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Scenario: My son attends a one-day showcase last month. Four days later he receives a very nice letter from a college coach (one of the very few who were there that day) saying that he was very impressed with my son's baseball abilities and hopes that my son will consider looking into his school and would he please fill out this questionaire. My son sent back the questionaire immediately along with a letter and other info about himself. A couple of days later the coach calls and has a polite chat for about 5 minutes with my son and then says that as soon as my son's summer season winds down that he'd really like to get him out there for a visit to see the school, meet the coaches and players, ect...
Am I just being way too optimistic or does this sound very promising so far? It's a great school, very prestigious in the world of academics, DIII, and my son seems to REALLY like this coach so far. And as has played out so many times on these message boards, this school wasn't even on our radar before this contact. Karma?
Creative Thought Matters
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"Karma", "Fate", "Things working out for the best"...however you term it, I believe it does happen.

TR's right about never knowing who's watching.

That's why it's important to never burn bridges. You never know when someone will be in a position to help you.

After my son decided to transfer we made a list of schools we were interested in. A month later he committed to a school that wasn't even on our original list.

And, I was insistent with my son that we treat every coach with the utmost appreciation and courtesy.

You just never know...
My son had a similar situation. Out of the blue after his summer season 2 years ago he received a call from a Div III coach asking about his interest in playing baseball at the next level. He talked with the coach and became very interested in the school. Set up a visit with the coach and he feel in love with the school and especially the coach. After talking to the coach he was done. he said that this was the place that he wants to play at and get his education, He wants to teach H.S. Math and eventually coach H.S. baseball. You just have to make sure that the school that you are looking at will be able to let your son get the degree that he wants.

I am happy to say that my son is all set to go to school this fall. They talked to him about playing footbal and he is going to do that for the fall. He leaves 8/11/06 for football camp.

I could not be more proud of him for the decission that HE made.

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