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I would have to give that an absolute NO WAY. Why put that in front of them? You know there some parents who cannot hold their alcohol and will make spectacles of themselves. Plus, what if a parent thinks it's ok for their kid to drink as long as it is "under supervised" conditions? All of a sudden you now have a kid with a beer in his hand.

Way to risky if you ask me.
good question, but not sure there is a yes or no answer.

my 2 cents - treat it like any other party you'd have... if you normaly have a cooler of beer why change ... if you normaly serve only soft drinks that's ok too (& people will go home sooner Wink)

most parties like that have guests bringing a salad or covered dish & most will also bring whatever they usually drink .. all you need is a cooler & ice

regarding players ..

if you don't think they would respect a "soft drinks only" for players policy with Mom & Dad
in the next room, you're really in a pickle once they are out of sight at their own parties
Last edited by Bee>
We do two "parties" if you will. One is a night of grilling out and people bringing food on Senior Night, for everyone to eat before the game. Parents of seniors exempted from bringing something, of course. Smile

Then, after the season is over, we have a team dinner where the team awards are given out, and the coach awards letters. This is typically catered at a local hall, so the parents can all sit back and enjoy.
Just depends on who you are I guess. If it was my party there is no way there is alcohol and kids there as I don't want to be remembered as "the guy who had the party that (fill in the blank) happened." That's just me, I'm pretty conservative... like I tell my players; I want to read about you on the sports page, not the front page (until you're famous).
gotta love all the hyptheticals, red herrings, & urban myths being brought forth Smile

duh? - goes w/o saying that a hs coach hosted party should be dry
did anyone anyone ask about "coach hosted parties"?

"I don't want to be known as the guy who had the party that (fill in the blank) happened."

IF you can't gather with friends & celebrate w/o something bad happening ...
please have yourself locked up

Someone else is responsible for my actions - urban myth


IF - you NEVER EVER had adults over to your home before, get advice & planning help from a friend

IF - you HAVE had people over, just do what you always do

it's a parent's party, don't fret too much about the players ...
make sure you feed them well, the boys will stay long enough to be polite - then most will head out somwhere else ...


WHEN .. they DO head out to other destinations -

you WILL worry til they get home and are safely in their own bed

just trying to help Smile
Last edited by Bee>
Party,...did someone mention a p-a-r-t-y???

Since this is a free country, we can all run the parties exactly as they ought to be

Yesssirrreee it is a free country indeed, thank goodness, thank goodness! And of course one is free to choose and make their choice about one's own party,....( paper plates or every day dishes?, brauts, burgers or both?,...cheetos: crunchy or puffy, etc. etc. )

but but but but buuuuuut,.....ut-hum,.....

when one asks " ok,'s the dilema,... tell me what you think ",

....why thats just an open basket waiting for us HSBBW posters to jump in with our ever so smart and savey two cents! Its the HSBBW duty and we'd be almost neglectful if we didnt offer our thoughts! Nothing carved in stone of course,...just opinions. Big Grin

( P.S......For the record, I say go with BOTH brauts AND burgers, not that anyone really asked me,..but just incase you were pondering. Shortstopmomma sure does love her outdoor grillin' baseball parties, yes she does!! Been known to throw a few of her own she has, yesss sirrrreeee Bob!

Have fun at the party ROB!!!!!!! Dont get too worried if you spot a few lurkers hidden behind the grill wearing these:

Probably just a few 1,000+ hungry HSBBW friends stoppin' by saying, " Hey,....we heard Rob was throwin' a party! " Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
Our HS party is actually on school property so obviously the answer would be no beer/wine. Couple years back wee did host a party at our house and I had a cooler of beer out in the garage. As time went on the boys migrated to the x-box and the adults migrated to the garage - we didnt make a big deal about it so it never became a big deal.

Oh man. At just about every hs game--certainly every afternoon game and usually the second game of the Saturday double-headers there is a steady group who have the coolers in the back of the suv's---and drink from 7-11 cups....Some moms have margaritas.......They hang out in the parking lot in the outfield.... But like parents, like sons....Three years ago, the coach had to beg the varsity players not to show up at the Saturday double-headers with hangovers. It's really quite pitiful.

But not as pitiful as some of the parents on my 14 year old daughter's softball team....Ohmigod. Last year my daughter made me promise to not hang out with them. It was a very easy promise to make and keep.... I made her promise to NEVER GET IN A CAR WITH THEM....not even to just drive from one field to the next and they stay in the parking lot...It's awful. I sure don't get it. Don't get me wrong, not everyone drinks during the games, but too many do--and it starts with the Bloody Marys in the morning....And then they switch to beer or vodka.... And they drink a lot. At youth softball games. In the middle of the day... long days...long, hot days that turn to night....and then they have to drive home or to a hotel. It is sad.

And scary.
Last edited by play baseball
Originally posted by play baseball:

Oh man. At just about every hs game--certainly every afternoon game and usually the second game of the Saturday double-headers there is a steady group who have the coolers in the back of the suv's---and drink from 7-11 cups....Some moms have margaritas.......They hang out in the parking lot in the outfield.... But like parents, like sons....Three years ago, the coach had to beg the varsity players not to show up at the Saturday double-headers with hangovers. It's really quite pitiful.

But not as pitiful as some of the parents on my 14 year old daughter's softball team....Ohmigod. Last year my daughter made me promise to not hang out with them. It was a very easy promise to make and keep.... I made her promise to NEVER GET IN A CAR WITH THEM....not even to just drive from one field to the next and they stay in the parking lot...It's awful. I sure don't get it. Don't get me wrong, not everyone drinks during the games, but too many do--and it starts with the Bloody Marys in the morning....And then they switch to beer or vodka.... And they drink a lot. At youth softball games. In the middle of the day... long days...long, hot days that turn to night....and then they have to drive home or to a hotel. It is sad.

And scary.

This sums up my point - you cannot guarantee that everyone is going to be responsible drinking. Also, what about that parent who doesn't like the coach "because he is doing my boy wrong by not playing him"? Why give that idiot the potential ammunition to go after your job?

Somewhere a parent is looking to get you canned because "anyone can do a better job than you".
for some high school was the best 25 years of their lives.

i have had the kids over after home games for the last few years, the wife and i are happy to do it. we don't invite parents but we don't discourage them either. we have beer in the house but we aren't drinkers, some parents come some have a beer. sometimes the coach's showup, we have a rule about coach bashing not in my house. i'll have a cooler full of water and soda in my p/u.after the games i sit on my tail gate offer soda's and then and there it's ok to rant, get over it and move on. we have the most knowledgable baseball parents in the world at our school, or at least it sounds like
Last edited by 20dad
Shortstopmomma sure does love her outdoor grillin' baseball parties, yes she does!! Been known to throw a few of her own she has, yesss sirrrreeee Bob!

Ummmmm just for the record, little added footnote:
These baseball/football/volleyball parties were 100% alcohol free. No adult beverages for the adults,...but lots of soft drinks, sport drinks, and home brewed southern sweet iced tea!

Now,.....our annual neighborhood St. Patty's day party,.....complete different story.

Reason? Not related to youth sports.
Last edited by shortstopmom
fwiw, my comments & suggestions above were based on adults that behave like adults.

that said, and realizing that is NOT always the case, we go to "party plan B"
from the Bee Hive playbook - aka, how we do it down on the farm

formal invitations w/rsvp 2 weeks in advance
formal dress required
the butler and maid should have black-belt/bouncer credentials, the maid should be pretty hot allowing her to difuse potential trouble before it gets started. They and the bartenders should be briefed on each guest and the underage players/guests - give particular attention to any "softball moms".
security should be visible but discrete & remain outside unless needed.

invite a few print media types, NO tv media or video-cameras - **caution, the media guys will eat & drink everything you have if left unchecked. The police chief and/or mayor are also on the guest list.
(no Senators). Also invite a local pastor to give an invocation & pray before the meal

the hostess should greet the guests & confirm their invitations . ** be watchful for uninvited media, free food/drink to them is like "blood in the water" to a shark

Hors d'oeuvres should be plentiful & served as guests arrive, and a string quartet will play until just before dinner

Busboys should promtly pick up unattended drinks to prevent any temptation.

Dinner served on time followed by coaching staff intros/short speeches and player intros

the bar is closed, coffee served, and the host thanks everyone for attending

trained valet parking staff w/cab service on stand-by if required

**you may find a couple media guys at breakfast the next morning Wink

hope that helps
Last edited by Bee>
Every once in awhile, a little humor is welcome on the family website Smile

Bee> - that was funny Big Grin

Back on topic. Fungo once said something that has always stuck with me. If you have to keep coming back into a thread to make the same point, how strong was the point to begin with Reasonable minds can disagree about things and people are smart enough to make up their own minds on things.

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