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Here is one point that I would like to make. Mitch Houck was not signed during the early signing period. While the players on the list who did sign are outstanding players in their own right, I would rate Houck higher. That's an opinion I stand by. I believe Jason Tenyck gets overlooked because of his size or maybe other variables that I am not aware of, but that kid can do it all. He's a nightmare for opposing teams.
Also let me offer a personal experience on showcases. My son was invited to TeamOne following his sophomore season. Early during the summer season he broke his foot. The showcase was scheduled a week after the walking cast was to come off. He gets two at bats, both against Gio Gonzalez, first round pick MLB. John is a lefthanded hitter, Gio is a lefthanded pitcher. While this may sound like an excuse it's merely a prelude. While those in attendance may judge him on those two at-bats, others who saw him face Gio in a game situation in Miami may have a different opinion. Context is a major factor in determining a players ability to perform. On another note, despite a poor performance, John was invited back to TeamOne north at Notre Dame. Unfortunately, the cost was beyond my means. The weekend trip would have cost close to 2000 dollars. That's 1000 dollars per at bat. If you couple that with the cost of other summer obligations, which included a trip to a Nashville Tourney, it just isn't possible (for me anyway). You may call it an investment, but it's not. It's a gamble. In conclusion, there are players out there who can play with anyone but they get overlooked because of circumstances that are beyond there control.
I am not really sure of the point you are trying to make. What you see in a player, is not necessarily what a college coach is looking for. As far as getting signed at a particular place, there are many , many factors involved for college, not just ability, but grades, test scores and overall character, team committment,etc.
Don't send your son to a showcase if he is not ready. And parents should understand that being invited back to a showcase means $$$, not necessarily because they had great talent. It is what it is.
The growing process of a player can be a complex one. Sometimes you need to be in the right place at the right time, but generally, a parent needs to figure out what would be the best venue for exposure for their son. We relied heavily on travel summer ball and team competition, rather than individual showcases. My my son was lucky, while he had talent, he had a great GPA, which brought his stock up higher.

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