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Here's one that I've seen... Practice situation for a 7U coach pitch team. Two actual coaches + one dad who kind of helps out. One kid steps back as the pitch is thrown to him. He gets in the box, lines up to swing and as the pitch is thrown he automatically steps back with his back foot and as he swings he steps away with his front foot. He can't reach the plate and most importantly, he can't get hit by the ball.


The coaches encourage the kid to keep his feet in place and not move. But the kid always steps back. The dad who helps out has a brilliant idea. He puts a bat on the ground behind the batter. So, if he steps back he'll step on the bat and probably fall.


This brilliant idea was concocted with the help of a conspicuous red solo cup in his hand. The coaches got rid of the bat and told the dad after practice he could only help out if he didn't come to practice or games while drinking. He chose not to help out anymore.

Didn't want to put this in the College Experience from a Parent's Perspective thread, but it sure has been my experience this year. The position player's version of "Throw strikes."


Mom of a freshman pitcher who is having a great year. Yelling at the infield. "Maaaake the Plaaaaay!" "Know what you're going to do with the baaaalll!" "Work haaard [insert catcher's number]!"


Shuuuut uuuuuup!


Kudos to her son, though. After Saturday's game, she went on and on about a couple of errors. He said, "Mom. We won. That's what's important." Thank you!



Originally Posted by MN-Mom:



Just checking first ... should this include the stupid stuff I've said at games (especially as a mom of a HS freshman player and then again in freshman year of college)?



I'll include stupid stuff I've said as a youth baseball coach. I've been guilty of saying some pretty dumb things without thinking first, such as, "Just throw strikes" to the pitcher.  After realizing what I've said I usually turn to my assistant and say, "That's good coaching right there." 


The other I've done is I tell the batter on one pitch, "Be aggressive up there."  Then following a swing at a pitch over his shoulders, I'd say "Be patient up there," before the very next pitch.  Poor batter is getting mixed messages. 

Originally Posted by RedSoxFan21:
Originally Posted by CanyonsMom:

According to my sons, it's when people yell "Just throw strikes!"  As if any pitcher is trying not to throw strikes

This is the number 1 dumbest thing said in baseball, and we still hear it from bad coaches and parents nearly every game.


...and when the same fans yell "Don't Lose HIM!!", like the pitcher needs to be reminded not to walk  the the batter.

Runner on third.  One out.


Soft line drive to the left side.


Runner sprints for home, never looks at the ball, never slows down until he crosses the plate.


Meanwhile, the third baseman makes a nice play to his left, catches the ball, and leisurely trots back to touch the bag, completing the unassisted double play.


Heard from the stands as the defensive team runs off the field, "Does the run count?

Swing at strikes!

Why didn't you swing? It was a hit and run!

Just throw strikes!

Why did you throw it down the middle?


Make the throw!

Hit your cut off!

Send him!

Why didn't you slide?

Find the ball...

Don't watch the ball!

We've got to start playing better.

Keep your head in the game! 

C'mon blue!

Blue, what's the count?

Can I get a courtesy runner for...?

He's only a freshman...

He's only a sophomore...

Is he going to play college ball?

Has he signed yet?

Yeah, the last coach was a pro player... 

He was fired for being too rough on the kids.

He didn't know how to coach these kids.

My kid is special

He's mine off the field, but yours on the field.



We need a pitcher, not a belly itcher!

This kid has a hose

This kid has a cannon

This kid is beast

This kid can play some ball

This kid is a hoss

This kid can stroke

This kid...


Basically, anything you hear on or around the baseball field could be annoying. I don't let anything annoy me except bad play.

son's 14u team had some top notch pitchers as 3 of them are now highly recruited by D1 schools.  Dad of the backup 1b; says that his son can pitch and the hs summer team has been using him and he has thrown 2 no hitters thus far.  Team is up 9-0 going into 5th inning; so coach lets the kid play.  9 pitches, 2 hit batters and 1 walk.  Coach pulls him.

Dad goes nuts.  "You have to give him a chance.  You give all the others a chance."  Walks into the dugout and grabs sons baseball bag and tells him "let's go".  kid turns 10 shades of red and just sits there.  Felt bad for the kid.

At a recent game, the home team had stopped service on the Porta-Potty making the closest at least 400 yards away. Several of us were discussing so many schools building baseball fields out in the back 40, then not having any parking or “facilities” anywhere near it. One of the dads said he knew the reason and made this statement: Its because the F****** LIBERALS HATE SPORTS!!!


Needless to say, there were a lot of quizzical looks and muffled laughs.

just happened the other day.  Parents standing around talking before the game, they see my son warming up to pitch.  1st mom says it is not fair that your son gets to pitch because he's a sophmore, my son is a junior and is one of the best pitchers in his league during the summer. Other mom chimes in and says her son plays every game during the summer and doesn't even touch the field here.  When I ask where they play in the summer they say ( get ready) church rec league.  These 2 gems are now trying to start a petition to get the coach fired.  i will now retreat to the outfield.

Originally Posted by Stafford:

I've known two dads who talked out loud about their 9 year old sons making it to the majors. And to be honest, that was not the craziest thing these dads did over the years. Not by a long shot.


One had baseball cards printed. Handed them out to family and friends and told them that they would be valuable collectibles when Jr. made the bigs..... and was dead serious.

Now that's someone who doesn't understand the superstition involved in baseball!


Can I throw my mom under the bus?


08Son was about 14 and playing first base in this particular game.


My mom is watching them before the first pitch and asks me what is wrong with 08son's arm?


I watch for a second and say I don't see anything wrong. 


She says well he better get stronger - his throws to the other boys are all bouncing and they are throwing to him on the fly. 


Yes, he was throwing grounders to the other infielders like has been done since the beginning of time.

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