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Originally posted by Out in LF:
Boy this thread has gone 180, I thought it started with a question of how many pitches boys should be throwing this early in the season and now it is where the best place to watch/experience a baseball game. This is fantastic............I love keeping people guessing. Makes me smile.

I'll second that. Nice to see some color in the Texas posts. That "How Good is Forney Baseball" thread reads so vanilla that it makes me want to put a spear through my head.
I might have to eat my words (there's a first). Things are getting a little spicy over in Forney Baseball land. I guess they had a bad game or something:

Originally posted by go pirates (From the Forney Baseball Thread):
get rid of this thread. Especially after last night. No one cares.

You want to get rid of this thread because a bunch of 16-18 yr old kids had a bad game? Your smarter than that hornsr1. This game was 0-0 into the bottom of the 3rd ...

Where the hell is Forney, anyway?
Originally posted by GovernorTim:
Going back to his question.... Anyone that gives a set number of pitches is doing so based on their experience's. Nobody here can answer that without knowledge of the player.

TX is diff than MN Although weather does play a factor being prepared is more important.

What is his over all level of readiness?

Was or is the player throwing bullpens,long-toss etc.

Has the player been in an off season workout routine? Therefore more prepared for longer outings.

How much time since the last outing?

What type of pitches has he thrown? Curves and sliders are much harder on the arm !

Was there long waits between getting back on the hill because of extending scoring by his team? If there was did he keep his arm warm and loose or let it cool and tighten up?

How are his mechanics? Smooth and effortless or forced and ridged? (Is he pitching or throwing?)

Does he play when not pitching?

Does he take care of his arm after his outings for proper recovery?

My point is there are to many variables for any of us to give an accurate number of pitches but for 90 % of the kids out there less is more in the first month of playing. And I don't agree with leaving a struggling kids in a game because he might get that CC or shut out. When a kid is done hes done !Make the change. It kind of odd and reminds me of hockey overtime. How come a player can skate all out in the third till the last shift then come on the ice for OT and look as tho they put governors on their skates and set it at half speed. For the most part a kids arm tires that same way and most can see a arm go south in just a few pitches.
Excellent gubernatorial response. I can see some of the better Varsity coaches putting this much thought into it. Maybe a few ambitious JV coaches scattered across the country. But honestly, I don't see the masses of JV coaches (most of whom are really assistant football coaches) doing anything more than counting pitches. And I'm certain that's all ours is doing. Same number for every kid, unless he's in a jam.

On the upside, he's at least careful with them. He's keeping them to ~60 this early in the season. My kid doesn't like it, because he's as dumb as any JV kid and wants to pitch complete games no matter what situation his arm is in. But it's coach's approach, its safe, and that's all that matters right now.

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