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He acts as if he thinks he's in the NBA.

It's hard to have decent team morale when he has his own set of nonrules from everyone else. I'll bet nobody else on the Vikings decides when they want to take a play off and just go through the motions.

Too bad they couldn't transplant Chris Carter's brain in Randy Moss' body.

The worse Moss behaves, the less chance the Vikings make the playoffs. Despite the weak division they have been in and the talent they have, they failed to make the playoffs the last few years. This year they had a total collapse and backed into the playoffs.

Well it looks like they only have one more week left. Look for Moss to have a meltdown after next week's dismal effort.
It will be interesting to see what kind of bal*s Mike Tice and the Viking ownership have. He should be suspended for the next game. He is a digrace to himself, teammates, Vikings, NFL, game, and mankind. They made a huge deal out of the Janet Jackson flash, this is worse in my opinion.

What a waste of talent.
Last edited by rz1

Good point but you needn't wait till next week. The management of the Vikings has been allowing this for years.

There have been at least two consequences to their lack of discipline and equality that I am aware of.

1. They have under-achieved for several years and even have failed to make the playoffs the last few.

2. I no longer am a Vikings fan even though I grew up one starting out back in the days of Bud Grant and the Purple People Eaters.

Moss -- whose reputation is still smarting for skulking off the field with 2 seconds left in a loss in Washington last week -- pretended to pull down his pants and moon the crowd after scoring on a 34-yard touchdown pass from Daunte Culpepper in the fourth quarter.

"Just having a little fun with the boys a little bit," he told Fox after the Vikings' 31-17 wild-card victory over the Packers. "I hope I don't get in trouble by it, but if I do I'll take the heat."

According to ESPN's Chris Mortensen, Moss can expect some "heat" from the NFL.

When asked for a reaction to the touchdown celebration, an NFL spokesman told Mortensen: "Randy Moss can expect to be hearing from us."
It wasn't only that. Earlier in the first half a camera was on him on the sidelines and he was yelling into the crowd over and over "Look at the M***** F****** scoreboard! Look at the M***** F****** scoreboard!" You could actually hear him (although muffled) under the announcers. But it was easy to read his lips.

I couldn't believe that they didn't cut the cameras away.
I was a Randy Moss fan for a long time until he started his childish antics. He is one of the most classless players in the NFL. I don't even think TO would have done what Moss did. Tony Dungy had his comments as well about this while chatting with ESPN radio this morning.
Dungy said that he understood why he (Moss) did it. Dungy said that when he was coaching in the NFC and lost to the Packers, on the way out of the stadium fans would moon the bus they were on. Dungy said that this happens to every team that looses at Green Bay. So, while he didn't like what Moss did, he knows why Moss did it.
Wonder if he would think the same thing if it was one of his players doing the deed?
"Just having a little fun with the boys a little bit," he told Fox after the Vikings' 31-17 wild-card victory over the Packers. "I hope I don't get in trouble by it, but if I do I'll take the heat."

The problem with his quote is that he could care less about any "heat" he may get. The only way you are going to get his attention is by suspending him from a game without pay.

TR mentioned that would not happen because of revenue issues. I would hope the NFL thinks the game would survive without Moss as they alredy have the advertising sponsor dollars. A fine is nothing to these multi-millionaires, but you put them up face-to-face with their teammates and you might get a favorable response from the bum. A foot has to come down, and this a perfect example, and the perfect time in history (NBA incident) of something the union will not touch.

Many people have interpreted his act as not shooting the moon but rather implying that he was defalcating in the end zone.
Last edited by rz1
It was totally unacceptable. My question is why there was no unsportsmanlike conduct call. If someone like Terrell Owens can get busted for pulling a sharpie out of his sock, why on earth isn't Moss fined and suspended for his actions. At least I didn't have to explain the sharpie to a 6 year old. Just another learning point for my kids I guess.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
You all sound so shocked that this type of thing happens?
You cant expect roll models from today's top athletes.
These athletes are no more then grown men with a teenagers mentality.
It starts off in High school, when little Johnny comes in as a freshmen and can run like the wind, or throw, or hit, no matter what it is, they are treated differently.
You say it doesn't happen but it does.
It's our own fault, winning by all means is the only expectable outcome.
I know of a kid here in TX that was an outstanding running back, he came in as a freshmen and blow everyone away. But his academics were below standards.
instead of making him work harder, they changed his status to Special Ed so he wouldn't have to meet the high standards of the school.
So he played ball, and boy was he good, everyone knew he wasn't doing any academic work but they didn't care, we were winning.
the kids did his 4 years and signed with UT.
The whole community was so proud of the local young man, who made good.
The young man red shirted his freshmen year. and all seemed good to go.
Unfortunately, the young man was caught with some un-godly amount of controlled substances with the intent to distribute.
and will probably spend the next 30 years of his life in jail.
the sad part about this whole thing is the young man has no idea how much trouble he's in.
and I would assume he thinks, that someone is going to bail him out like they've always done.
you should have seen the look on his face, he thought it was all a game.
You cant expect the Randy Moss's of professional sports to give a two cents, when we allow it to continue.
Look at our sport, Barry Bonds, Jose Conceco, Sammy Soslow, Mark McGuire, Geombe, and on and on.
they break the rules and we allow it to continue because they are winners.
as a society if we put our foot down, and stopped supporting the teams that employee these players you would see a change.
But that would never happen, because winning by all means is the only expectable outcome.
I think with the recent NBA fiasco that mentality Randall explains is turning over. The ball is rolling, now is the time to make an example while the last incident is fresh.

There are a few bad apples that spoil the basket in all sports. If there was a "no nonsense" mentality accross the board, even the idiots would start to figure it out.

While I agree with Randalls assessment of todays morality, now is the perfect time to set a precident.
I was done with him when he walked off the field before the game ended the week before. The gutless vikings have put winning before teammates, team, and their fans. What he did in Green Bay was classless, but what do you expect. Evidently Green Bay fans in their parking lot for years have a tradition of "mooning" the visiting bus when they leave following games when they have been crushed by the cheeseheads. So, kind of payback. I think his career is hanging in the balance. If Minny gives up on him, some other team (raiders) will take him with open arms.
Randall, the difference between Farve and Moss antics was that Farve's was to an on field opponent who probably started it to Farve. Moss went outside the lines as a "me" gesture to the world. Granted both may be construed as wrong, but, don't even try to put them as people in the same catagory, you will have very little support.

Bret Farve used to do the Mock Throat slashing movement all the time.

I've watched him for years and I think "all the time" is a stretch. Must be a Cowboy fan Wink
Last edited by rz1
Is anyone surprised? He is not alone is he? Watch any game NBA NFL its ridiculous. But you know what, people keep tuning in and as long as they do they will keep putting this trash on tv. They don't want to clean it up because they feel that this is what we want to see. They make the token statement and the token fine and sit back and laugh and rake in the dough. I don't watch the NBA I dont watch the NFL anymore because I dont respect the way they act or represent themselves. Ask yourself this question "If that is the way they act in front of 65,000 fans and millions of people in the TV audience what do they do in the privacy of their lives"? I wouldn't let Randy Moss or any of these thug wannabees walk across my lawn. I wouldn't pay one dime of my money to watch people that I have no respect for whatsoever. They are clowns.
And one other thing. Go to a High School baseball game. Go to a College baseball game. Look at the pride and respect for the game that these young men have. Look at the sportsmanship and the class they show. Look at the kid that dives in the hole at short and leaves skin and blood in the dirt to try a knock down a ball to keep a kid from scoring from second base in a non conf game in Feb and hes down by 8 runs in the 6th inning. If I am going to pay for anything it would be to see this. The true spirit of sports and what it is really all about. The kid that works his butt off all year long and is never late for practice and always gives 100% to his team and coaches. And this kid might never get in the game but he cheers for his team and is always ready when called upon. Those kids are my heros not the Randy Moss's of the world. People need to get a grip and see it for what it is.
This is my problem with it. Players have to be taught that the game is bigger than them. They have to be taught to respect the game and their opponent. You see these pro coaches talk about respecting the game and respecting the opponent but the players do the exact opposite. I have coached alot of inner city kids in football in the past. I never had a problem making them understand that there is no place for disrepecting the game or the opponent (never). If it happens they know that they are going to get punished for it. Now you have these overpriced thugs that think they are bigger than the game. They obviously think that they can do whatever they want to do. The reason is because they have been allowed to get away with it for so long. Untill the powers to be are hurt in the pocket book by the viewers that are sick of it, it will not change. Can you imagine a guy hitting a homerun and then as he rounds the bags he bends over and acts like hes mooning the pitcher? Now you might say they don't because they don't want to get hit the next time up. I say its because baseball players are taught from the earliest ages to respect the game and the opponent and it is engrained in all of us. It is a source of pride for all baseball people. Face it the NBA and the NFL are out of controll and on a downward spiral.
I don't mean any harm in saying this. But we seem to be stereotyping inner city kids. Not all inner city kids would behave like Randy Moss. On the other hand I've known both inner city kids AND suburban kids who have displayed inappropriate behavior on the field of play.

I agree with Coach May. We inadvertently allow, condone and support this type of behavior by our silence and by continuing to watch these players that are guilty.

I don't think we should place inner city kids in a box and imply that they would act like Randy just because they are from the inner city. I'm not even sure that Randy Moss was an inner city kid.
Well said Coach May. I agree with you entirely. My two brothers, my dad and I all stopped watching the NBA years ago and none of us watched very much football this season. I tuned into the game about a half hour before RM's stunt and as soon as I saw it I turned the TV off and found something else to do. I just hope that MLB never heads in this direction, if so I will be turning in my season tickets. But you got to wonder if the new video games promoting a classless behavior in the virtual baseball games will begin showing up on the field at some point.
The last thing I am doing is trying to stereotype or "box" the inner city athlete. This web site in the past has realized the fact baseball, specifically select baseball is a suburban sport due to economical and environmental issues in the inner cities of America. I don't feel that's stereotyping but rather an unfortunate fact.

Yes, all sports, and all races have your "thugs", however, if you remove race from the data and just look at eco/social backgrounds I think you will find some discouraging statistics.

I agree with Coach May. We inadvertently allow, condone and support this type of behavior by our silence and by continuing to watch these players that are guilty.

Catfish and Coach May have hit it on the head. But I think the first thing is the Leagues have to step up and draw a line in the sand then enforce the fine and suspension criterea. Unfortunatly the blinded player unions will call foul.

I really hope I am not comming off as the bad guy here. I just feel that baseball does not have same type thugs. It does have it's spitting, knockdown, pushing, cussing characters that comes with any competitive sport, but I think were comparing apples to oranges as far as the degree compared to NFL or NBA. Sometimes you have to take off the PC blinders and look the problem straight in the eye. The problem runs deeper than white, black, green or whatever. It starts at the home and it doesn't matter whether the home is on the lake or in the apartment complex it exists.
RZ1 Justifying Fraves actions by saying he was gesturing to an on field opponent instead of the fans, is not the issue.
The fact that he did it, in front of the fans and the whole world makes him as liable as Moss.
Look, economic status and where one lives, has nothing to do with this. You have good and bad everywhere, so lets leave that out of this discussion.
Coach hit it on the head, to effect change you have to hit them were it hurts. in the wallet.
Also you can't have separate rules for those you like or dislike (Farve / Moss). Everyone needs to be held to the same standard regardless.
I've never been a fan of censorship in any manner, so I choose to just not watch.
I don't watch Pro anything but baseball, and to be honest with you, that's almost on it's way out.
RZ1 bad manners in basketball and football Vs baseball?
before there was ever a basketball player going into the stands to fight, there were baseball players fighting with the fans.
And you talk about spiting, no other sport indirectly supports chew less tobacco more then Baseball.
That in itself is a problem. have you ever seen what that stuff can do?
I think I rather have a kid with a bad attitude, then with no lower jaw, or died.
Then you have Steroids, I'm sure they are prevalent in all other sports, but when you have a Barry Bonds at 40 years old bigger, stronger, faster then when he was twenty, what message does that send to our kids?
Then the there's lying. I much rather have a Moss who says yes I did it, then A Bonds who says he had no idea what the substance was that he was rubbing on his body?
you can't single out baseball just because we prefer it.
It's just as bad.
Coach May ... gotta agree with you 100%.

I used to be an ardent LA Laker fan going back to Jerry West and Wilt, and used to track several NBA teams. I could still bring myself to watch the Lakers in '02, '03, as Phil Jackson still had them playing a pretty decent game of basketball despite the dysfunctional relationships.

After the melt-down this past summer, I don't watch the Lakers ... ever. Watching Kobe score 42 points in a game of 1-on-5 just makes me sick. I don't like the 'Show' most of the modern era players feel they have to put on instead of being humble in their good fortune to be blessed with getting paid millions to play a game. We've come to the point where many of the players feel like they need to star in their own MTV video in the midst of every game ... that the game is just their 'stage' and their teammates the supporting cast. Unfortunately, over the past 10 years or so, both the NBA and NFL have encouraged the 'showtime' sports-as-entertainment element in their quest to appeal to younger audiences.

Some of the reasons why I tend to just watch college sports now ... when I bother to take the time.
Last edited by pbonesteele

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