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I do not hide my identity, why should I ? I am the greatest flame thrower of all time.      Some call me Tim.

For those who do not understand my greatness, you can be enlightened below.

Your son can become a flame thrower by attending my "Flame throwing with Tim" training and showcase which will be attended by all 298 D1 baseball program head coaches. Sign up a  Just $1,495. 

... but wait there's more 

By attending my flamethrowing with Tim, you will get a signed picture of me.  For you college freshmen, what could impress chicks more than a signed picture of Tim adorning your dorm walls? 

Kyle Boddy you got nothing on me! ...for I am Tim.


Last edited by TimtheEnchanter
smokeminside posted:

I will not argue this because Timtheenchanter is above dispute. Anyone whose handle is as long as his is and still has no spaces deserves our utmost admiration. 

Timtheenchanter has three different screen names here, no admiration for that!

#jonsnowkingofthenorth rules!

Last edited by TPM

I believe email, text generally speaking written forms of communication are the absolute worst forms available to us...innuendo, sarcasm, anger and joy can easily be misread or misrepresented by either the writer or the reader. I think most anyone who is willing to be completely honest on this forum and public is at best naive or possibly just not willing to be complete honest.  

The truth is some travel / HS / College baseball coaches and or programs and or recruiters are scum, bad people and bad for the game, this also applies to parents and kids on the other shoe. Nobody or very very few will out them because of fear of repercussion from the game and the lifers in it. Some of them lie, cheat, steal, or intentionally mislead kids and parents for their own self interest...I would be willing to put my name on anything i have said here but I don't and won't include my son in the equation. He is a different person and my thoughts should not be bound to him regardless if they are positive or negative to a situation. 

I have posted things some have been offended by because I have the ability to be anonymous here and not have my son suffer repercussions from small minded people. This site for all of its wonderful attributes does have some judgmental people who believe what they believe and nothing else matters. if everyone on this site was public there is no way we would have as near as much honest conversation as we do. 

I think it is part of what makes the site great. 


"Put Your Name on it"

Okay, I've been following this for a few days.  So far, nobody has come up with a compelling reason to associate real names with ideas on our public message board.  Ideas and opinions are exchanged daily like commodities here.  I really don't have a need to know who's idea it is, as I'm only considering their merits for the topic at hand or how it effected me when my kids were playing high school or college baseball.  

I've been here a while and I've heard tremendous ideas and thoughts, and some not so tremendous.   It didn't matter who posted, only what their thoughts were at that time.   As always, JMO.  

Last edited by fenwaysouth

I've had two incidences with people just figuring out who I am online. With one the person proceeded to sexually harass my college freshman daughter on her Facebook page. 

The ugly one was the dumped boyfriend of a woman I was dating. He used the internet to find out everything about my kids and me. He threatened to kidnap my kids and kill me via email. Back then the laws on threatening people on the internet were real loose.  He even signed everything "The Avenging Angel." The police couldn't do anything until he acted. One day he was seen waiting, sitting in his car at my son's school bus stop. Imagine having to explain to a 10yo what's going on. I had already told my 15yo daughter. I thought he would go after her.

Eventually he cracked and attempted to break into our house in the evening with a hunting knife. Fortunately I heard something outside. I sent everyone upstairs and sneaked around the house. Always bring a gun to a knife fight. This ended with him face down on the back deck with a gun pointed at him. 

White trash? No. He was a Wall Street banker. He got probation, six months counseling and a restraining order. 

It's not hard to tell what is good advice and what isn't. A lot of good advice is liked or another post appears confirming the advice. Posters also debate bad advice. If anyone believes I'm providing bad advice feel free to ignore.

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:

I've had two incidences with people just figuring out who I am online. With one the person proceeded to sexually harass my college freshman daughter on her Facebook page. 

The ugly one was the dumped boyfriend of a girlfriend. He used the internet to find out everything about my kids and me. He threatened to kidnap my kids and kill me via email. Back then the laws on threatening people on the internet were real loose.  He even signed everything "The Avenging Angel." The police couldn't do anything until he acted. One day he was seen waiting, sitting in his car at my son's school bus stop. Imagine having to explain to a 10yo what's going on. I had already told my 15yo daughter. I thought he would go after her.

Eventually he cracked and attempted to break into our house in the evening with a hunting knife. Fortunately I heard something outside. I sent everyone upstairs and sneaked around the house. Always bring a gun to a knife fight. This ended with him face down on the back deck with a gun pointed at him. 

White trash? No. He was a Wall Street banker. He got probation, six months counseling and a restraining order. 

It'snot hard to tell what is good advice and what isn't. A lot of good advice is liked or another post appears confirming the advice. Posters also debate bad advice. If anyone believes I'm providing bad advice feel free to ignore.


RJM posted:

I've had two incidences with people just figuring out who I am online. With one the person proceeded to sexually harass my college freshman daughter on her Facebook page. 

The ugly one was the dumped boyfriend of a girlfriend. He used the internet to find out everything about my kids and me. He threatened to kidnap my kids and kill me via email. Back then the laws on threatening people on the internet were real loose.  He even signed everything "The Avenging Angel." The police couldn't do anything until he acted. One day he was seen waiting, sitting in his car at my son's school bus stop. Imagine having to explain to a 10yo what's going on. I had already told my 15yo daughter. I thought he would go after her.

Eventually he cracked and attempted to break into our house in the evening with a hunting knife. Fortunately I heard something outside. I sent everyone upstairs and sneaked around the house. Always bring a gun to a knife fight. This ended with him face down on the back deck with a gun pointed at him. 

White trash? No. He was a Wall Street banker. He got probation, six months counseling and a restraining order. 

It'snot hard to tell what is good advice and what isn't. A lot of good advice is liked or another post appears confirming the advice. Posters also debate bad advice. If anyone believes I'm providing bad advice feel free to ignore.

And that right there is enough reason to remain anonymous thank you very much.

my real name is John Smith 

I live in a cabin by the lake in western Montana.

Yep, gonna go with that.  It is Mr Smith, to you, and no I'm not going to Washington.

RJM posted:
Go44dad posted:

Gary Key

300 Alamo Plaza

San Antonio, Texas

Come and Take It

come and take it


You do know that didn't end well?

Actually, the "Come and Take It" battle was in a town called Gonzales, about 60 miles from San Antonio.  It was the first skirmish of the Texas Revolution.  Four/five years previous, the Mexican army gave the settlers in Gonzales a small cannon to defend themselves against Comanches.  As Mexico descended into civil war, the Mexican army asked for the cannon back.  The response was "Come and Take It".  The settlers raided the Mexican troops at night, killing two of them.  One settler was bucked off his horse and got a bloody nose.  Thus starts the Texas Revolution. Or so the writers of the history books tell us and they taught me in elementary school.  In any case, it sounds good on bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc.

The Battle of the Alamo was some months later.  I conflated the two thinking no one would call me out on it.  But since my name is on it...

Shoveit4Ks posted:

Gary Key, tell me the last time you went to La Fogata?

One of my all time the place and where it is. 

I lived there in early 90's, the Maverick Cafe was still there...i think they were famous for serving chinese and tex- mex under one roof.

Shove, actually I live in Missouri City, a suburb of Houston.  Been a long time since I've been to La Fogata.  I lived in San Antonio from 1978 - 1987.  It was a sleepy town of a million people when I lived there.

Baseball Obsesessus Fanaticus. 

It's a Greek thing...

Like many times here I agree with Fenway. 

When my son was a HSer and most of his time at college I was very hesitant to disclose where he played, as anyone who has seen some other baseball boards the criticism of players and coaches gets out of hand so I was more concerned with protecting him than me, which I still think is important.  

That said I have exchanged many private message with parents here and have met quite a few HSBBWers at games all over the country, and shared stories about our sons both in person and online.  It really is a small baseball world in that sense, but in the general board I think it is best to remain somewhat private. 

Oh and I love La Fogta, not so much for the food but the Margaritas! 

Last edited by BOF

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