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Originally posted by bsbl247:
I've been following this thread the past week. It seems that once or twice a year, somebody comes on here questioning a ranking/rating from Perfect Game. Why is it done here on the HSBaseballweb, on a public message board? Why not contact Perfect Game directly on their website? The answer to that question is simple...the owner/founder of Perfect Game is a prominent poster/member/sponsor on this site. He's genuine. He's passionate and proud of PG's accomplishments. He's Honest. Simply put...he cares. He cares about the perception of his company, but he also cares about the kids/players, and wants to see them succeed. PGStaff responds to accusations of scams, unhappy rankings, etc...etc...when he could simply stay off the message board completely, refer people to his actual staff at PG, or deal with the problems via PM's. PGStaff answers the questions/complaints/concerns directly, and doesn't hide behind anyone...we're very fortunate to have him on this message board sharing his thoughts and experiences throughout the years.

I realize it sounds like I'm Kissing Jerry Ford's behind...I'm not. I don't care what people think... My son is out of high school and playing college ball. He's a freshman, and will most likely never play a PG event again. Yes, he participated in a few PG showcases and tournaments. I didn't agree with the rankings and/or ratings at times for my son, but I didn't throw a fit and complain. Perfect Game didn't get my son a scholarship. Perfect Game isn't the reason my son is playing ball at his current university. However, Perfect Game helped tremendously with getting his name out there to start the initial interest.

Coach May and others have already responded in this thread, and no doubt they are difficult to follow. Obviously PGStaff is very well respected here, and rightfully so. Personally, I'm amazed that he continues to address complaints from parents here publicly. With that said, it's probably why myself and others have so much respect for Jerry Ford. Thanks Jerry. Thank you for everything that you do on the High School Baseball Web, it's very much appreciated.



Nothing more to add after this post. If my son plays at the next level, I can say from my heart that PG played a part. If not, he enjoyed all the PG showcase and tournaments he has participated on.


I respect what you just did in this thread. Good luck to your son!
We might not see all the top players from Washington at our events. However, I believe we do see most of them.

I don't mean to extend this thread any further than it needs to go, but I wanted to follow Edgarfan's post and PGStaff's comment from just above. As another Seattle-ite, let me echo Edgarfan's sentiments that I hope the original complaint isn't viewed as a "Northwest thing".

I am well aware of that PGStaff's comment about the Northwest kids is true. Several of the 2012's mentioned in his comment play in my son's program. My boy is only a 2016 in eighth grade this year, but all of the parents in our age-class at Rips were extremely proud of the accomplishments of those boys in their showcase opportunities, expecially at WWBA last July and in Jupiter with Northwest Scout Team this Fall.

There's not a family in our age-class group that doesn't anticipate our own sons' turn to shine when we get to head East to Georgia or Florida in a couple of years.

I respect the fact that you came on here again to apologize. However, judging by the following quote, you still seem to have a problem with people disagreeing with you - you are very quick to defend YOUR right to your opinion, but equally quick to castigate people who disagree with you.

Originally posted by seattlestars16:

"Edgar fan, I speak for myself and I represent only myself. from your post I feel you may not be as well connected as you think."

You don't know me, and I don't know what in my post makes you think (a) that I was bragging about my connections (I wasn't), or (b) that I don't know what I am talking about (hey, I may not, but I don't think I gave you any clues to know one way or the other). I was simply saying that I know a fair number of "baseball people" in the same area you are in and have NEVER heard that denigrative phrase thrown around with regards to Perfect Game. That was to rebut your claim that this was a common term heard often in our region. If so, I would have expected to have heard it, and even people who've been involved in this community less than I have would have. And I never have - in fact, the only thing I've ever heard about PG around here has been very positive.

So, to you, I am poorly connected and not to be given any credibility because I haven't heard something you have heard? Or because I disagree with your opinion? Or both?

I have only been critical of you because (contrary to what you said here later - "I speak for myself and I only represent myself"), you seemed to claim earlier to be speaking for our region (e.g., "that term may be a regional thing" and "PG is not that big in the northwest") and therefore your personal opinion could reflect poorly on others here who do not feel as you do. That is not the same as saying you are not entitled to your opinion - you are; it is saying don't push your personal opinion off as some widely held regional belief that it is not.

I'll get off my soap box now. Good luck to you and your son this season. If we cross paths again I hope it is under better circumstances and in the context of an enjoyable baseball game on a (rare) warm and beautiful northwest day.

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