Originally posted by TPM:
I have some questions, if you don't mind.
Is this a fast track for TJ pitcher recovery?
7-8 months?
Your son plays third AND pitches?
His pitch count was 100 in 3 days?
Is he throwing FB only or breaking pitches?
TPM, I'll try to answer each question and not be long. Question 1: this is a fast track, the last time he saw Dr. Andrews (2 1/2 months ago) he was cleared to play 3rd and before we were to come back, which we are due back in two weeks, he said Gary should be pitching. I asked the Dr's about this quick of a come back and they said that it could happen because of his age (18) and each person heals different. He said they get a lot of Major League guys that are older and have to rehab longer. Also their teams want them to rehab with the team Dr. and not heir own Dr. I really don't know much about that.
2nd Question: he does play 3rd but the coach hasn't played him at 3rd every game just certain games.
3rd Question: He threw 95% fastballs and the rest off speed. In this game fastballs were all that were really needed.
We have gone from 40 pitches to 60 pitches and the next game will be 75 pitches and that is were it will remain, 75 pitches or less.
TPM, you might be thinking he's coming back too early, those were exactly my thoughts, but I specifically asked what are we supposed to do after the throwing program and the Dr. told me "he needs to be pitching". For anybody that's interested you can get the TJ throwing program online and you can see just how strenuous this program is. TPM, let me know if you have any other questions.