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Gotwood is right - I asked the question because I really wanted the perspective of the folks here, and I got what I think are very legitimate and reasonable responses.

I'll discuss it with our coach to make the decision.

The parents on our team are to a person responsible adults. Either way, I doubt there will be a problem, but I appreciate everyone's perspective.
Here in NY many schools have athletes sign a code of conduct. On some of those forms athletes are not even allowed at a party where alcohol is being served. And on all of them they are prohibited from drinking alcohol or taking any drugs. Many schools here in the Mid-Hudson region have a zero tolerance policy. No sense jeopardizing the kids playing time just to have a beer.
Originally posted by Tom R:
Here in NY many schools have athletes sign a code of conduct. On some of those forms athletes are not even allowed at a party where alcohol is being served.

So what happens when little Johnny goes with mom and dad to a family birthday party and beer is served?

Woodrow - WELCOME BACK!!!!
Last edited by Beezer
Little Johnny gets to blow out the candles and mom and dad get to blow the head of foam off their beers!


I think it just makes too much sense to not serve alcohol at that type of party or function. There will be many other opportunities for people to drink and have fun.

It appears that your group will not be upset at all with the lack of adult beverages at your season ending party.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
by Tom: On some of those forms athletes are not even allowed at a party where alcohol is being served
that's true here, but to clarify, it's meaning/intent is to deter them from attending hs weekend "kid" parties were underage drinking is going on even if they are apparently NOT partaking?

it's NOT meant to deter them from being anywhere that alcohol is served
Last edited by Bee>
I think Tom R has made an excellent point as well. All the posts in this thread have been excellent btw.

A few thoughts:

Athletes are not allowed to attend weddings Tom?

Rob did say post season, do those rules about attending parties apply 365 days per year Tom?

Question to the general audience - what about high school graduation parties? This is very controversial imho. Many graduation parties are conducted before the school and/or the baseball season ends. Should alcohol be prohibited at these?
Are we also sending the wrong message if alcohol is served at any graduation parties?

In our case we were fearful of teenage drinking at our graduation party for my son but wanted our guests to have a good time. We tried to split the baby by having the party on a Sunday afternoon in broad daylight. We figured people were unlikely to drink as much on Sunday. Being in the daytime, we figured we would be able to a) make sure no kid was drinking and b) be able to monitor whether or not kids had anything to drink before they got there and take away their keys if necessary.

Maybe the best policy is just to say no drinking at any kid-attended party???
Well shoot,
I guess our rule of thumb was/is if the reason for the party was/is for kids/minors ( childs birthday, sports celebration, HS graduation, etc. ) no alcohol.

If its a party for the neighborhood, Uncle Harry's 34th successful run around the golf course, college graduation, New Years, etc, then alcohol could be served to the adults.

I think the " reason " behind the party is what has made our decision to serve adults beverages or not to.

Anyone care to join us for my teenage daughters end of the season track party? We're having 45+ screaming teenagers ( 10+ adult chaperones plus lifeguards ) at the pool,...with loud blaring music,...water races/games,....( did I mention loud blaring music???),,...and more pizza, kareoke, and no alcohol.

The parent party will be the next day, the city, a quiet ( did I mention quiet ) Italian restaraunt.
Vino will be served, to those adults who wish to partake.

Just our own personal guidelines, and nothing more.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Is it that important?

Personally, no.
But shortstopmom has been known
to enjoy an ice cold margarita
with her home grilled fajitas
while visiting with friends on
a hot summer weekend evening.
( teki torches lit,..and hammocks swaying in the breeze )

I do get your point though dad10, I do.
I could do all the above and have just as good of a time without the margarita, but as an adult I have the choice. Sometimes I choose to partake, other times I do not.

As CD said at the beginning of the thread, its a matter of personal choice. I do believe that adults need to drink responsibly....very responsibly.
Last edited by shortstopmom
pretty good input by all, and I do favor whatever method is comfortable to the group

tho I'm still not sure how I could expect mine to refrain while out w/friends if I didn't trust him/her & friends under my direct parental supervision.

by CD: We figured people were unlikely to drink as much on Sunday.
CD my friend, we'll have to take in a Browns game while ya re-think that one

ssmom, w/my maid you need no chaperones & will play the music YOU like Wink

so do you trust the guys to attend MLB games w/volunteer groups/friends working concessions & w/their pay dependent on how much "product" they sell??
Last edited by Bee>

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