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Originally posted by Mike F:
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
I constantly assign voices to what I read...that is why I read so slowly...I can not read any more quickly than I can talk.

GW4S, I'm pretty convinced that you need to assign the voices to what you read just to keep them otherwise occupied. chat
Mike F

In some of BlueDog's comments I hear Alec Baldwin's character from Glengarry Glen Ross.
"Put the coffee down - coffee is for closers only".

That is a classic movie denis and Baldwin almost stole that movie with a 10 minute appearance. Great actors in that movie in Jack Lemon, Alan Arkin, Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris and Baldwin.

From another movie Fargo where they have those strange quasi-Canadien accents - you know where they say things like eh? and so forth. I also wondered if Julie may sound a wee-bit like that being from a similar northern region of the country? Big Grin Julie will probably kill me now Eek The actress Francis McDermond won an academy award for that role I believe.
Its funny I really hadn't assigned voices here before but now I know I will. I always do that when I am reading a novel though, not only a voice but usually a character I think would be good playing the role. If they do make the movie and the character doesn't match the one I had in my mind it ruins the movie most of the time.

So now for all you ladies out there. I don't care who you think I might sound like but suggest you be thinking George Clooney if you need to picture this author.

Originally posted by observer44:

More like choir... ole

Choir huh? Is that why everyone preaches to me?...always preaching to the choir.

Originally posted by observer44:
No man can be in all those places at once!

Cool 44

Walk a mile in my brain and find out how it's done. It's cavernous and mostly can get a good vigorous walk done in there without the worry of running into anything.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I've got Wood as the father on The Family Guy.

Foghorn Leghorn! YES!! Me, too, but I can't remember who 'sounds' like that to me.....I think it was the Bama Bomber.

I had PGStaff as Atticus Finch until I heard him speak on the SHOWCASE dvd.

How many of you are shocked by hearing your own voice in a recording? I can't believe I can get through life with the voice I hear on tape. Who IS that person?!?
How many of you are shocked by hearing your own voice in a recording? I can't believe I can get through life with the voice I hear on tape.

I've been told I have a radio voice, my dad always said I had a face made for radio, and I always thought when hearing it recorded that I should get ready make a 911 call and report a very scary noise.
Last edited by rz1
No clue who I sound like but I'm sure most of you would cringe at my, CD's, Bee's, IB's and other North Coaster's Nasal "A". I don't hear it but I know others from around the country "You don't have an accent except for that A thing". Frown

This thread is funny though. I'm not sure if I ever hear voices. I think I'm more visual and picture what the people probably look like.

Laf - You know my thoughts on "accents"..... Fran Drescher's voice is a killer but she aint too shabby looking. Fran with a southern accent? Hmmmm....

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