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Question: I'm the father of three baseball players, two of which are now in college. I had a someone who said they were a scout with Independent baseball approach me a few months ago. Here is the story....

My sons struggled to work a part time job and play baseball this summer. This coach explained to me that I should have my kids try out for Independent baseball so they could get paid during the summer while playing baseball. He said that unless my kid was among the top studs then this should be considered as an option, that they would make 5 or 6k during the summer, and they would be scouted by pro scouts. Of course, they would lose any college eligibility.

I asked several questions, too numerous to list here, but among them was 'what about starting with the team late or having to leave the team early because of the various school schedules'. He said that within limits, on the front end of the schedule, that could be worked out. He encouraged considering online courses for the spring quarter instead of full enrollment (I'm not sure how this would work with a semester system and don't see how it could). He went on to discuss several things that he would consider advantages over playing college ball - among them was while you're in school it lets kids focus on school, and when you're out for the summer it allows you to focus on baseball without the distraction of a job.

Not really considering this, but just wondering if anyone had experienced this approach before?

Does any of this have merit?
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I haven't heard of a college player giving up their college eligibility early to go play independent ball.

I can see how a player might consider it, but the likelihood of it happening is low. The players in independent ball are former great college players, so why would a current great college player go and play there when they still have the chance of getting drafted?

Why not just work in the summer and not play ball if the money is needed.

He can go to all the "free" MLB tryouts he wants.

Your playing against former pro players that are trying to get back in the game and most don't, why would you think that a college player would?
Not sure where that much money comes from playing independent ball, I could be wrong. I can see suggesting that to players who are no longer in the college game, but you never give up your college eligility. You will occassionally see the top few picks in the draft do so, but they usually get drafted the next year.

Where do coaches come up with this stuff?
Last edited by TPM
absolutely do not do indy ball for the money. Chances are he will not get 5-6k over the season season how most league mins. are 500/month. Even if he is one of the top players in the league he really needs the experience before he can start making that kind of money. I would recommend he goes to college,even if it is a juco for 2 years before he attempts to play pro ball. If he is that good he can go to school for two years, develop his skills even more and then sign a big contract out of college. A majority of indy ball players do not play for the money they play because they enjoy the game and want to get picked up with an affiliated team. Trust me, i'm speaking from experience.

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