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3and2Fastball posted:
TPM posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

It is just a completely different world nowadays.  The rise of Instagram & Snapchat and the way colleges & pro scouts have integrated themselves in those platforms along with many other elements of the Baseball Industry is cause for concern alone in terms of privacy.

The world of cyber among teenagers is completely different than 6 years ago let alone 15.

I will not insinuate anything about anyone here, but I can say that most people I know who have kids in the their 20's or 30's barely have any idea what Instagram or Snapchat is, let alone how kids treat each other on those platforms and how it effects perception in the Baseball Industry.

So you are sayin if you have a 20-30 year old, that puts you in the category of " you have no clue about IG, twitter or snapchat"?

I have been called an old Biddy but I probably have more of a clue than most here about a lot of things.

I'm not saying that at all.

Most people who do not have a current teenage kid or grandkid are very unaware of the world that exists within Instagram & Snapchat and the way kids treat each other on those platforms and the way adults in the Baseball Industry have integrated themselves within those platforms.  Let alone how that can effect perception in Baseball.

The world has completely changed.

TPM, if you, personally, are aware of all of that, without having a kid or grandkid that is currently a teenager, then you are an exception.  That is fantastic.  But you are still an exception.  And then if you were aware of all that I would hope you would understand why parents of current teenagers have much more cause for concern about privacy issues than parents from 10-15 years ago.

I would sincerely request that you have an open mind about how much things have changed in such a short amount of time, and that as long as people here do not insult anyone and as long as they show respect to everyone, perhaps there might be some understanding towards parents with current teenagers who are dealing with cyber issues as it pertains to their child that was completely unimaginable even 10 years ago let alone 15 or 20.

I humbly request your patience, and sincerely state that I will not show disrespect towards anyone.

You seem like a wonderful person who has so much valuable information to share, which is tremendously appreciated by myself and so many others.


Do you really think that people here will hunt down your kids and find them on FB, instagram etc. because they know who you are. Meanwhile people are sharing with people because they think that they are good guys.

Maybe you are right, SDR insulted me than befriended me by sending a pm that a webster sent to him. So it is important to know who is behind that name, isn't it?

It really doesn't matter, as someone just reminded me this place used to be about helping people, not picking sides.


RedFishFool posted:

Tiger Paw Mom

Lol. It was another name when I first joined, then changed when DK committed to Clemson.

Then just shortened it to cover all bases. 

But I don't have dual screen names like others do.

Funny but sad story. Years ago a very nice dad had 2 screen names. One to help, one to trash. I think one day he forgot who he was because he mixed up the posts. He was banned asap. 


Most people who do not have a current teenage kid or grandkid are very unaware of the world that exists within Instagram & Snapchat and the way kids treat each other on those platforms and the way adults in the Baseball Industry have integrated themselves within those platforms. - 3AND2

The inference here is that if you DO have a current teenage kid or grandkid that you are therefore fully aware of this world.  I have a teenager and soon-to-be teenager (who now has a phone as we have abandoned the land line) and I will admit that I have only heard third party stories about a very few bad outcomes as I don't have a large circle of friends who share endlessly (i.e. gossip).  I'm not real sure how I would go about educating myself, but I am quite sure I would be still be shocked once I learned the extent.  In other words, just because I have kids, I don't pretend to know what is really going on - simply try to tamp down usage in our household.

I have heard stories from several years back about coaches getting "friended" by potential recruits with the coach presenting themselves as a teenage girl - coach then hangs out in the background keeping tabs.  Keep in mind I said "friended" which I am not sure my kids ever did as Facebook is now for old folks.  No idea what coaches are doing today outside of the usual social media scanning of the kid and any and all connections.  Heaven help folks when someone releases the past 5 years of SNAPCHAT that has secretly been squirrel away somewhere - or maybe you'll get the chance to purchase the material before it is published.  Sounds wacky but given the past 5 years, there is no telling what is going to happen 5 years down the road.  

3AND2 - Thanks for the post and for reminding everyone that whatever "stuff" is put out there today is probably going to stick around forever and will become easier and easier to ferret out with the simply push of a button.  Kids need a good slogan like "Just say no!" and not only keep their social media output squeaky clean but also keep the bad guys from messing with it. 


Part of the fun is trying to figure out who the screen name is.  You can figure mine out if you are sufficiently motivated.  The screen name is important because it can often convey your perspective in one word, helping users understand your statements/rants/arguements.  If I remember correctly this is my third screen name, previously I was CollegeParent, might have been 2Parent before then, but that was a long time ago.

Plus it does provide some security if its not easily obvious who you are.

Last edited by CollegeParentNoMore

The Cyber/Cellphone/Internet world is changing so rapidly that parents these days are stumbling fumbling bumbling (myself included!) to make sense of what is what.

There is a lot I don't know.  There is probably even more that I don't know what I don't know.

What I do know is that the invasion of privacy is stunning.  And current.  And everything said online is instantaneously available to anyone.  And not everyone is a "good person".

smokeminside posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

I prefer being direct, like a fastball in a 3-2 Count.  

I like a change up in that count. Not to go off topic or anything. 

That isn't very direct, Smoke.  That is fooling someone.  Pretending to be one thing and actually being something else entirely. 

Definitely a good strategy in Baseball, but not a strategy that endears trust in online relationships or "real life".

Richard Chandler. Lamar, CO. My son is 2018 Dalton Chandler. If I embarrass him, so be it. That's my main job as a parent, anyway. 

Also, a big, long-suffering KC Royals fan, so I don't want to hear any more crap about how "wonderful" a comeback the Indians had last night to extend their streak. THAT may get me to leave the board.

bballdad2016 posted:

Honestly, I've never really wondered who people really were.  If I wanted to know more about someone on a personal level, I simply PM'd them.  However, I have always wondered about everyone's handles and what they stand for... Like TPM, what in the world could TPM actually stand for... I have no idea, but I've often wondered.  3and2fastball... is that jersey number 32 and he throws a fastball, a 32mph fastball, is it change up, curveball, fastball... ?  CACO, BUM, BOF, I can go on and on.... yep... these things go through my mind. 

There was a thread a couple months back just on how you came up with your screen name.  Good Thread.

bballdad2016 posted:

Honestly, I've never really wondered who people really were.  If I wanted to know more about someone on a personal level, I simply PM'd them.  However, I have always wondered about everyone's handles and what they stand for... Like TPM, what in the world could TPM actually stand for... I have no idea, but I've often wondered.  3and2fastball... is that jersey number 32 and he throws a fastball, a 32mph fastball, is it change up, curveball, fastball... ?  CACO, BUM, BOF, I can go on and on.... yep... these things go through my mind. 

Wonder no more!


2020dad posted:
hshuler posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Garyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Your friend,


Shu I think your screen name is already a bit of a give away!  I do find it interesting though that this thread was started by a 2020 PMer.  And three of the four people 'outing' themselves are 2020 PMers.  Maybe we should just fill the big board with all our silly nonsense!   Speaking of which...   Shu what day is this???   No not hump day!  It's GAME DAY brother!!   

Good luck tonight! We have a bye week. 

TPM posted:
RedFishFool posted:

Tiger Paw Mom

Lol. It was another name when I first joined, then changed when DK committed to Clemson.

Then just shortened it to cover all bases. 

But I don't have dual screen names like others do.

Funny but sad story. Years ago a very nice dad had 2 screen names. One to help, one to trash. I think one day he forgot who he was because he mixed up the posts. He was banned asap. 


Go44dad is my alter. 

Teaching Elder posted:

Really. To make this square up completely, you must put your home and business address on here.  That way offended posters can drop by and take up matters with you Mano y Mano. 

Since we are manning up and all. Lol. 

Nah to settle it like men/women - you have to meet me in the parking lot.

(sarcasm alert - it's a joke)

3and2Fastball posted:
smokeminside posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

I prefer being direct, like a fastball in a 3-2 Count.  

I like a change up in that count. Not to go off topic or anything. 

That isn't very direct, Smoke.  That is fooling someone.  Pretending to be one thing and actually being something else entirely. 

Definitely a good strategy in Baseball, but not a strategy that endears trust in online relationships or "real life".

OMG, I've been outed! 

smokeminside posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

I prefer being direct, like a fastball in a 3-2 Count.  

I like a change up in that count. Not to go off topic or anything. 

Couldn't agree more.  Throw 'em what they don't want to hit.  I have shared a lot about myself thru PM and met some really good people.  Tip of the cap to BASEBALLMOM !  Will continue to do so with anyone that sends me a PM.

roothog66 posted: …Also, a big, long-suffering KC Royals fan, so I don't want to hear any more crap about how "wonderful" a comeback the Indians had last night to extend their streak. THAT may get me to leave the board.

 The last time the tribe won a WS was the year after I was born. The way I figger it, you’ll become “long suffering” around 2084. J

 The comeback last night wasn’t “wonderful”, it was flat out lucky. Unfortunately, there’s no qualifying mark, but only a “W” or “L”. Mebbe Vargas will get luckier than Bauer tonight. J

This ended up being a very fun thread.  Reminds me of the 2020 group, which (apparently) reminds some people of the way things used to be here.

Just gotta adjust with the times.  It will never be "exactly" how it was 10-15 years ago when 14-15 year olds weren't routinely making commitments while others of the same age group were being told "you are falling behind, in a year it'll be too late" while parents come here to get told "your kid is too young to worry about Showcases"

Holy contradictory situations Batman!

However, even if it can't be "like it was" it can be "something special again"

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease

Last edited by 3and2Fastball
3and2Fastball posted:

This ended up being a very fun thread.  Reminds me of the 2020 group, which (apparently) reminds some people of the way things used to be here.

Just gotta adjust with the times.  It will never be "exactly" how it was 10-15 years ago when 14-15 year olds weren't routinely making commitments while others of the same age group were being told "you are falling behind, in a year it'll be too late" while parents come here to get told "your kid is too young to worry about Showcases"

Holy contradictory situations Batman!

However, even if it can't be "like it was" it can be "something special again"

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease

Here is a great example of the time change re commitments:


10 years ago the first -- as in first in the country! -- commitment for the 2009 class happened in February of sophomore year!

Teaching Elder posted:
TPM posted:
RedFishFool posted:

Tiger Paw Mom

Lol. It was another name when I first joined, then changed when DK committed to Clemson.

Then just shortened it to cover all bases. 

But I don't have dual screen names like others do.

Funny but sad story. Years ago a very nice dad had 2 screen names. One to help, one to trash. I think one day he forgot who he was because he mixed up the posts. He was banned asap. 


Go44dad is my alter. 

You wish!

2019Dad posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

This ended up being a very fun thread.  Reminds me of the 2020 group, which (apparently) reminds some people of the way things used to be here.

Just gotta adjust with the times.  It will never be "exactly" how it was 10-15 years ago when 14-15 year olds weren't routinely making commitments while others of the same age group were being told "you are falling behind, in a year it'll be too late" while parents come here to get told "your kid is too young to worry about Showcases"

Holy contradictory situations Batman!

However, even if it can't be "like it was" it can be "something special again"

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease

Here is a great example of the time change re commitments:


10 years ago the first -- as in first in the country! -- commitment for the 2009 class happened in February of sophomore year!

Asking to committ early isn't new, son was asked to committ in his sophmore year to a local D1. No way. It wasn't going to happen.

An argument I had once with Jerry Ford, was about who has created the early recruiting phenomenon.  Some say the coaches, I say the parents. This is a situation created by parents who are afraid that their kids will be left out with no spot or no money.  Problem is that most kids aren't ready to committ early. Coaches ask top prospect players to committ early so that the other team won't get them. Parents are thrilled that their players got an opportunity at big state University, it doesn't always work out. As we have discussed, the  12th grade prospect now isnt as good as he was as a young sophmore, or even a freshman.  But as I stated, parents are ALLOWING this to happen. Son was pretty smart and mature, but how would he actually know what would be a good fit at 15, 16? I wish their was a state for those who committ early and actually stay 3-4  years. Also, this isn't football. Football pays the bills for most programs they have to get the best talent to win. And we know how football committs change their minds. They actually drive the bus, so to speak.

Please don't take this the wrong way, not meant for this crowd, but I think folks are forcing their players into making decisions too early.

 The smart parent, usually one whset player is a top prospect knows and understands their player would be welcomed anywhere at anytime.



Last edited by TPM

Wait, there's a secret club for those making payments on a 2020 grad? Where do I sign up? Yes, I'm pretty new here, but can I get a probationary membership?

FWIW, anyone who knows me will recognize me by this handle. It's on my license plate, for crying out loud...

Mostly picked the handle because I knew full well that I'd be asking some pretty ignorant questions, and didn't want the grief from those who know my name, but don't KNOW me, if that makes sense...

I also find amusement in other people's handles--and often try to decipher them.



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