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I am sick, this is just horrible. Prayers to all of the Tech students and their families.

Last friday I found out that one of our sub-contractoes offices were closed for a week. Boyfriend entered the building and shot his girlfriend. She pulled though. I just can't stand what is happening to our society these days, is it too easy to get a gun, poeple have so much rage and can't control it. Why?
All of our local kids have checked in and are okay, but very scary-one was on the dorm floor above the first shooting, one was 2 buildings over from the Engineering building.

Pray and pray and pray some more for the families and friends of the slain students. These scars won't heal. There is no sense to be made of something like this, and it unfortunately reminds us all we're just one nut case away from our last breath. Never could I have imagined anything like this happening in Blacksburg, Virginia.
I have a friend on the VT Baseball Team, I just heard from him, he's doing alright, but he was very very lucky, for some reason he didn't go to class this morning and because of that he wasn't involved, he said his first class was at the building where the shooting was.

My prayers go out to all the students and their families and friends
I know that when something like happens at a school close by, or to which you have close ties, it truly feels like it is your family that has been hurt. So my heart goes out to hokieone and all the other Hokies who are reeling. I know that my own heart is so heavy right now. Life today is so violent in so many ways and it can happen anywhere, to anyone. We just tend to forget how vulnerable we all are.

I will save for another day and another place, my own political rant about gun control and campus security.
Originally posted by sluggo:
I always felt after 9/11 that the next target would be our families, in schools and malls.

I have been haunted by that thought for a long time. Whenever something like this happens, the rage I feel from 9/11 wells up in me. This whole country is a target and we cannot even identify who or what the enemy is because of political correctness. Even though today's terrible slayings may not be a terrorist incident per se, the Beltway snipers provided the blue print on how to terrorize the entire nation with much less sophistication than employed on 9/11.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
After returning from a very sad funeral today I first heard the reports.

Don’t even know what to say. Now I am listening to some woman blame the University for all of this. Seems she thinks they (College Officials) really screwed up somehow. How do you ever become prepared for something like this?

This is just shocking!
What happened at VA Tech is terrible but what also concerns me are copycats and repurcussions against those resemble the coward who took the lives.

Initial reports are pointing at an Asian who pulled thr trigger. This is the time where we as parents have to make a point to the kids that one bad apple does not make a race. We have always been a melting pot where contributions have been made by a multiude of nationalities and I feel that is why our life style is what it is. It is never too early to share that message. In the next few weeks we try to begin the healing time, but many times "hate" will stick out it's ugly head.

I don't want to hijack this thread with a politcal statement, but rather a proactive message to share with your kids.
Last edited by rz1

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