting it and never stick his head outside (in this and other forums) so folks could take "potshots" at him. Mr. Ford why are you exposing yourself to potshots anyway?

Instead he frequently comments in this forum and to my recollection has never..."hawked" his wares, like some others. Anyone, that has been around awhile (HS baseball moving kids up) understands it's now days a business -- but not alot of the business people are all accountable. PG (Mr. Ford) shows his accountability regularly and "listens" to his customers (maybe why his business appears to be on top of it competitors).

Moreover, he doesn't just listen, but he has acted on recommendations etc. from folks on this site
he listens and we're lucky he does.

It would be a shame to lose the personal involvement he gives this site. Frankly I'm amazed how he continues to entertain the masses here, when he really doesn't have to.

Nobody has to use PG, but they do and when they do it doesn't mean that's who PG selects as the best. The reality is most good players want the best and PG just happens to see them.

Who gives a toot how high you're kid is rated -- think about it. If he's a top 100 player the pros will have an opinion but maybe they'd never see him without a PG. If he's a top 2000 player at all the college guys are gonna form an opinion of him and he'll end up somewhere - remember 13,000 freshmen whoaaaa!

My son went to one PG showcase - got a so, so rating about what he deserved I thought. Went to two PG tournaments got enough interest to get some offers WHOhooooo!

Thanks for posting here Mr. Ford and you don't need to answer your critics just stay in touch with your customers.
Not to change the subject, but how do you get the exposure for your kid, without spending so much?

It is very difficult to come up with the money to do everything, so what is more important - showcases, camps, summer ball, and how much should you travel?

Some parents seem to have unlimited funds when it comes to baseball, unfortunately, we cannot compete with that, so what is the best route for our son? Any advice would be appreciated.

My son got lots of exposure and never paid a dime. The MLB tryouts are free and there are tons of them in the DFW metroplex. My son attended the Astros camp held at Weatherford college in the summer. During the spring he was contacted by Tampa Bay scout (who was the astros scout when son attended the camp). Colleges started calling said they saw him at the astros camp. His high school team had a stud pitcher who was getting lots of looks during the season, which brought the scouts in from far and wide. Son was drafted by Kansas City in june 2006 (never had any idea they were interested)

You don't have to pay the huge fees to get your son seen. That being said, the more people he can be seen by the better. Cuz only one has to like him.

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