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OP -

Although 2010 has an interest in McKinney - Pretty sure no kids there (unless a move is in the works, which would be awesome!). Mine is a freshman at MHS,so we are keeping are fingers crossed these next few days to see where we end up, and maybe, just maybe, by district we will get to see OPson and the rest of the talent over at North!
Originally posted by 4leafclover:
OP -

Although 2010 has an interest in McKinney - Pretty sure no kids there (unless a move is in the works, which would be awesome!). Mine is a freshman at MHS,so we are keeping are fingers crossed these next few days to see where we end up, and maybe, just maybe, by district we will get to see OPson and the rest of the talent over at North!


I wish your son the best. How did things go yesterday? McKinney is my alma-mater and I wish them well.....except 2 days a year!! Keep us posted on how things are going this week.
I don't know who you consider"others" but at least 5 maybe 6 threw andthere were no numbers so I can not tell you who they are as I only know of Johnson by site. All the others beside Johnson were not that impressive.

Nothing stood out at the plate except the Grace prep hitters that hit it out of the park on several of the kids not named Johnson from Lamar.
Once again the Johnson kid from Lamar excelled in his 3 innings of work against Trinity. No hits, no runs.

Don't have a kid on the team and don't know any current players and only know the Johnson's as family freinds but as a casual observer, Lamar will need some help besides Johnson on the hill.

I heard multible guys have hurt arms and that can't be good as you head into tournament play.

On a side note, the Lamar freshman beat Trintiy in their first scrimmage of the year. After watching my older son in college games, it's was a little tough to go watch the younger one at his first HS scrimmage/game. I have to remind myself it is not summer ball or college ball and just relax.
It sounds to me like a lot of people are severely underestimating lamar. Drew Johnson seems to be a hot topic. I haven't played him at all the last couple years and don't have a strong recollection of him. If he's doing as well as I've heard, then I send my congradulations. However, and with this I intend no disrespect, but I've played with Nick Lee and most of the other players on the team for that matter and Nick Lee is their #2 arm. Again, I haven't seen Drew pitch and admittedly I am biased, but Nick's a talented kid and will do a lot of good things both as a pitcher, second baseman and as one of the two left handed bats that will anchor this lamar lineup. Also, don't be surprised if Ben Walker throws some quality innings out there in important games this year- there's a live arm that seems to be getting overlooked. As for the pitching staff on the whole, I encourage the lamar faithful to relax a little. Sometimes, we all tend to forget that you don't have to be prototypical phenom like the ace of the staff to get outs. After all, that is the objective.

I think Screwball for the most part is dead on in his previous breakdown of the district. Though, in my humble opinion, with Buchelle, Arocha, and Lee, Lamar has the best infield in the district. THeir outfield is no slouch either. YOu've got three pretty good athletes out there in Garner, Green, and Jockers. All three of those guys will make considerable defensive as well as offensive contributions this year (Taylor Jockers being the other left handed bat previously mentioned accompanying Nick- let me pre-empt any arguments of Taylor maybe not hitting well last year- He's capable of hitting at least .350 and I think he would be disappointed in that performance). For my money, Lamar finishes second in the district, beheind duncanville and ahead of martin (Martin is short on arms and will have to rely on their offense to make the playoffs- never a good formula for winning consistently). Watch out for Bowie though. Their #1 will give the chance to win any given night in district play.
Duncanville has pitching issues. Calhoun has good stuff, but he has yet to do it on the varsity level.

Here is a little inside scoop for all of you..._________ is ineligible and has been since the end of the football season. Remember, he was ineligible his entire freshman and sophomore year. Last year, was the first year he passed. If this is an issue this season, that makes them a much different team. I hope for his sake he gets his grades together because he is a a tremendous talent.

Arlington is the team to watch. They return their entire lineup plus they got Zac Osman back from Pantego. We scrimmaged Martin on Saturday. NCHS19, I agree with your assessment on them. But, they know how to and expect to win.
Last edited by Panther Dad
funneldrill -- with all due respect, I think it is inappropriate to discuss specific eligibility issues in this forum.

Everyone, let's stay positive about kids. Even the more "liberal" football message boards generally stay away from the no-pass, no-play topic since the entire story is seldom available and it may paint a kid in a negative light.

As for game recaps, etc....let's all be sensitive to the fact that we are serving as reporters of sorts, despite our obvious bias towards one of the two teams. Again, let's highlight positives and only mention negatives in a generic sense. I prefer, "the Panthers' winning run was unearned...." to "East won on an error by Plano West's left-handed third baseman..." Smile

These "suggestions" are not aimed by funneldrill....there are few coaches that demostrate his level of care and concern for his kids. FD, you're a class act.

Looks like another great day for baseball tomorrow! Stay warm. Smile
PD I understand you sensitivity to addressing anyone in a negative light on this board, but I don't think Funneldrill was doing anything but stating a fact about a player. There were several posts prior to FD's post that questioned the heart of specific players from Lamar, if that's what you are addressing, I guess I understand, but make sure you don't call out people directly either.

If not for FD posts, most of the members spend their time slapping each other on the back about their sons greatness. FD is one of the few who bring true information about local high school baseball to the forum. I would guess 50% of the post should be private messages from one Dallas Tiger or DBAT or Mustang to another. Most of the posts are inane drone. If not for FD and a few others this forum would not be worth the cyberspace it takes up.
Originally posted by nchs19:
Martin is short on arms and will have to rely on their offense to make the playoffs- never a good formula for winning consistently.

What happened to all of Martin's pitching? They had 5 Arlington A's, 2 Dallas Mustangs (1 of those may be a Tiger now but not sure) and 1 Monarch pitchers.
Last edited by 11sdad
reggie -- this isn't a personal issue with any one person. The Lamar discussion did not mention specific players by name when questioning their heart. Or if it did, those posts are equally inappropriate. I have no desire to direct the discussion in one way or another. This particular issue has nothing to do with DBAT, the Dallas Tigers, Mustangs, or Marshals.

Regarding your feelings about the other inane drone, the primary purpose of the site is to share information regarding HS baseball as it relates to many subjects. But the rules discourage negativity towards specific players.

You're 51 posts into this message board. I'm not expecting you to research history here, but I have always been a big supporter of funneldrill and appreciate his unique position. In this case, I do not think it is beneficial to the discussion or anyone involved to specifically identify an ineligible player. Call it a moderator's perrogative if you think the editing was selective. Or contact me in private and we can discuss it further.

I respect your opinion on this matter. Again, it is not personal. I have a feeling that FD will not have a huge problem with my stance. Many consider this cyberspace to be a valuable resource, because it is much more than DFW chit-chat. A lot of backslapping? -- YES. Too much at times? -- Perhaps.

FD and other coaches will continue to be among the board's favorite posters -- with much of the "best" information to share.


I see nothing wrong with your moderation in this case. As a parent, if my son had grade issues, I wouldn't want it plastered all over this website. Like you said, there may be extenuating circumstances. Even if there is not, it doesn't need to be discussed here.

I also enjoy funneldrill's ideas and discussions very much, but I bet he would agree that we can leave kids grade issues out.
Originally posted by screwball:
Lamar played Hebron and Irving Friday night. Lamar won both games, forget the scores but Hebron was closer than Irving. Don't know about Hebron or Irving but Lamar was still looking at several pitchers. Lee only threw two innings and Sperry didn't pitch at all.

Is there a different Hebron than the one in District 6-5A? The Hebron Hawks did not play Friday or last weekend.
Originally posted by nchs19:
Martin is short on arms and will have to rely on their offense to make the playoffs- never a good formula for winning consistently.

Originally posted by funneldrill:
NCHS19, I agree with your assessment on them.

PD I'm not sure what your talking about, we have no pitching. Wink
Last edited by 11sdad
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
We have to prepare for your son, T-B dad and Collikar's son, and the Coppell, Mansfield, and Keller Central kids -- we're going to have our hands full!

You do NOT have to prepare for T-Bird son...he is about #6 on the pitching depth chart...that is why he was throwing on Saturday. The wind kept blowing the ball into the strike zone.

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