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Nice to meet everyone,

Just curious if anyone knows OHSAA Rules to start off.

Question: Is it legal for a 10th Grader(Sophomore) to play 9th Grade(Freshman) Baseball in the State of Ohio?

I Don't want to throw any schools under the bus, but if there is a rule about this I would like to know. Thank You for all of your assistance.
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It's probably not legal. But given your other post I'm guessing the varsity coach was willing to risk a freshman team forfeit and a warning to "in your face" your son for the stunt mommy pulled. It's his way of saying, "Grow up. Be a man. Don't have mommy call me. Talk to me yourself."

The only way teams get caught on this stuff is someone reports them. I suggest your family learned it's lesson and doesn't bring it up in conversation again.
Last edited by RJM
I live in NW Ohio....very few schools have freshmen teams. We don't. We have 7 freshmen and 3 or 4 sophs playing most of our JV games. We are playing a couple of "freshman" games....meaning that we are playing another schools freshman team...even though we have some sophomores. The other schools are close enough to us that they obviously know not all of our kids are freshman. I'm guessing they're ok with it just to get their freshman team some games. Are you sure your team isn't in the same situation and the opposing coach knew about it? Either way, I don't see it as a "rules violation". I'm not sure there are "freshmen specific" rules...I think it's just common courtesy that you play freshmen on the freshmen team.
Originally posted by RJM:
It's probably not legal. But given your other post I'm guessing the varsity coach was willing to risk a freshman team forfeit and a warning to "in your face" your son for the stunt mommy pulled. It's his way of saying, "Grow up. Be a man. Don't have mommy call me. Talk to me yourself."

The only way teams get caught on this stuff is someone reports them. I suggest your family learned it's lesson and doesn't bring it up in conversation again.

First of all my kid had nothing to do with my wife calling the coach. He never asked her to call and he sure isn't going to wine to the coach for a spot. He knows how the game is played and he is the smallest kid on the field, even on the freshman team he is probably the smallest player, and he knows what it takes to get a spot, but a mother will do what she wants and when the varsity coach says to call him if you dont think your kid is getting enough time then some parents like my wife is going to call. The only thing I was asking about is whether it was legal or not so the High School doesn't get into trouble. It's not about my kid getting playing time. He missed his Freshman year of baseball due to a broken arm, and I did read that on some School Football teams if the player did not play for the team their freshman year they could play as a sophomore. But thats football so I wasn't sure.
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by RJM:
It's probably not legal. But given your other post I'm guessing the varsity coach was willing to risk a freshman team forfeit and a warning to "in your face" your son for the stunt mommy pulled. It's his way of saying, "Grow up. Be a man. Don't have mommy call me. Talk to me yourself."

The only way teams get caught on this stuff is someone reports them. I suggest your family learned it's lesson and doesn't bring it up in conversation again.

First of all my kid had nothing to do with my wife calling the coach. He never asked her to call and he sure isn't going to wine to the coach for a spot. He knows how the game is played and he is the smallest kid on the field, even on the freshman team he is probably the smallest player, and he knows what it takes to get a spot, but a mother will do what she wants and when the varsity coach says to call him if you dont think your kid is getting enough time then some parents like my wife is going to call. The only thing I was asking about is whether it was legal or not so the High School doesn't get into trouble. It's not about my kid getting playing time. He missed his Freshman year of baseball due to a broken arm, and I did read that on some School Football teams if the player did not play for the team their freshman year they could play as a sophomore. But thats football so I wasn't sure.
What the coach knows is the player complained at home and mommy called. He's thinking if the kid has a problem he should speak up, not complain to mommy. It's time for your son to grow up and take care of the situation himself. Tell your wife to NEVER, EVER call a coach again about position and playing time.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by RJM:
It's probably not legal. But given your other post I'm guessing the varsity coach was willing to risk a freshman team forfeit and a warning to "in your face" your son for the stunt mommy pulled. It's his way of saying, "Grow up. Be a man. Don't have mommy call me. Talk to me yourself."

The only way teams get caught on this stuff is someone reports them. I suggest your family learned it's lesson and doesn't bring it up in conversation again.

First of all my kid had nothing to do with my wife calling the coach. He never asked her to call and he sure isn't going to wine to the coach for a spot. He knows how the game is played and he is the smallest kid on the field, even on the freshman team he is probably the smallest player, and he knows what it takes to get a spot, but a mother will do what she wants and when the varsity coach says to call him if you dont think your kid is getting enough time then some parents like my wife is going to call. The only thing I was asking about is whether it was legal or not so the High School doesn't get into trouble. It's not about my kid getting playing time. He missed his Freshman year of baseball due to a broken arm, and I did read that on some School Football teams if the player did not play for the team their freshman year they could play as a sophomore. But thats football so I wasn't sure.
What the coach knows is the player complained at home and mommy called. He's thinking if the kid has a problem he should speak up, not complain to mommy. It's time for your son to grow up and take care of the situation himself. Tell your wife to NEVER, EVER call a coach again about position and playing time.

Why do you insist that my kid complained? And Why do you insist him to grow up and take care of the situation himself? Its not about a position of play or any of your redickulous remarks!

The Question Was, "Is it legal for a Sophomore to play Freshman baseball at the high school level?"

I dont want to know if you think my kid is some kind of winer or not, or whether you think our family learned some BS lesson. And if you've ever played High School Baseball you NEVER ask the coach to play, You show him your skills and he allows you to play. Simple as that. I already knew why he wasn't getting as much playing time.
I doubt that any infraction has occurred. Freshman and JV teams are building blocks for the varsity teams. Small schools rarely have freshman teams. Our JV teams routinely played larger schools freshman and JV teams to get more games in. Coaches seems to work this out in advance. The smaller schools usually work a freshman pitcher against the freshman team and and sophmore against the JV team. This way smaller school gets a double header and both large school teams worked their team as well. We have no post season for the non-varsity teams so why would it matter, infraction or not? Coach would pull up the best of both to get them time with the varsity squad during any post season activities.

People in these parts don't seem to get into these kind of issues; its all baseball!!
Last edited by AL MA 08
The Bylaws on the OHSAA website include:
2-2-1 Four year high schools may elect to have all students in grades 9-12 eligible to participate in varsity, junior varsity, reserve and class teams.
2-2-2 Ninth grade students in all schools are high school students and shall compete in athletics in accordance with high school bylaws and regulations.
2-2-3 Ninth grade students are not permitted to compete in interscholastic competition on the same team or squad with students below ninth grade.

So it looks like it is allowed by the OHSAA. The league conceivably has a rule prohibiting it, but probably not.
I'm sorry you have not received the responses you were looking for but soon you will realize that on this site many people are proud of the ways they do things the "right way". Any post that they see as a person not working hard and whining (not saying your son or family is doing this)they will give advice in what seems to be a very negative manner. I have received some of this negative advice and it is hard to take without getting intense. I have also gone back and looked at these posts and realized that I needed every bit of advice. I'm right there with you, I wish people had a better way of getting their point across but if they gift wrapped it and put a bow on it I on't think many people would learn what they were doing wrong.
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by RJM:
It's probably not legal. But given your other post I'm guessing the varsity coach was willing to risk a freshman team forfeit and a warning to "in your face" your son for the stunt mommy pulled. It's his way of saying, "Grow up. Be a man. Don't have mommy call me. Talk to me yourself."

The only way teams get caught on this stuff is someone reports them. I suggest your family learned it's lesson and doesn't bring it up in conversation again.

First of all my kid had nothing to do with my wife calling the coach. He never asked her to call and he sure isn't going to wine to the coach for a spot. He knows how the game is played and he is the smallest kid on the field, even on the freshman team he is probably the smallest player, and he knows what it takes to get a spot, but a mother will do what she wants and when the varsity coach says to call him if you dont think your kid is getting enough time then some parents like my wife is going to call. The only thing I was asking about is whether it was legal or not so the High School doesn't get into trouble. It's not about my kid getting playing time. He missed his Freshman year of baseball due to a broken arm, and I did read that on some School Football teams if the player did not play for the team their freshman year they could play as a sophomore. But thats football so I wasn't sure.
What the coach knows is the player complained at home and mommy called. He's thinking if the kid has a problem he should speak up, not complain to mommy. It's time for your son to grow up and take care of the situation himself. Tell your wife to NEVER, EVER call a coach again about position and playing time.

Why do you insist that my kid complained? And Why do you insist him to grow up and take care of the situation himself? Its not about a position of play or any of your redickulous remarks!

The Question Was, "Is it legal for a Sophomore to play Freshman baseball at the high school level?"

I dont want to know if you think my kid is some kind of winer or not, or whether you think our family learned some BS lesson. And if you've ever played High School Baseball you NEVER ask the coach to play, You show him your skills and he allows you to play. Simple as that. I already knew why he wasn't getting as much playing time.
Let me net it out for you! Parents should NEVER EVER go to coaches over playing time and position. It's not about what your son did or didn't do. It's what mommy did. The coach will perceive your son can't take care of himself and needs mommy to hold his hand. Chances are he will pay the price for mommy's actions.
Last edited by RJM
Whatever your talking about, Mommy this or that. I just wanted to know the original question.

Was it legal for him to play freshman as a softmore, but since you want to add to it information that has nothing to do with the question has just ended my time coming to this site.

Thanks for the ones that had information reguarding my question!
I was tying it to your other post. If I were you I would go silent on this issue before it gets back to the coach. It's a shame you would run from a site because someone told you the truth. Leaving the site won't harm anyone here. It can only harm your son for the lack of information received.
Last edited by RJM
Wow RJM you just cant get enough can you! It was a simple question in this thread. You have to start linking threads together making something of nothing.

What are you telling the truth about? You have no rule #'s or references to the question asked so please stick to the topic on hand and stop worrying about linking threads. If I asked if you should be calling someone to throw his school under the bus then that would be different then wouldn't it! The coach sent him down so what is it that you want to get back to him?? I was asking the rules if anyone knew them because I dont want to talk to the coach about it!!! Stop trying to make everyone think your some kind of information guru because you've given no positive information on this topic.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
The Bylaws on the OHSAA website include:
2-2-1 Four year high schools may elect to have all students in grades 9-12 eligible to participate in varsity, junior varsity, reserve and class teams.
2-2-2 Ninth grade students in all schools are high school students and shall compete in athletics in accordance with high school bylaws and regulations.
2-2-3 Ninth grade students are not permitted to compete in interscholastic competition on the same team or squad with students below ninth grade.

So it looks like it is allowed by the OHSAA. The league conceivably has a rule prohibiting it, but probably not.

Thanks, I just needed something to tell the Freshman parents when they start complaining about a sophomore playing down! If it were a case that the school would be in hot water, I would ask the coach not to do that! Thanks Again 3FingeredGlove
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Wow RJM you just cant get enough can you! It was a simple question in this thread. You have to start linking threads together making something of nothing.

What are you telling the truth about? You have no rule #'s or references to the question asked so please stick to the topic on hand and stop worrying about linking threads. If I asked if you should be calling someone to throw his school under the bus then that would be different then wouldn't it! The coach sent him down so what is it that you want to get back to him?? I was asking the rules if anyone knew them because I dont want to talk to the coach about it!!! Stop trying to make everyone think your some kind of information guru because you've given no positive information on this topic.
Since you won't let go of this I'll ask one more question. You don't need to respond to me. Respond to yourself. "What happens if your postings here get back to the coach? Am I helping my son in any way? Am I hurting my son in any way?" You never know who is watching.

My advice: I wouldn't make it my job to respond to other parents on your son playing freshman ball. I would go silent. If they have an issue it should be to the coach.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Wow RJM you just cant get enough can you! It was a simple question in this thread. You have to start linking threads together making something of nothing.

What are you telling the truth about? You have no rule #'s or references to the question asked so please stick to the topic on hand and stop worrying about linking threads. If I asked if you should be calling someone to throw his school under the bus then that would be different then wouldn't it! The coach sent him down so what is it that you want to get back to him?? I was asking the rules if anyone knew them because I dont want to talk to the coach about it!!! Stop trying to make everyone think your some kind of information guru because you've given no positive information on this topic.

Lighten up, Francis. Just because he hasn't told you what you want to hear doesn't make him wrong.

This site is most beneficial to people like you--those who are relatively new to the HS baseball realm. He did you a service by looking at the whole picture and giving you advice based on that.

It's really kinda sad that you not only have the hubris to complain about what happens here, but more so that your hubris may have a negative impact on your kids' careers.
I got the proper information from someone else. Also I am not a silent person and I have never cared who is watching, and I have already told the other parents to talk to the coach if there is a problem with them bringing my kid down.

To Matt13

I didn't ask for the whole picture. I asked if it were legal, and now I know that it is. As far as my kids baseball career, that is completely up to him. Some BS garbage posted on a website forum shouldn't affect any High School Coach, and if it does he should worry about why all 3 of his teams Varsity,JV, and Freshman have loosing records.

What you guys dont understand is that whatever my wife did had nothing to do with him playing down. The Freshman coaches said that they think that he wasn't getting playing time was personal. Whatever it is I could care less. I just wanted to know if it were legal. Thats all. If it were illegal then thats on the coach and that would be a different story.
You boys can go troll someone else now!
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Also I am not a silent person and I have never cared who is watching,

You say that as if it's a positive trait.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
I didn't ask for the whole picture. I asked if it were legal, and now I know that it is. As far as my kids baseball career, that is completely up to him. Some BS garbage posted on a website forum shouldn't affect any High School Coach, and if it does he should worry about why all 3 of his teams Varsity,JV, and Freshman have loosing records.

It shouldn't, but it can (and often does.) You do not get to choose the reality in which you live.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
What you guys dont understand is that whatever my wife did had nothing to do with him playing down.

That's what you think.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
The Freshman coaches said that they think that he wasn't getting playing time was personal. Whatever it is I could care less. I just wanted to know if it were legal. Thats all. If it were illegal then thats on the coach and that would be a different story.
You boys can go troll someone else now!

We're not the trolls here.
Originally posted by Matt13:
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Also I am not a silent person and I have never cared who is watching,

You say that as if it's a positive trait.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
I didn't ask for the whole picture. I asked if it were legal, and now I know that it is. As far as my kids baseball career, that is completely up to him. Some BS garbage posted on a website forum shouldn't affect any High School Coach, and if it does he should worry about why all 3 of his teams Varsity,JV, and Freshman have loosing records.

It shouldn't, but it can (and often does.) You do not get to choose the reality in which you live.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
What you guys dont understand is that whatever my wife did had nothing to do with him playing down.

That's what you think.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
The Freshman coaches said that they think that he wasn't getting playing time was personal. Whatever it is I could care less. I just wanted to know if it were legal. Thats all. If it were illegal then thats on the coach and that would be a different story.
You boys can go troll someone else now!

We're not the trolls here.

Its funny how you answered like those were questions. How could I have been the troll here? I started this thread!
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by Matt13:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Also I am not a silent person and I have never cared who is watching,

You say that as if it's a positive trait.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
I didn't ask for the whole picture. I asked if it were legal, and now I know that it is. As far as my kids baseball career, that is completely up to him. Some BS garbage posted on a website forum shouldn't affect any High School Coach, and if it does he should worry about why all 3 of his teams Varsity,JV, and Freshman have loosing records.

It shouldn't, but it can (and often does.) You do not get to choose the reality in which you live.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
What you guys dont understand is that whatever my wife did had nothing to do with him playing down.

That's what you think.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
The Freshman coaches said that they think that he wasn't getting playing time was personal. Whatever it is I could care less. I just wanted to know if it were legal. Thats all. If it were illegal then thats on the coach and that would be a different story.
You boys can go troll someone else now!

We're not the trolls here.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Its funny how you answered like those were questions.

You do not get to dictate who addresses what in your posts.

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
How could I have been the troll here? I started this thread!

I dunno...maybe because it was your first or second post ever here, and all you're doing is arguing with people who are more knowledgeable?
Last edited by Matt13
I am sorry that you are wrong matt. I am not arguing, I plainly asked a question and only wanted an answer for that question. Plain and simple as that. And to be honest about certain High School rules, I am sure that most of you know more than me by far and that is a great thing. But I only wanted 1 answer not have what was said about something completely different in a completely different thread added in and blown out of preportion.

Oh yah and my kid was sent down to the Freshman team a week before my wife called the Varsity coach so NO it didn't have anything to do with her making a call. Know your facts before you try to change what I already know.
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Oh yah and my kid was sent down to the Freshman team a week before my wife called the Varsity coach so NO it didn't have anything to do with her making a call. Know your facts before you try to change what I already know.

It's not a good thing to change your story (emphasis mine):

Originally posted by GsKaWa:
So my wife calls the Varsity coach yesterday and he seem to be genually concerned about what the coach was doing and said he was going to check the books. Today my 10th grade son gets sent down to the freshman team to sit the bench for the 1 3 innings.
Last edited by Matt13
OK, Since you want to hear the whole GD story here go's. A week ago my son played on the Freshman Team for a Double Header. During this past weeks games he got to pinch hit 1 time on the JV team(Got a hit Stole 2 bases and scored a run) My wife was ****ed that he only got to pinch hit on JV and thought he should be playing more. She called the Varsity Coach to find out whats up. He said He would not mention it to the JV coach, he was just going to check out the books. My boy went back to the Freshman team the next day sat the bench for the first 3 innings. They put him in at 2nd base in the 4th He batted in the fifth got a base hit, stole 2 bases and scored a run. Did I leave anything out?
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
OK, Since you want to hear the whole GD story here go's. A week ago my son played on the Freshman Team for a Double Header. During this past weeks games he got to pinch hit 1 time on the JV team(Got a hit Stole 2 bases and scored a run) My wife was ****ed that he only got to pinch hit on JV and thought he should be playing more. She called the Varsity Coach to find out whats up. He said He would not mention it to the JV coach, he was just going to check out the books. My boy went back to the Freshman team the next day sat the bench for the first 3 innings. They put him in at 2nd base in the 4th He batted in the fifth got a base hit, stole 2 bases and scored a run. Did I leave anything out?

Yeah, you did. You failed to say "you're right RJM and wife did cause this trouble". Both of your posts, on both threads, came after your son was called up then sent back down. Where were your posts preceding or following the freshman DH? They only came after he went back down - due, no doubt, to the end-around phone call. So, you look for information that may assist you in causing trouble because you can't stand the fact he went back down. You don't get that information and it's making you angry. It's making you even angrier to know that RJM is right....beyond right, in fact. I actually understand how you feel but you need to realize that the information you are now getting from those members is FAR more important than the information you originally sought. Put your ego aside and listen.
My wife was ****ed that he only got to pinch hit on JV and thought he should be playing more. She called the Varsity Coach to find out whats up. He said He would not mention it to the JV coach, he was just going to check out the books.

I want to ask you a few questions and try to make you realize I'm not trying to attack you. It's probably going to sound that way but please understand that's not my intention.

What did you wife expect to be the outcome of the phone call? Did she think he would start getting more playing time since she called the head coach? If she did expect him to get more playing time would she be surprised if the parent of the kid now on the bench calls the coach to complain about playing time and now this kid starts playing over your son again?

I have never understood why parents think it's ok to call or confront a coach about playing time. Do they not realize it only opens a Pandora's Box of problems that will make their son probably feel worse if they do get more playing time? There's no program in the world that will ever be a winning program if coaches actually gave in to these demands.

The player can approach the coach to ask what he needs to work on to get more playing time but to just flat out ask or complain about playing time is a no win situation.
Sorry Nova your wrong also


Thats it and nothing else!!!

So your answer is wrong also. No need to go back and rewrite everything in exact detail from every day of the past 2 weeks. Its ok if you guys want to look like you know everything and its also ok for you to think that "YOU GOT ME ON THAT", but you didnt get me on anything. Only 1 person on this whole thread answerd my question and didn't try to bash what my wife did or what I said in another thread. This was never about play time. Not once in your post did you have any type of answer on whether or not it is legal for a 10th grader to play on the freshman team. You guys just want to jump on some other unknow fiction. You want more facts The Varsity team has 17 players(They wont send him up), the JV team has 17 players(He doesn't get much time), The Freshman team has 11 players and 3 are on waivers. Oh yah and my son was DH for the JV team not Freshman. He will be playing on the freshman team again on friday and there is a double header on saturday he will be on the JV team again. Now what's in the coach's head? I am asking you now? Can you explain this? Personally I dont care where he plays. There is no difference and besides he is younger than over half of the Freshman team as it is. No I didn't Redshirt my kid like everyone else. So before you tell me I am wrong again answer the inital question at the beginning of this thread! Thank You.
Originally posted by coach2709:
My wife was ****ed that he only got to pinch hit on JV and thought he should be playing more. She called the Varsity Coach to find out whats up. He said He would not mention it to the JV coach, he was just going to check out the books.

I want to ask you a few questions and try to make you realize I'm not trying to attack you. It's probably going to sound that way but please understand that's not my intention.

What did you wife expect to be the outcome of the phone call? Did she think he would start getting more playing time since she called the head coach? If she did expect him to get more playing time would she be surprised if the parent of the kid now on the bench calls the coach to complain about playing time and now this kid starts playing over your son again?

I have never understood why parents think it's ok to call or confront a coach about playing time. Do they not realize it only opens a Pandora's Box of problems that will make their son probably feel worse if they do get more playing time? There's no program in the world that will ever be a winning program if coaches actually gave in to these demands.

The player can approach the coach to ask what he needs to work on to get more playing time but to just flat out ask or complain about playing time is a no win situation.

He never told her that he was going to get anymore playing time he said they should be rotating players and he would check the books. I appreciate everybody trying to annalize what the coach is doing, but I know what the coach is doing. My question was , "Is it legal for a 10th grader to play freshman baseball?"

Nice to meet you coach2709
Originally posted by coach2709:
I have never understood why parents think it's ok to call or confront a coach about playing time.

I'll never forget this one. Long time ago, there was a lot of grumbling from a mom and dad about playing time. One night, they said they'd had enough and were going to speak to the coach after practice. They did. I couldn't hear what the parents said, but I heard what the coach screamed at the top of his lungs:


*****GskWaWa, I am not making any implications about you, or your son. Just telling an old story in response to Coach's remark.****
Last edited by AntzDad
GsKawa- Chill out.

This website is filled with people that are much more experienced with the level of baseball you are referring to than you are. These people have years and years and years of experience. Many of them, in fact, have been on the exact opposite side of you- the coach's office- for similar situations in the past. This does not make them smarter than you, but it certainly makes them more aware than you and therefore more qualified to make the statements that have been make above.

This website also is filled with people who genuinely LOVE the game of baseball. There is no incentive for anyone to post here. Many of the people that have responded to you do not have children in high school anymore. From a selfish standpoint, it is often times useless for them to continue to participate in posting on this website because they're receiving little to no benefit out of that participation. However, and I'm sure I'm speaking for most of those individuals, these people continue to post here because they see this website as a wonderful attribute and learning haven for those that need to learn the information that has already been passed down to them.

As a parent I'm sure there are times when your child has done something that leads to another action. You, being more experienced and worldly than your child, take it upon yourself to use that action as a learning experience in hopes that your child will continue to take your knowledge and advice into consideration for the future. It is the same concept here in this thread. The people participating are simply trying to point things out to you that will be beneficial to know in the future.

My advice pertaining to the events that have occurred above in this thread: it is NEVER a good idea for a parent to call a coach. Whether that parent's intention is to complain about playing time or not, there is a good chance that the coach will perceive it in that way. And therefore, there is pretty much no benefit for your son in that situation. That is advice for everyone, not just you.

Please stop lashing out at the people here that are just trying to give you advice. They are viewing a situation and responding to the best of their abilities with their opinion as to what would be the best thing to do for you and your son. It's called caring, not patronizing or disciplining. You don't have to listen to their advice, but be thankful for it. Don't turn defensive, because that's useless for everyone here.
Okay, I have to side with GsKaWa here.

He asked a simple question and a previous post from a different thread was thrown up at him. IMO, it was done in a hostile and agressive way which does happen on this site.

Yes, there are a ton of great and knowledgeable people on this site and have offered tons of great advice. However, some really like to cram it down other's throat.

GsKaWa, my advice. You got your answer. Walk away from this site for a few days and let this thread die. Once your blood has stopped boiling, come back because you'll be better for it!
Last edited by dw8man

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