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This site is like a nice, comfy couch that one can relax on, choose to participate in or just listen (read) and learn

Rosy, I like the way you presented that. I will take your advice and Coach B's!

I am no part of the Noreaster or tsunami that crashed here.

I enjoy the site and hope to one day get that elusive "attaboy" from one of the old timers.

Comfy chairs and couches at a good cigar lounge, that would be a good spot for the adult webster meeting.
We would probably all get along great. The only problem...What would Fastball and Joemoms have to complain about then? You will never hear me complain about good conversation over a good quality cigar!
Last edited by Ibach
OK Ibach.

The only turmoil I want here is Cubs and sox. Even if you were not part of the problem last year, you do represent an organization that ripped several of our posters (me included) on the TBS site just because we didn't agree with what The TBS guy had to say. That guy was telling people whose kids had made it big-time they didn't know what they were talking about.

Perhaps if an apology was put forth more people would be receptive to your "changed" organization.

Here are a few other '09 players to watch for: Day, Handler and Holke from Barrington HS.
Fastball, From what I have heard an apology was in order. The renegade approach is no longer in play. The guys that now run it are all on the same page, that apparently wasn't the case a year ago. I would not participate if I didn't think this was a positive. I appreciate the opportunity given here, and hope to change the perception of some.
I welcome PM's that identify top propects and impact players at any age. Coach B said it, you don't have to win all debates, we can all learn something.
I have been reading, not posting but now I have gotten curious. Ibach, you say an apology WAS in order but it sounds like you mean from someone other than yourself. Are you new to the TBS organization? Are you Kevin Thomas? Or are you someone with the last name Ibach? Are two actual people posting under Ibach? Or is one person with two names posting under Ibach? Was there ever a real person with TBS named Jack Hargrave?

I'm not trying to be a smart aleck and I know that a lot of us post without saying our names including me. But some of these answers might help us to understand what relationship the Ibach of today has with the TBS mess that happened last year.
Baseball Nut, The member I.D. is used by more than one person, the staff that runs this site was made aware of that. My last name is Ibach. You can PM or contact TBS at: for more information. It would be interesting to see these forums if people were required to post with true names.

Bnut, To allay your fears, I don't think there is an interesting conspiracy here and I'm quite sure none of the companies including Baseball America, New York Times Magazine and some of the others affiliated with TBS would do business with an organization with questionable background.
Well, since I don't have much hair on head, but have been known to show my true spirit on ocassion, I can safely say the I have no problem sharing my really name, Rich Cannon, with you or anyone!!! My website name comes from a nickname I was given many, many years ago when I played ball, Boomer, or sometimes Boom-Boom. Get it, Cannon, Boomer, Boom-Boom!!!!!!!!

Not trying to be sarcastic, and I can be when pressured, because I won't take the first pot shot at anyone, but you will know your in for a fight. I was always told to 'turn the other cheek' first before firing back at someone.

I picked my website name because of my nickname, and then plagerized the "IL" from "BeenthereIL" years back, before the big server meltdown of '02. We had to rejoin as members back then because of some technology thing that I still have no clue has to what happened. But I really did care about this place, and still do, because it was unique!!!! BeenthereIL really helped me and many others work through all of the questions presented to us, and our kids regarding high school baseball, and beyond. I remember the first time Been and I had met. He invited me to UIC to watch Top Tier play against, and I can't remember the other teams name, age you know. I met this guy who who I used to banter with on these boards, 'playhard,' and we really got into to it at times. When I went up to him at the dugout and told him who I was, we both laughed, shook hands, and laughed again. Say what you will about Shaun, I still love him and miss his battles. He really loves baseball! I also met 'dirtybird' (Brian Schutzbach), Gary Perinar, and watched Jamal Hollis play when he was a freshman.

I have communicated with BeenthereIL, TARatko, Rosy, Corky9999, TRhit (from Connecticut), ballfan, Strikes3100, playhard, the real Fungo, bbscout, RCW (he started the Area Code Games), Bob Pincus from the Florida Renegades, and many, many more that I could, and would like to call friends. These people all helped in gaining valuable information that helped present opportunities for my son, both during, and now after high school.

My son played for Lyons Township High School the last four years, with 2-1/2 on varsity. He was their starting leftfielder and back-up catcher and caught two no-hitters (Sorce and Corcoran) behind Birks. I have no problem communicating with anyone, BUT it really gets tiring when these topics go from informational material to editorializing to self righteous BS. We're here to have some fun, absorb as much as we have, or can, so that some of our kids can make the high school varsity team, college team, or if their really lucky, the pros.

I don't post much like I did before, before the server issues of '02. I watch and read and try to figureout who the next conference, or area, or all state players are going to be. Who is going to challenge LT this year, or takeover from them the leadership they have had the past four years (this will spark some new battles, I hope!!!!!!). We need to keep moving here and use this space for helping one another, sharing information, not pirating it as some have intimated. Because if you do, it will go away.
Last edited by BoomerIL

Because of posters like you and the multitude others like you this site will never go away---no way will that happen if I have anything to say about it---this site is unique unto itself---there is no other like it---the yearly intruders will come and go--so be it--that is part of the internet
Boomer, you are the hit it right on the head. I had my tough times on this website and I had some great times on is without question one of the most influentila places to learn about the game of baseball. There are so many quality people on here and they all have they're opinions, including me every now and then, that if you sit back and just absorb some of the info, it can only help your own baseball situation,whether your son's college decision or travel ball decision. Bill has siad so many good things on here about all the different travel teams across the country that you almost cannot be well informed before you go out of town. And the local banter of "who is the best conf", you can't get better humor without paying to go to a club. I miss all the fun....But I do appreciate all the wisdom i think I gained from a few good men. Good luck to everyone and they're son's this spring and for gosh sakes keep the bantering alive, I get bored at work and love to read it. Happy New year to all, and Kaminska, if your reading, I still want my root beer. Boomer, good luck to andy...he'll do fine.
Tom Weston known as "sweaty" since 3rd grade at St. Edmunds in Oak Park
Boomer, TRHit, Sweaty, you guys are great! No, this site won't go away. It was here long before I had the pleasure of being a member thanks to Bob and now thanks to Julie, it remains. It will be here long after CoachB25 (Darrell Butler Head Baseball Coach at Triad High School) hangs em up. What then comes and goes is the people. Some due to the graduation of their kids from baseball to life's other activities. Others leave, not because they want to, but because of bickering, conflict, agends, etc. and are therefore, removed from participation. Nobody wants that. It's like a parent making the best choices for their kid for the good of the kid. Even if that means having to do things we don't want to do. I post on several sites and have been a moderator as well on a couple. Some are extremely technical. Steve Englishbey's site for example is full of info and technical. I really enjoy it. Some are just fun. is one of them. You couldn't get a technical discussion going if you wanted to. However, none fit this niche. Hey, let's all do our best to bury the hatchet and get along. I know, as a moderator, I'm growing weary of this bickering. PLEASE!
Last edited by CoachB25

Thanks guys, I appreciate the support! I remember the first webster get together at Strikes a couple of Christmas' ago. Everyone was not there, the ones that were, we had fun reflecting back about who we knew, debated, learned from, and even poked fun at. I remember the spring of 2003 when LT won state, all of the Providence kids were fighting amongst themselves on these boards, which probably lead to their problems. They were ranked at the top to win state. Self destructed. The following year after LT won, they were supposed to contend again, and they did until the first round. Not a cohesive unit. We all learned from those situations. Do not say more than you need to unless you can back it up.

My point is that no matter how heated things get, at the end of the day you have to do whats best for your son or daughter. Period. The guys that want to shove their own personal agendas on us, will, when ignored, eventaully go away.


Your right, I remember now! BeenthereIL had just parked behind me on the street and I didn't know who he was. He had a Team One or Perfect Game hat on. We had communicated for several months on these boards, when he said that if you want to see a great baseball venue, UIC's field, you need to go. He mentioned that Top Tier and it was the Blazers that were there, were playing, and some pretty talented kids were playing from both teams.

What a great time I had watching those kids, and talking baseball with John and meeting 'playhard' and 'dirtybird.' It's ashame that they are replacing that beautiful grass with the fake stuff.
Most of you long-time members are the reason I frequent this site, primarily as an observer. Like Sweaty said, you'd have to pay for the entertainment. All of you Dads (Sweaty, Boomer, Corky--I know some and can decifer the rest, particularly the LT Dads and some of the other WSC people) should be very proud of your kids, and most of your responses prove that you are indeed.

Keep up the great communication, and to you LT guys, the best of luck to Danny, Andy, and Kyle!
First off, Fastball and Rosy, Congrats on your sons
choices for their continuing education!! Good luck
to them both.

Second, I don't have a high school baseball player anymore (so sad), but I visit this site probably one or two times a month. This site and all the
knowledgable people on here got my family through this college signing thing! Maybe not directly, but from answers to questions that others asked. This site was a Godsend!

It was always GREAT to see my kids name on one of
"the lists"! (which is one of the reasons that many people visit this site!!!) Boy I miss those days (I'm waxing nostalgic).

Coach, BTIL, Boomer, TR, FB, Soxnole, Rosy, gosh, the list is endless....thanks for all you did and all you do! If ever I need a chuckle, I'll be here to read in on a disagreement!

Good luck to all...treasure the memories!
Ahhhh, the Salukis....21 days and they open at Stetson University in Deland, Fl. I CAN'T WAIT, I NEED A FIX!!! A new batch of Freshman infielders came in in Sept. Hopefully Bret will start at 2nd
but as of this writing, its all still up in the air!

He put up some really good numbers last year and started all but about 4 or 5 games,,,but as we are finding out, that don't mean squat!!!! He is still working hard on the field and in the cages and hopefully that will all pay off.

Academically, he is doing WONDERFUL...and has already decided to get his Masters Degree at SIU.
I don't know if all schools do this but at SIU, when you are a student athlete, and accomplish a 3.25 or higher GPA for the year, they have a big banquet and honor all the kids...Nike donated some awesome watches for all...and we sat at a table with
5 alumni PHD's,,,who were avid baseball fans!! It was really a great time!

Note to parents....NEVER STAY THE NIGHT AT YOUR KIDS APARTMENT...NEVER!! Not cause its dirty, cause it wasn't,,,but these developments are full of students who PARTY all night long!! Got no sleep and learned a valuable lesson...Pop for a room no matter what the cost!

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