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I often profess my faith, but sometime find myself allowing pride to get in the way of asking for help. While my son's injury isn't nearly as life-threatening or serious as JP's, it still is very important to him. 

As some know, my son had some elbow issues last fall. It was thought that it was ulnar nerve impingement and he had a surgical procedure to transposition the ulnar nerve. He rehabbed back from that surgery seemingly uneventful only to feel a "pop" on the 4th pitch of his first bullpen off a mound. A MRI confirmed our fears and he underwent UCL reconstruction in December.

As all of you with kids that have dealt with an injury,know, the toughest part is not being part of the team. He missed the competition. He is a very private person, but I could tell he was struggling with being in the training room while all his teammates where on the field competing. 

He is now 8 months post surgery. His throwing program has not gone smooth. He seems to have a couple of good weeks but then feels discomfort in his elbow. A steroid is prescribed and the process kind of repeats itself. His surgeon has maintained that he doesn't think there is any structural damage, but has scheduled a MRI for tomorrow to rule out any structural damage. 

I am reaching out to my baseball family to keep Nick in your prayers. Pray for an accurate diagnosis. Nick has said, "Dad if someone could just tell me it's ok, I don't mind pushing through discomfort or rehabbing for 24 months."  I think he is just "gun shy" because of both surgeries back to back. Hard to watch your kid, who is now approaching adulthood, have to go through struggles like this and you are on the sideline unable to do anything. These type events will make you stronger if they don't break you. I will thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers. 

Thanks YG

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Recovering from TJS is not a one size fits all, plus keep in mind that he had 2 surgeries back to back.

By any chance did the surgeon clean out his elbow after ulnar transposition?  It took son a very long time to recover from having his elbow cleaned up after they moved the nerve.



You've certainly got my continued prayers. Best of luck and strength to him. Very difficult for our old minds to process this, so significantly more so for a young buck who is indestructible to handle. Hoping his college playing career will be back on track soon (even if it is at that evil opponent school ).

Update. MRI results were read today. No structural damage. The team trainer called me to inform me of the results. We are elated!!  The trainer said the doctor feels like it is just some scar tissue from the surgeries that is causing the discomfort. His course of action is to continue with the throwing program and soft tissue work and arm care and hopefully this issue will resolve itself. 

Thanks to everyone that has prayed for Nick and passed on their best wishes. I will always worry, but it gives me hope that he will return since there is no structural damage. 

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