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I just opened the big envelope and saw the latest Prep Baseball Report Magazine. Sean Duncan, what a great job in making this issue all about Student-Athletes and for your most revealing Opening Pitch Editorial.

This issue has lots of great articles profiling student athletes, and also has several personal essays written by baseball players who are getting it done both in the classroom and on the ball field. And hats off for also acknowledging the importance of writing as a professional skill.

The cover art (and other artwork displayed) by Clayton Rische, Barrington High School is also impressive. The interview with Rische indicates that he has committed to play baseball at John Hopkins University, one of the finest academic institutions in the country. Ricshe scored a 30 on the ACT and holds a 3.93 GPA.

Great job!
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There are also some other kids who I know and respect that are in the issue.

Nice features on Jordan Rosenberg who is one of the most respectful kids I have met, Josh Tolan who is a fierce competitor, Bobby Bieniek also from Barrington HS along with my son and a kid I have had the pleasure to coach several times.

Pat Garvey who is IMHO one of the best players out there along with having the added gift of being a tough guy and a nice guy at the same time is also featured. My son faced his Legion Team in The State Playoffs and was getting past the older kids pretty well only to have Pat get the only RBI hit off of him.

Matt Gailey who was always on the other team in Travel and now HS is also mentioned and it's great to know that a kid who is that talented is also a fine student. I also have the pleasure of knowing Neil Krueger (he drives my older son's ex-Mustang) and he is as hard working and bright as any. I hope he can completely overcome his injury.

I don't know the others and they are impressive as well. I'm sure there are many others, and it's too bad they can't all possibly be mentioned but you know who you are, and hopefully the recruiters do as well.

Thanks to Sean Duncan for putting this feature in the Mag. If you take the time to talk to Sean, you will find out what he thinks of the Student side of Student-Athelete.
Last edited by FastballDad

Thanks for the nice remarks about Jordan. I have to admit that I read his essay with great pride.

Jordan has decided to take a different path regarding college and baseball. He will be attending an Eastern Prep school after HS graduation to study an additional year, or Post-Grad year. This isn't very common to us mid-westerners but is much more common on the East Coast. He missed an entire year of playing HS baseball due to his injury and he will be able to play the year that he'll be at Prep School. Academically it is a no-brainer. The schools he's applied to are like fine private colleges and will only enhance his college choices. Athletically it will allow him another full year to play ball and many of the colleges that he had been interested in have all had post-grad boys play on their college teams. As one AD told us during a visit, Jordan, this is a win-win for you with absolutely no downside. He's all for this adventure and we're here to help him on his journey.
Great Job PBR, It's wonderful to see the emphasis on academics.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things. To win glorious triumphs. Even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer too much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
I think that PBR is a little bias towards the south suburban teams. I do understand though that there are a lot of good players and teams in that area. But, if the editors were to come out to more north suburban games, I think the rankings of teams and players would be a lot different. A lot of real players dont go to the PBR showcases and don't get recognized by the magazine that is supposed to the "The Truth"
This topic has been covered before, you could probably dig them up in the archive. The guys at PBR do a great job with the production. We hear good feedback about the showcases they help sponsor. The negative feedback seems to be that you must attend their events to get in the magazine. Having looked at it, there could be some "truth" to that. They have some kids featured that barely registered a blip on the travel circuit. That isn't intended to be a slight, just an observation NOT meant to cause a war. Just an observation that some kids that attend the events at PBR are getting some press that they would not ordinarily see otherwise. I'm sure someone will say the same could be said for us on the travel end. I am just stating what the perception problem is. Overall, everyone likes the magazine.
Possibly a little more coverage of players outside of their events would put this issue to rest.
We have had some dialogue with the guys there and offered to send them info on the players we know from the travel circuit. The guys at PBR were apparently open to the dialogue. The magazine itself and the features are tremendous. They were also getting hammered last year over the perception that Full Package, MVP and Top Tier wielded too much influence. I think Sean dispelled that last year. We are essentially in the same boat, with not everyone happy with the way we garner the talent, it's not a science, however, we believe the best approach is to compare notes from a variety of sources and cover as many different sanctioning bodies as possible. To do otherwise would limit the scope and ultimately the content. I am not sure how many people review the information or how many vote on the selections, All-State Team top players etc. If it is posted on their site or in the magazine I haven't seen it. We have talked to parents about this company and others like it to get an idea of what people like and dislike. The feedback on that point runs about 50/50, some parents get real worked up over the PBR, you will see their kids at each event and you will see their kids mentioned in most if not every issue. Some other parents have said they don't want to spend the money and feel it's not in the kids best interest and will opt for Perfect Game or College camps. We know of some high school coaches who think it's (The Magazine) is the bible and others that could care less. Same goes for what we do. I personally like it and think it's good for baseball in Illinois, just a little broader coverage and it's a home run!
Last edited by Ibach
Thanks for the kind words and support ...
On this last topic: if all kids in the magazine attended PBR showcases, then I'd have a summer home in some exotic place, like Waukesha. I do not, unfortunately.

Interesting that it's perceived by some that I am biased towards the South Suburbs. Last year it was the Northern 'burbs, because that's where I live. Personally, I always thought I spent much of my time in the Western Suburbs.

Ibach: Thanks for synthesizing the topic for all of us.
Ibach. Just to clarify my point. I wasn't disputing that the articles and features were weak. I've never read a whole PBR magazine, but I've heard they're well written and very informative. Their All-State teams are common sense (minus Brad Altbach from Glenbrook North last year). What I am saying though is that I don't believe an informed decision can be made as to team rankings when not every team is seen. I also know it is impossible to get people to watch every team in the state of Illinois, but then why have a ranking section?

As for the player rankings, I think if the editors were to go to more high school games (or travel), they would find a much wider range of players to use in the rankings. That would make it more of "The Truth". I play for the Lakeside Cardinals and the only people ranked from my team are the 3 (class of 2007) that went to a PBR showcase. I would say that everyone on the team should be ranked.

More Coverage= The REAL Truth
Rip, point taken. Can't speak for PBR on that, we are always looking for qualified reporters in the field. That's a job in itself, sifting through the good and bad information sent. Why have ranking? Because there is an interest there. Just at look at thread hits when someone here creates a list. The lists that matter are the ones put together the best, with the most unbiased approach. The most research. Baseball America's feature "Team for the Ages" which rates players age 12 to 25 is one of the most popular articles ever at BA. Link:
First, I don't question Sean's intent. He's poviding a service that many have asked for. His list simply is that of what he is exposed to. The PBR couldn't tell us about a catcher from Waterloo named Andrew Weise since Sean isn't able to cover the south, as I'm sure he would like. Andrew wore a Superman's outfit each and every time he played the Knights of Triad and was also valedictorian of his class. GREAT KID who is now playing D-I baseball in Missouri! Columbia High made it to the State tournament and has two kids that have signed D-1 after this year. Again, great players who don't receive the attention. Why, Sean and others have to depend upon those organizations/showcases etc. that invite talent in and then base his coverage on those results. So many kids from the South don't attend these events. Let's not decieve ourselves, scouts know who they are and will show up. When we played Waterloo last year, it was a classical matchup of catchers. Andrew from Waterloo and Brandon Adams from my school. Five MLB scouts were in the stands. Do you see Todd Baumgartner's name on any of those lists? He is going to be a career .450+ hitter for Edwardsville. He is a 3-year starter who has signed with Arkansas State. Many might schoff at my mention of my team but everyone knows the schedule and tradition of Edwardsville. A 4-YEAR STARTER THERE! This kid can flat out play. I take the PBR Magazine for what it is which is a great service by a person doing his best. One person or even two or three simply can not cover this entire state.
Last edited by CoachB25
Baumgartner is listed at #24 CoachB just under his dads name Tom. It should be Todd. I try to get Sean all of the info I have from the southern part of the state sometimes a player gets ranked sometimes not. However there are a few 08's that havent been ranked that should be soon imo. Lucas Hileman "6'1 170" from Anna Jonesboro is one of the fastest kids in the south and is close to Aaron Conway fast. He is a straight lefty with all of the tools but power right now. He is going to be very very good. Kenton Parmley from Goreville is a SS who last summer played with us and hit over .380 against players two classes ahead of him and he has good range and a great arm from the hole. He also has good size at 6'1 165. Jake Odorizzi from Highland has a mid upper 80's fb and could touch 90 in the near future. He is a very good athlete with good size 6'1 175 and room to fill out. Brett Huber from Belleville Althoff was recently ranked as the 109th best 08 in the country and has a 90mph fb and a nice curve. He is a little wild but that can be worked out. Brad Drust is an 09 LHP from Carterville who was topping out at 84 last summer. He can also hit with power from the left side and has a nice strong frame. Those are just a few of the kids that are legit D1 kids down here I'm sure there are more that will emerge this spring and summer. Look out for another of CoachB's kids, an 08 pitcher named Trey Burris. I have heard good things about him.
Originally posted by Fungo Master:
coach b i hate to diagree with you but we have seen a large group of young men on lists south of i80 including, jokish, TB, both of your young men, and a nice project out of highland named jake odorizzi or something like that spelling. I have seen these names in pbr as well

Fungo Master, as usual, you are correct. I just checked my "history" and I opened up a different pospect list than the PBR list. I humbly apologize. SIBullets,Baum's Dad and I played ball together for years. Edited, Todd and his family moved in the 4th grade from our district to the Edwardsville District.

Trey Burris is a young man that could have a great future in baseball. He can throw real hard. I'm not like a lot of those that speculate on speed. Yet, he throws REAL HARD! BTW, we have a couple of other young men that are worth mentioning. Logan Eader is a player and started for us as a freshman last year. He's going to be a very good one! Logan will take the mound for us as well as play OF. Also, we have a young man named Eric Allard. He also throws REAL HARD but I haven't seen him throw since the end of last high school season. He is also a soph. Eric is a pitcher and catcher. Finally, we have another soph who is a classic in your face, get after it, scrapper named Zac Steed. Little guy that many might not look at. Big mistake.
Last edited by CoachB25
Is Sean publishing PBR just for the money? I doubt it. I'll bet he barely makes enouph to cover his publishing costs. Its too labor intensive; he has to be just giving away his time. Could it be done better? Maybe, but it would probably only be done differently that would upset a whole another group.

How many times do you talk with people who profess to love the sport, but show disdain for most players who aren't perfect??

I like PBR because Sean is devoted to covering "the Players". His passion is evident in his writing. John Leush from the Herald writes like this too. They like the Players. They are more than just objects that pass through his world.

My son is a Player in the NW Subs. Has he been mentioned in PBR? - No. He's one of many kids that if you see his "A" game you wonder how they missed him. He's not a beast, but he does get calls from D3 coaches. Do I still like to read about other players who he's played with and against, ABSOLUTELY!...because I'm a fan of HS sports. If you just want to see your kids name in the paper, move to a small town with a great local paper. If you subscribe to a statewide publication, don't expect scientific perfection.
Originally posted by for2n8john:
Is Sean publishing PBR just for the money? I doubt it. I'll bet he barely makes enouph to cover his publishing costs. Its too labor intensive; he has to be just giving away his time.

Having worked in the magazine business and been a publisher, I would guess that your statement is wrong, that he does make money.

That being said, profit is not a dirty word, and he is as entitled to it as anyone. The fact that he has loyal subscribers is evidence that they believe the publication to be of value and fairly priced.
Last edited by CPLZ
I think the Prep Baseball Report has been a great addition to Illinois High School Baseball. Before its existence we all wanted someway for our kids to get recognition, but had to rely on local newspapers for that.

I also want to say that Sean Duncan works really hard at his job. He attends many high school games (he's been at a few of my team's games over the past two years) and really cares about the game. Over the past few years his publication has helped a few of my kids get recognition from fans, scouts, college coaches, etc. that wasn't happening before the existence of his magazine.

If the guy makes a few bucks then good for him. I'm guessing its not an outlandish sum, but lets remember it is his profession and based on his product he should be compensated well for it. Based on the amount of time I know the guy puts into it, he's been very selfless in the amount of exposure he's given to the state of Illinois and high school baseball.

If possible, maybe people could stop questioning motives and applaud him for his work. His product has been good for Illinois.
The ranking, rating and evaluating of players and teams is subjective. Anyone can make lists, the credibility of such lists rests with who is making them. I like the lists that outline who is doing the voting, coaches, scouts etc. The question of motive will always be raised, take it for what it is. It's nice that we have venues like this where people can voice their opinions on matters like this. If Web sites and publications can help kids get recognized or noticed by scouts great.
People have an interest in the subject matter, advertisers want to market to the fans, it's a nice relationship where everybody wins.
X I noticed the Illinois high school coaches top prospect list. What did you all think of that list. It seemed to be missing some high schools, maybe some coaches passed on the vote?
Last edited by Ibach
I would bet that Sean doesn't make the type of money that he deserves for the number of hours that he puts into his work. Every single time I have talked to sean about a player in our program he has followed up our conversation with a personal visit. I know he spends countless hours on the phone researching the kids he is going to mention. He is truly one of the hardest working guys in this profession in this area. If there are kids that are missed and it is brought to his attention, I promise you that he will be at one of your games this spring to follow up. call me crazy, but maybe he is guy that loves his job and is not motivated by a hidden agenda.
Fastball, Do they list which high school coaches participated in the voting? It looks like a fairly accurate list, however, some schools and their players are conspicuously absent. What do you think of the process involved with that list?

*The bulk of revenue for most publications comes from advertisers not the sale of the magazine.
Last edited by Ibach
Originally posted by Ibach:
Fastball, Do they list which high school coaches participated in the voting? It looks like a fairly accurate list, however, some schools and their players are conspicuously absent. What do you think of the process involved with that list?

*The bulk of revenue for most publications comes from advertisers not the sale of the magazine.

I have never been asked to vote on such a team and I don't know any coach in our area that has.
Coach B it should probably be called the Chicago Area List, not Illinois.

The 2007 Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association Prospects List
The Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association

Monday, November 27th, 2006 -The Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association Prospects List is developed by the IHSBCA member coaches. The players listed are first nominated by their own coach, then endorsed by opposing coaches, college coaches, and professional scouts. Players are only eligible if nominated.


Brian Stroud P Providence Catholic
Phil Wunderlinch 3B Downers Grove South
Mike Kaczmarek OF Andrew
Casey McMurray OF Lyons Township
Andrew Biela OF Palatine
Casey Crosby P Kaneland
Gerry Martinez P Grayslake Central
Elliott Soto SS Dundee Crown
Kyle Kaminska P Naperville Central
Chris Chojnowski P St. Rita
Nick Chmielewski P Sandburg


Mike Petti OF Mundelein
Kit Crook P/SS Kaneland
Steve Kuligowski P/OF Grayslake Central
Mike Esche 3B Streamwood
Kevin Lee C/P Richards
Matt Erickson P/1B Richards
Tony Manville P Mt. Carmel
Ryan Bethard P Joliet Township
Victor Melesio OF McHenry
Drew Darewport C McHenry
Casey Savatski P/IF Driscoll
Steve Godawa P/OF/SS Buffalo Grove
Conner Singleton P/OF Buffalo Grove
Zach Deutscher C/IF/P Batavia
Scott Norkus P Hinsdale South
Jeff Grodecki SS Glenbrook South
TJ McManus 1B/P Glenbrook South
Cameron McConnell C Deerfield
Paul Duncan P New Trier
Kevin Tokarski 2B Downers Grove North
Stewart Brase P Nazareth Academy
Ryan Wachholder SS Maine South
Mike Corrigan C St. Charles North
Jeff Holm P/1B St. Charles North
Greg Stolzenburg SS St. Charles North
Joshua Colon SS Lane Tech
Bryan Platt P Lane Tech
Mike Martin P Glenbard East
Brandon Streets P Glenbard East
Lon Vicelli C Glenbard East
Dan Kuhne OF Metamora
Brien Rooney OF Fenwick
Newman Delaney P/OF Fenwick
Marty Dunbar P Fenwick
Chad Treutleb 3B/1B Palatine
Mario Perez P Warren
Keith Abbey 2B Rich East
Matt Conrath P St. Rita
Julio Godinez C St. Rita
Matt Shilney 1B Lockport
Dan McConoloque P Lockport
Ian Tomkins C Loyola
Kurtis Smith C Cary Grove
Andrew Lorman OF Cary Grove
Matt Foley P St. Laurence
Rob Frolio OF/2B St. Laurence
Carlos Riveria OF East Aurora
Jason Pankau P York
Scott Baier P York
Brad Allen P/3B Geneva
Brian Maurovich OF Geneva
Grant Monroe P Schaumburg
Mike Doyle SS Benet
Cody Scarpetta P Rockford Guilford
Kenny Long P Dundee Crown
Brian Bulaga P/1B Marian Central
Mario Perez P/1B Warren
Joe Peckenpaugh OF Marian Central
TJ McFarland P Stagg
Tyler Newsome 1B Marist
Scott Sexton SS Oak Lawn
John Williams P/OF Niles North
Jon Dove OF/P Richards
Rob Winnicki OF/P Herscher
Andy Parsill C Noles West
Pat Garvey C Grayslake
Mike Weisberg P/OF Deerfield
Eric Wymar P West Chicago
Jeff Dobie P/1B Glenbard South
Kevin Crane OF Crete-Monee
Corey Pryor C Naperville Central
Matt Gailey P/1B Fremd
Pete Capetta P/OF Montini
Joe Huenecke P/1B Palatine
Ian Goldberg OF Lake Forest
Nick Rossi OF Stagg
Brandon Kuistad P Leyden
Nathan McGarry P Leyden
Grant Fillpitch P Lyons Township
Mike Dimaggio P Lyons Township
Nicolas Stanfa P/SS Homewood-Flossmoor
Berrell Burkes IF Rich South
Steve Hlavac OF Naperville North
Jacob Smolinski SS/P Rockford Boylan
Anthony Evan SS Leyden
Kyle Ayers P Oswego
Dan Hall SS Barrington
Teddy Schell 1B Barrington
Lee Odell P/IF Barrington
Zachary Carney P Glenbard North
Mark Ahern P Homewood-Flossmoor
Steve Gorski 3B Vernon Hills
Brad Mahrenholz P Vernon Hills
Tim Lane SS Vernon Hills
Brean Moroni C Glenbard West
Scott Haines P Grayslake
Ronnie Chester OF Harlan
Ralphie Garcia SS Clemente
James Coleman P Whitney Young
Elliot Armstrong OF/SS Harlan
Marvin Sanchez 2B Clemente
Devin Melecion OF Clemente
Tony Ryan OF Harlan
Max Friedman P Whitney Young
Mike Recchia P/3B Shepard
How about the Chicago-Metropolitan Top Prospect List, calling it "Illinois" seems a bit disingenuous. They do include Rockford, that's a drive from the metro area.
If you put the stamp IHSA baseball coaches, I think it would be great if they published which high schools participate. The IHSA should require that, this appears to leave too many questions. JMHO
Last edited by Ibach

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