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  I was listening to two head coaches yesterday from a Conference USA and Sunbelt school.

just to give perspective to new parents...........................

"yea well you know how freshman are, I just hope my incoming freshman can keep it all together and get through the first season without running home to mommy, or getting expelled, or hurt " 

"that's why we keep a few spots for the juco's "  

"Those freaking jucos want too much money... , one year and then want the 15th round"

"Sh*t it's hot, I don't even know why I'm here...."

"You going to Lake Point next week ?"

"yea nothing else to do, fight the crowd"

"ok well I have seen enough, these kids either suck or are committed"

" hey bring your clubs to Atlanta"

"ok, get the tee time"



Two sitting  behind the net 

"what's his number"?

" P35"

"what "?


" did he say E35? I don't have an E35 on my sheet"

" screw it the kids throws puss anyway"

" whoa sh*t 91.... who is this kid, anybody know him.... ?"

" says here he's committed to Vandy"

" freaking VU  , hey Brownie suck dude"

" hey you missed the kid throwing 90+ , yea I was checking my clash"


That's the clean version... BTW

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old_school posted:

had to laugh, I can almost hear the conversation.

my gut tells me that this is part of the reason these guys are in the Sunbelt...I would guess as an employer I would be highly motivated to replace them! They sound like type of coaches / employees an organization would be better off without.

I don't know old_school....they sound like realists.  They are excited by the 90+ guy and bored with the average to mediocre players that they saw and hoping they didn't recruit badly for their Freshman can assume they have had Freshman running home to mommy, getting expelled, and hurt.

I mean let's be serious, if they weren't jaded to all of this they would be lousy recruiters and lousy head coaches.  They are there to do a job, and so they don't miss the diamond in the rough...but they are not there to make someones dream come true.

CaCO3Girl posted:
old_school posted:

had to laugh, I can almost hear the conversation.

my gut tells me that this is part of the reason these guys are in the Sunbelt...I would guess as an employer I would be highly motivated to replace them! They sound like type of coaches / employees an organization would be better off without.

I don't know old_school....they sound like realists.  They are excited by the 90+ guy and bored with the average to mediocre players that they saw and hoping they didn't recruit badly for their Freshman can assume they have had Freshman running home to mommy, getting expelled, and hurt.

I mean let's be serious, if they weren't jaded to all of this they would be lousy recruiters and lousy head coaches.  They are there to do a job, and so they don't miss the diamond in the rough...but they are not there to make someones dream come true.

you may be correct, my experience tells me otherwise.

CaCO3Girl posted:

I don't know old_school....they sound like realists. ...

Most of the scouts and RC's I've seen/been around have a much better filter.  They may think many of those same thoughts but they are aware when they are within earshot of someone "out of the circle".   

Would you risk bad-mouthing one of your boss's/employee's/friends kids at the water cooler when you know some of those folks are likely within earshot?

cabbagedad posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:

I don't know old_school....they sound like realists. ...

Most of the scouts and RC's I've seen/been around have a much better filter.  They may think many of those same thoughts but they are aware when they are within earshot of someone "out of the circle".   

Would you risk bad-mouthing one of your boss's/employee's/friends kids at the water cooler when you know some of those folks are likely within earshot?

This was exactly my point.

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

I could go on, it was hilarious..

Scout to all the pitchers,  " look we have to get off this field by 3:00 pm  so if any of you cannot hit 85 tell me now"  

bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

I could go on, it was hilarious..

Scout to all the pitchers,  " look we have to get off this field by 3:00 pm  so if any of you cannot hit 85 tell me now"  

 I would prefer my kid hear these honest opinions over the back-and-forth oh yeah we are interested yeah we are going to call you hey send me your updated schedule when you have it… And then you never hear from them again. 

I am with cabbagedad, most scouts and recruiters are pretty tight lipped about what they say  in front of others.

Now the OP tells us he knows these guys, so even more reason why you dont say anything, even anonymously.  We all know that bacdors son is headed to Vandy and a top prospect, I am not sure of the point being made here.

Are you saying dont send your player to an AC tryout?

Again, whats your point?

Last edited by TPM

Just that it was funny... let me elaborate... years ago I was like a lot of parents on this board, naive and believed what I was told .... 

I think what I was hearing is accurate with at least 60% of RC  not so much with pro scouts.

I think there is the wizard of Oz curtain  and what they want you to think and then there's the reality,  and that is most showcases are a waste of money, there are some good ones, but not many.  

As far as Area Code , by all means go to the tryouts if your invited, its a great event. They cannot control the RC's that show up.... 

My post had nothing to do with Area Code and more to do with the what is actually going on.

Just today a poster was upset that his son got 9 pitches .... he felt he deserved more... and the reason he did was because more than likely he was 'sold' more... 

So they pay the money, have expectations of RC being there and the reality is they are there either because they got paid to be there of they are looking at a specific player or they are filling a specific need...

And for years I have heard the RC's talk like this.... they group up in the stands... Now I will say from my exp. pro guys are much more professional

Last edited by bacdorslider

I mean do you really think that parents understand what they being told ?  Do they know how to read between the lines and come away thinking your their 3rd 4th choice... and they will try to keep you hanging on, until 1 they did not get who they wanted and are settling for you,  or they did get who they wanted and you never hear from them a again.

bacdorslider posted:

I mean do you really think that parents understand what they being told ?  Do they know how to read between the lines and come away thinking your their 3rd 4th choice... and they will try to keep you hanging on, until 1 they did not get who they wanted and are settling for you,  or they did get who they wanted and you never hear from them a again.

So you feel that this is the way to educate people to the process? 

Yea you are right you were absolutely clueless.  But I guess now that you finally do have a player that is a top prospect you can stick it in peoples faces that you now know better.



TPM come on stop taking this so serious.... I was just having fun with some RC's and yes its true I was clueless, but bringing my sons into this post not right.  "finally do have a player"  come on really.... you're going "there"over a bunch of mid-major RC's that change jobs as often as I change underwear?   The worst part is you know what I am saying is true.  you know the recruiting game.

Let see 2013 worked hard, harder than I would have and made it to a D1 roster, made the dean's list and is planning on grad school.  2014 is attending the same D1 school and left his juco with an AA degree. 2016 is going to Tufts U and playing baseball.... and 2018 if he keeps working will have opportunities , "finally do have a player"...

Yes I have learned a lot name another parent that has gone to as many showcases, camps, talked to coaches at every level, when to bat for kids to get them looks and offers... been lied ans watched sons get lied to for no reason.... 

TPM you have taught me a lot and I will admit that , but you blew me away with this post.

BTW way was at Clemson the other day.... wow what a field and stadium



TPM posted:
bacdorslider posted:

I mean do you really think that parents understand what they being told ?  Do they know how to read between the lines and come away thinking your their 3rd 4th choice... and they will try to keep you hanging on, until 1 they did not get who they wanted and are settling for you,  or they did get who they wanted and you never hear from them a again.

So you feel that this is the way to educate people to the process? 

Yea you are right you were absolutely clueless.  But I guess now that you finally do have a player that is a top prospect you can stick it in peoples faces that you now know better.



Have you seen those commercials about the two people on a date disclosing "I made plans later in case this doesn't work out", lady responds "and here is the rescue text from my roommate"....wouldn't it be great if people said what they thought?

That's how I took this post.

bacdorslider posted:

TPM come on stop taking this so serious.... I was just having fun with some RC's and yes its true I was clueless, but bringing my sons into this post not right.  "finally do have a player"  come on really.... you're going "there"over a bunch of mid-major RC's that change jobs as often as I change underwear?   The worst part is you know what I am saying is true.  you know the recruiting game.

Let see 2013 worked hard, harder than I would have and made it to a D1 roster, made the dean's list and is planning on grad school.  2014 is attending the same D1 school and left his juco with an AA degree. 2016 is going to Tufts U and playing baseball.... and 2018 if he keeps working will have opportunities , "finally do have a player"...

Yes I have learned a lot name another parent that has gone to as many showcases, camps, talked to coaches at every level, when to bat for kids to get them looks and offers... been lied ans watched sons get lied to for no reason.... 

TPM you have taught me a lot and I will admit that , but you blew me away with this post.

BTW way was at Clemson the other day.... wow what a field and stadium



You did bring up something from another post, about the dad who was upset his son only got 9 pitches, but not ok what i brought up?

You've learned a lot over the past years, use your knowledge wisely, not like a wise guy. I have known you for a long time, so I wasnt really blown away with your post.  You would have never posted like that in the past.  Thats what I am sayin.

Clemson, yeah wow, doubt anyone has seen facilities such as theirs.

But that has nothing to do with this topic.


CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
bacdorslider posted:

I mean do you really think that parents understand what they being told ?  Do they know how to read between the lines and come away thinking your their 3rd 4th choice... and they will try to keep you hanging on, until 1 they did not get who they wanted and are settling for you,  or they did get who they wanted and you never hear from them a again.

So you feel that this is the way to educate people to the process? 

Yea you are right you were absolutely clueless.  But I guess now that you finally do have a player that is a top prospect you can stick it in peoples faces that you now know better.



Have you seen those commercials about the two people on a date disclosing "I made plans later in case this doesn't work out", lady responds "and here is the rescue text from my roommate"....wouldn't it be great if people said what they thought?

That's how I took this post.

You could ask him about all the posts, texts, I have received over many years. and about the time son got them tics to a AAA game in nashville and he spoke with the boys.  I tried. 

And BTW, most good coaches dont lie, they have reputations to uphold. I am not sure if that was a dig on those conferences or not.

So now its his turn to help others, IMO that post was a slap in the face for all of you that are beginning the journey, you may not realize, but it definetly was.

And you think I'm bad!!!

Last edited by TPM

  I was not digging on any conference , it just happen to be those coaches... THEY said these things not me...... I do not think that deeply about what I post. I just say what I'm thinking... there's no hidden message....  It was not  intended to slap any new parent in the face.

Of all people I know the struggles parents have... I just hate to see the same thing year after year.... the college recruiting shake down... travel teams are to blame as well.  BTW the player they were talking about was not mine. 

On another note, in my opinion while ECP was great, AC was better. 

Last edited by bacdorslider
bacdorslider posted:

   I do not think that deeply about what I post. 


Yes, I realize that.

Just think at one time, you more than likely were the parent they were refering to, or maybe one of your sons. Thats not meant as a a dig.

Why not help folks to try not to be one of those parents!

Oh nevermind, you are too wrapped up in yourself to get it.

Last edited by TPM

"Just think at one time, you more than likely were the parent they were refering to, or maybe one of your sons.  "

 you are saying at one time maybe the RC's were talking poorly about one of my sons?  I'm sure of that, it does not bother me, it did then, it doesn't now...

there are good RC's and they do not lead players on, they do not try to keep them dangling but most do... Pro guys seem to tell you like it is.  Pro guys are much better at evaluation talent.

For instance you might get a camp letter that states , many of our rostered players attended our camp. 

parents feel they need to go to the camp... reality, when the player that is now on their roster went to the camp they did not know the kid, only later years later was the player on the roster... parents are lead to believe the rostered player was discovered at the camp and you could be too... reality they saw the player years later and then were interested. 



I remember when you were frantic no one was offering your sons an opportunity. Crazy actually.  I am not sure whether you were lied to or whether you just werent listening to what people were actually trying to tell you. Myself included.

Now you are telling us how funny and awesome this whole scenerio was. Sorry, dont find that lighthearted or funny or awesome. Rather unprofessional actually.  Not sure I would ever want my son to either play for them or work with them. And if I overheard such a conversation, I wouldnt post it here, thats for sure.

Of course parents get letters and get all excited! I did, you did, we all did. So help them to understand what it means in a much better way, because this topic doesnt sound like that was what you were trying to accomplish.


CaCO3Girl posted:

Pretty sure I am a great example of a new parent and I thought the post was funny, and I'm pretty sure that's how it was intended.  

I just got back from my sons 14u practice where the word "balls" was making kids laugh hysterically and fall down.....yup it's's all about perspective I guess.

Pretty sure that wasnt the intention.  Kids laughing about the word balls is much funnier than a RC saying a kid sucks.  These guys get paid to do this. My son would take their job and do it seriously in a heartbeat.  

But believe what you want.  

bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Guys for what it's worth my kid was the 9 pitch guy....I did find this post at least informative in that sometimes we parents need to understand what's important to us may be a grind at the same time to recruiters. Being new to this game with a 2019 my mind needs to absorb it all! I think if we could have a "read only" forum for things like this it would be most helpful for us parents trying to get information. Thanks for everyone posting their experiences!

old_school posted:
bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Yes he did because he thinks all of the new parents posting these days are clueless but realistically he was one himself at one time.  

TPM posted:
old_school posted:
bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Yes he did because he thinks all of the new parents posting these days are clueless but realistically he was one himself at one time.  

Okay TPM, please spell it out....I don't get why I as a new parent should take offense to this post. 

CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
old_school posted:
bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Yes he did because he thinks all of the new parents posting these days are clueless but realistically he was one himself at one time.  

Okay TPM, please spell it out....I don't get why I as a new parent should take offense to this post. 

I already answered you in one post. How about you wait until the re ruiting experience comes your way. Then you can give your recount of all those lyin recruiters he claims he had contact with.



Last edited by TPM
TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
old_school posted:
bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Yes he did because he thinks all of the new parents posting these days are clueless but realistically he was one himself at one time.  

Okay TPM, please spell it out....I don't get why I as a new parent should take offense to this post. 

I already answered you in one post. How about you wait until the re ruiting experience comes your way. Then you can give your recount of all those lyin recruiters he claims he had contact with.



Are you saying most coaches give you a clear stance on how much they want or don't want your kid? There are no games, no angling, no wishy washy statements?

it was an attempt at humor and to let new parents see the difference between how some RC's/head coaches view theprocess and how parents sometimes do.. it was an attempt for the parent to see that these guys are human.... they make mistakes,   if you read my posts I have said many times that most are upstanding guys... in fact I like and I am friends with one of these guys... and believe me he does not care I posted it....  now if you really think that an RC or a HC or a scout will not say your kid sucks.... your are delusional.  Heck they will say it to their face...

Why TPM thinks I have a hidden agenda is beyond me.  Why she feels the need to constantly bring my sons and their journey into a post is beyond me.  Not that I care I don't .... very proud of them.....

Unless she wants to drive home the message that I was a delusional parent... heck yes I was, I was the worst, I wanted it all , for all my sons... I saw their desire, hard work and sacrifice.... I also saw the business, and how you need to  read between the lines.

Because of that I want to help parents now, maybe my method was weak, but I would rather pee off a RC than not explain the realities to new parents.   I would rather take the blows from TPM and old_school about how terrible I am to say anything negative about the "machine"  than let a parent waste his/her money and time and watch their son take a bad path.

But it's all ok, TPM has been a great help to me over the years.... and while i get aggravated at her , I will give her the credit she is due... but this time she's just plain mistaken....






I took the original post (like I take all posts of  "overheard" stories) as a parable with a message from the OP.  First, what a grind to be a RC/scout.  Second, they are competitors for talent and sales people.  And as such, are poker players with each other and with parents/kids/coaches.  They don't keep their job unless they are good at finding and delivering talent/fits for their organization. Third, there are good ones, bad ones and some in the middle.  Fourth, 90 mph!

Last edited by Go44dad

I never said recruiters lie...... why do you  insist on putting words in my mouth, you post what you think I meant.... not what I in the world did we get here for a post that was light hearted and funny?

Yes please feel free to PM me with any questions you might have and I will gladly explain the learning process I went through.   I want to help the new parents. 






CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
old_school posted:
bacdorslider posted:

Well,  I have known these guys for awhile...... have sat with them before, talked with them in their office, they likely felt a little more comfortable than a parent yelling " that's my boy" that's my boy"

so you decided to post the negative, arrogant, private conversation they had around you on a baseball forum?


Yes he did because he thinks all of the new parents posting these days are clueless but realistically he was one himself at one time.  

Okay TPM, please spell it out....I don't get why I as a new parent should take offense to this post. 

I already answered you in one post. How about you wait until the re ruiting experience comes your way. Then you can give your recount of all those lyin recruiters he claims he had contact with.



Are you saying most coaches give you a clear stance on how much they want or don't want your kid? There are no games, no angling, no wishy washy statements?

A coach is more likely to provide a reasonable view of the situation. It's the parents who process the wishy washy interpretation. If the coach says its party cloudy out some parents see nothing but the sun shining. What the parent should be hearing is there are clouds in the sky. My kid needs to make it more sunny.

Then there's the communication play of what the coach tells the kid and what he turns around and tells the parent. I'll bet the kid translates a rosier picture than the reality.

When my son was little I sent him to the sports camps in the town park. It was an alternative to day camp. Two weeks of it was a baseball camp put on by a local D1. He was 10-12yo at the time. I looked at it as day care. If he learned something it was gravy.

Some parents asked the head coach for evaluations of their kid. This was a 7-12yo camp. He had a canned response, "If your kid loves the game there's no telling how far he will go."

When my son was fourteen this coach was a guest instructor at a preseason hitting camp a local private high school ran. I chatted with the coach. I brought up his canned statement. He said, "I can't tell them their  kid sucks and has no future in the game. We're raising money for next year's spring trip. Who knows about 7-12yos."

While I saw the camp as day care some parents were coming back to LL telling other parents the coach liked their son. More often than not the interpretation is based on the sanity of the parents.

At fourteen the coach told me my son was a smart ball player. I only took it as a compliment and moved on.

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