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Red Sox will be back with a vengence in 2011!
Too many questions for this statement ...

Ortiz returns?
Beltre returns?
Martinez returns?
Youkilis comes back healthy?
Pedroia comes back healthy?
Scutaro comes play healthy (played season with a rotor tear)?
Ellsbury comes back with proper attitude after being raked by media?
Cameron comes back healthy?
Drew has another year in him (numbers are down)?
Kalish ready to play every day?
Beckett comes back healthy?
DiceK rebounds?
Lackey rebounds?
Papelbon rebounds?
Do they find some middle relief?

There is potential for a very mediocre season if the offseason doesn't work out properly.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
... can you believe how subdued the fans are? It sounds like a regular weekday game? Not much of a home field advantage as far as the fans go.
The fans were irrelevant, got hyped after the solo HR, but went back to sleep after the next AB.

Did anyone else notice the body language of the Rays? I was amazed at how the Rays were so nonchalant on defense. The ball hit over Upton's head, he lollygags to the ball? They are in serious trouble IMO!


It's TIME!!!
Coach May,

The bottom line is the Yankees are just way better.

My husband is a life-long Twins fan (since age three), and of course I'm a devoted fan too. His comment to me about the games was very similar to yours: Sure would like to see the Twins win, but... the Yankees have Lance Berkman batting 8th in their order. And Mariano Rivera on the mound in the 9th. They are just too good, top to bottom.


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