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your positive he never seen him, never got him on campus, never sent an assistant, grad assistant, etc to see him. That's highly unlikely they'd offer scholarship money to a kid sight-unseen. Like I mentioned before there's exceptions to every rule. For any time I say college or pro guys like tall skinny guys, you can come up with a Chone Figgins or a Ryan Theriot for me but let's not kid ourselves. When I talk about this stuff I am talking about the norm and majority, not the exception to the rules.

You never gave the kids name, I brought his name up first, go back on this thread and find where you gave his name to anyone on here? Either way, I don't really care. How is it easy to find out the info I told you, is there pictures of him to find out his body type or that he has a really good swing, if so let me know. I just checked PBR and they have him listed as inf/OF as well. Not sure if they have video on him cause I don't get that but if everything i told you and you still don't believe me. Nothing I can do. I was sticking up for your thoughts anyway, saying there's some good talent down south that might not be mentioned. Problem is this kid is in the magazine and mentioned. Sure there's alot more that aren't though.
Nails, I am being serious, is there something wrong with have never seen this kid play, you know you got the name from a fellow poster who got a PM from me and all the info you got was available on the Internet. If you have seen him play, you would have had no problem going oh yea I watched him at Northwestern? or whatever.

For some reason you want everyone to think you are important or something and no one cares, in fact I feel sorry for you cause you have just been caught in a lie.

Just be yourself and quit acting like something your not.
Funny, so whose the one lying now and making things up. Please don't make up things about me that you don't know. I have no clue who RR is and to think that you'd PM him and he'd tell me a kid's name and then I'd go talk about him on here and tell PBR. Who am I to tell PBR anything? as far as I know they hear it from the colleges themselves. I think your making yourself look more foolish in this arguement. What does it matter where I seen him play, i provided you his name without you giving it and told you what position he plays, how he looks, and things about him. Now your making up stories about how I found that out on the internet and secretely have some conspiracy with RR.

He then proceeds to tell you that he doesn't know me and just read your PM, blowing up your conspiracy theory and you still ignore it. Talk about stubborn people on here, no wonder why they argue with my posts all day. Nobody can admit when they are wrong or ever admit someone else is right. I don't have time for this petty garbage and made up theories. Think what you want, kids a good player. Good for SIU to sign him. Looks like someone down south finally got some recognition................he was in the magazine as well so it's not like what you said earlier where they don't know who he is and they have no clue about guys down there. This magazine also came out before you PM'd anyone just so you know. I commented on the kid being good. HOw is that acting like I am something I am not. I give a compliment and your so much in a hurry to say I know nothing and am nobody that you can't see that and turn a compliment into me making things up. I just said the kid was good, what harm was there in that and what benefit would i have of saying that? Think before you talk and make yourself look bitter. Good luck to the kid.
Last edited by Nails
Well, let me just say it's been great catching up on a few days worth of posts! I enjoy PBR because at least you get to read about players from other areas that you might not get to see play. Once you realize it's all subjective then maybe you'll relax and have time to go light candles and pray for the Cubs!
If the ranking really meant something then why do most of the top players end up undrafted? Why do the majors skip over many higher ranked players and draft guys ranked lower? I know some of it would be related to a teams needs, but how many guys end up playing a position different from the one they played at a lower level?
My son is ranked as one of the '09 players "under the radar" which is fine with me. We're just flattered by the number of coaches that have expressed interest - not one of them mentioned his PBR "ranking", they all saw him play either in a showcase or some playoff games.
However my concern is helping him filter through the process. It is clearly overwhelming for him. He has applied to those schools that have a December 1 deadline for academic scholarships and is slowly working his way to the rest. Since his PBR rating won't help, any ideas on how to help him filter it down, once he decides on what he wants to study?
My advice would be to focus on the schools that are really interested. YOu might get letters or emails but those schools might not be interested. The hard part is trying to figure out which one's are serious and which one's aren't. I'd say the serious schools are the one's that are calling and wanting to get him on campus. I know every kid wants to play for ASU, but if ASU isn't calling you there's no point of waiting on that school and having some false hope they might see you or eventually offer you something. Talk to the schools, figure out which ones like your son and out of those which one's he likes and go on a visit.

A letter doesn't mean their interested either. It just means they could have seen him, got his name off a list, sent him a letter to attend a camp, etc etc. If there's a school that sent a letter but hasn't called and your not sure if they are interested or not try to get in front of them somehow. Email them and ask them if they'd be interested in seeing him play at a showcase or possibly at their camp. The main thing is to make sure they see him and they are willing to follow up . Good luck, it's definitely not easy.
Last edited by Nails
Please stop wasting people's time trying to state that I am lying. It's a no win battle here, if I say I seen him here or there you'd say I just read his schedule off the internet. Give it a rest already, i seen the kid play. Trying to act like I didn't and my descriptions of him are innacurate is just childish. Your turning this into something very dumb. All I did was complement the player and SIU for signing him. What good would it do to make things up? I see you doing it and it's not suiting you so well. Like I said, solid player, good luck to him.
Wes Neece's info was called into me by a coach in the southern illinois region. ... As far as his position is concerned, his high school coach told me he's an outfielder, but also plays middle infield. I in fact only have seen him as a middle infielder, but if anyone is to know what position he is, it would be his high school coach. As far as Nails mentioning him, i'm assuming he saw the commitment posted on the website, and then referenced him. Some people are too conspiratorial, though, admittedly, it is difficult not to be in today's society. Nevertheless, I do not know who Nails is. He in fact has been critical of the Prep Baseball Report in the past. The fact that he is agreeable to it now is appreciated, but he is in no way plotted, connected, planted, or whatever else has been insinuated.

As far as players are concerned, I am the first one to admit that I miss players. Try as I might, players get missed. If you believe that i've overlooked or missed a player, please email his name and school and I will follow up on it. Always have.
RRF8 & Nails Thanks for the reply. We toss the camp ones. Some of the coaches who called claim he was referred to them. My son was not interested in their school or perhaps in their location so at least he told those coaches "thanks, but no thanks".
What we're dealing with is schools for which the coach has seen him and now requested transcripts, videos, and any articles we have. We complied with a number of them. Two of the coaches talked to him about a full academic scholorship, some of the others keep calling and are rying to get him to come out.
What I told him is to think about life after baseball - it's called work. Don't worry too much at this point about what you want to study, as many kids change majors, etc. I did tell him to go onto the school websites and look at rosters and also find out from the coach where he stands in the coaches view. Right now there are six that he is applying to where it appears they have strong interest. I also told him to go ahead and ask what is the next step.
This is all foreign to us. My oldest son would have tripped on a chalk line; he was all academics.

RRF8 asked if any athletic money was being offered by any of the schools. It's easy to gauge interest when money backs it up. If not, then I would go to the next step, line up the schools academically and see how they fare. If he has a favorite, explore the academic money (they are all different) and try to determine his chances of walking on at the baseball program. Enjoy the process, it may seem overwhelming at times, but the payoff is huge. Best of luck and keep us informed.
PBR thanks for the response. I have coached him for 4 years and for me he has never played OF and in HS he does,in fact he catches as well. This has nothing to do with your publication or what you do, nice job. This is about NAILS on this post and other post making comments about something he knows nothing about. Nails I took the schedule off the web site, so go ahead and pick a place, LOL - your a joke.
So I guess your his summer coach. You've had 3 people now tell you that they don't know me and didn't tell me who he was and you still doubt I know who the kid is. Why is that? What is your overall problem with me? where have I offended you, if you coach this kid in the summer I have told you that he's a very good player. You take that and start accusing me of not seeing him and making it up, I am saying you sir have a good player and I wish him luck. I even mentioned he played OF and you said he didn't, now your saying he did for his HS. So why do you continue to make things up to try to prove me wrong. I seen the kid play, I think he's good, what's the big deal here? Why am I a joke for saying that?

Nice to see the PBR guy make mention of the magazine. We still haven't gotten any names of people they missed on. BBfan, hope everything works out and your son picks a school that fits him best.
Um, Sean Duncan is a total class act. Period, nothing more to say.

Does he rake in every bit of info about every player that deserves mention? Hell no, I would never expect him to. Though, I'm sure that he's trying to come up with ideas to make this happen.

I'm sure by now that Sean sees this thread coming around every year or so..he can spot it coming a mile away. If he were Santa Claus he could see what all the little baseball players were doing, what positions they were playing and at what age they became really good at shelling a wad of seeds in their mouth and which ones were packing a can of chew in their bags. He ain't Santa though and, when he gets players mentioned to him, he has to do some research on those references. Any journalist worth his salt knows the importance of this..That, in itself, is a lot of work..Not to mention just getting to games all over the state in his Rolls Royce (the one he bought with all the cash he's making off of PBR...not).

You can't make all of the people happy all of the time but I think, in the end, he'd like to be able to do that when it comes to giving every deserving player a mention...He's a baseball freak and he has chanelled this freakiness into what he does.

Is he perfect? Nope, he's not, sometimes he forgets his pen or doesn't put his seat belt on when he squeals out of a parking space in his Yugo™ (the official car of PBR)
He does it because he loves the freaking game and he loves scoping out kids who play the game well. That's the nucleus of the thing.

I've observed him at many a game, and he's like a kid at recess..his passion is majorly evident and that is enough for me. It could be said that he's done more for creating visibility for Illinois players than anyone else in the state. Sure, the great players will usually get found but there are many others who benefit from a nudge. Sean has taken it to a different level. That is nothing but commendable. Keep up the good work.
Last edited by Coho
Nails, lets drop it. I dont believe you have ever seen him play, and if you did I dont understand the problem with just saying hey I saw him at ????, really wasnt a big deal until you wrote back and said "of course I have seen him, do people really do that" well I think they do. I agree to disagree with you and have a nice day.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Ok so this is getting to be enough. Time to take a sip of Diet Coke and pause a few moments before you type.

Uh, make it decaf, otay? Especially for bored accountants in little office cubicles, they could really hurt themselves bouncing off the walls...(Visual of a guy staggering out of his cubicle impaled by sharp pencils all over his body)
Last edited by CPLZ
I agree with Coho completely.

College recruiters and pro scouts both spend a lot of time doing two things...
1. Becoming aware of players/prospects and adding their names to their prospect lists.
2. Crossing names off their lists.

PBR helps get players on the lists.

Also, if I were a coach or scout recuiting in Illinois, I would absolutely use PBR as a resource. I think it would be foolish not to.

One of my favorite parts of the PBR is the free 10 page suppliment that comes out immediately following the official release of the magazine. The suppliment is always filled with lively invective and heated discussion and lots of talk about whether PBR is helpful or not. This issue was no exception. Thanks.

Mike F
Those of us who know him are aware of the time he puts forth towards making the PBR the magazine that it is. As far as college coaches and recruiters, many value his publication as a meaningful tool in their player evaluations.

RRF8, I checked out the Illini website and saw that Casey MacMurry had been named a Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American. A belated congrats to Casey and the entire MacMurry family.
Last edited by itsrosy
All I can say about PBR is I enjoy the magazine and the articles on each player. My hat is off to Sean; let's face it, it is impossible to see each kid extensively. But Sean does a great job in evaluating talent when he is able to see kids, and from showcases. He was very helpful in my son's evaluation after a showcase. It was honest and straightforward. My son knows what he has to dO to improve, and for That I can say, "Thanks Sean". It's like being an umpire - at least 50% of the crowd is going to disagree with your call, but you have to call it as you see it. He ranked my son as "player to watch" and, in his latest issue, as a player under the radar. Spot on!
With respect to colleges vs. PBR, not one of the many colleges that contacted my son mentoned PBR, they all say him play at either the Stevenson showcase or at the Headfirst showcase in Virginia. I did see the Illinois website and yes, they did mention PBR rankings. But, how many other colleges did?
I type this as I sit in St. Louis, where my son toured Washington U today and is staying overnight with some of the ball players. I'll pick him up tomorrow. So far his top 3 are Macalester, Wash U and University of Chicago, all due to academics, which is what we should all stress to our sons. Most of them will have to get a real job after college!
Last edited by BBFan58

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