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I was disappointed to read a post where an uninvolved party claimed to know the intentions of a college coach with his upcoming recruits/team. He pretended to have an insiders knowledge that was not factual. His post was very irresponsible to all parties involved...the college coach, the recruit and the existing team. Even if he had some information, which he does not, it is very offensive to post publically, the dealings between a recruit and a coach. This website is an unbelievable source of information, made possible by the experiences of the posters, but the integrity of the website is compromised when this type of irresponsible post is made. Please keep this in mind when posting, and while difference of opinions also make this website great, hurtful mis-information is unnecessary.
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Perhaps not if the "summer coach" has spoken with the coach and knows the coach well--- I can tell you that we want to know how our players are going to be used when they get to college and we stay in touch as the career goes on for them at the college

Perhaps you are using words that should not be used if you do not know the situation in question
while i have no dog in this fight.
i mean no disrespect in my comment's.but this is not the forum to broadcast young players names about. it is just the same as talking behind someones back, and that can be harmful. it does no good or ready them for life. it's not being p/c or mamby pamby. i do agree we live in a p/c world and don't care for it, but this is different.
I do know the situation in question and also know that what goes on between a recruit and his future coach are not to be exposed on a public website, by an individual wanting to appear "in the know". Even if he did know what he was talking about, it is private information that he has no business discussing with you and I.
Originally posted by TRhit:

Perhaps not if the "summer coach" has spoken with the coach and knows the coach well--- I can tell you that we want to know how our players are going to be used when they get to college and we stay in touch as the career goes on for them at the college

Perhaps you are using words that should not be used if you do not know the situation in question

Pincus went on the board and proclaimed some kid who hasn't yet graduated high school the next starting shortstop at Coastal Carolina. Last I checked he don't work there. Maybe we should see if the kid gets past New Years Senior Year without wrecking his car, killing the neighbors dog and getting his NLI ripped, all before he graduates, if he even graduates, and then doesn't flunk out fall semester freshman year.

Pincus goes on to annoint the starting infield for 2009. He don't know who is starting where in 2009 anymore than you or I know. He got called out, and rightfully so. You think he walks on water for some reason. I don't know and don't care why. Probably because he's another coach from the twisted center of the universe known as the northeast, and so freaking what.

I've never even heard of the kid, but I can't say I'm a fan.

You two have set this boards credibility back years, imo. Nice job. Give yourselves a hand.
Last edited by Dad04
Announcing that you "know" from the coach who will be the starting anything, anywhere may "do harm" to the player who most recently held/will be holding THIS Spring said position, or to any other players attending or signing at that school who believe they are in a position to compete for that position.

If you believe it didn't "do harm", that's an opinion you can certainly hold. But what good did it do? Who did it help? And isn't 'help' the purpose of this board?

Nobody's got nothin' in that situation 'til the lineup card is made out in oh, about 15 months.

And I remember last Spring, when TLR "announced" the Cards' starting second baseman during ST....who then went on to spend his season in Memphis.

Coaches should know that things change and the guy who can do the job best is the guy standing on the field when the National Anthem is playing. And that's not touchy-feely or coddling. That's the way it works.
Last edited by Orlando
puma raises good points.

I don't think there was any harm done to any current players. It has certainly been a tradition here to announce where players have signed but that usually has been the extent of the commentary on the respective players. When we start speculating in public (or sharing confidential information) about what may happen in the future then I think there is potential to cause harm to a player, coach, or program.

Here are some other thoughts on the subject...

For the most part, comments regarding MLB players are fair game imho as they are public figures. There are exceptions such as if we happen to know one of our members are parents of the player.

I think comments regarding colleges or conferences need to be considered for the harm that may be done. Members do not appreciate seeing a school their kids have chosen denigrated in public. See the recent Penn State thread for example...

Finally, to post responsibly means to speak as if some other person who may be affected by your words were standing in front of you. Most decent people hold back things that might hurt another person. On the Internet, some seem to throw out the social controls that normally guide how we act in public. IMHO that is not responsible.
I will appoligize for answering truthfully about a situation that two other posters mentioned - involving wrong information on two players they named. Personally, do know more than most people about the Coastal program as I am close friends with the coaching staff. I certainly know more than a parent would know.

I was furious when misinformation was posted about one of my players by two posters - including TPM. However, I do agree posting the correct information on this site was wrong because it can be considered privledged info. For that I was clearly wrong. I will accept the punishment of seven lashes.

Dad04, No need to bash me to TR as we never said a negative thing about any player or program or you or your son. In fact, I like most of your posts. But you are out of line speaking negatovely about us. As far as I'm concerned this is now over.
Last edited by Florida Baseball Guy
Not here to argue with you, if you are accusing me of posting misinformation about your player, you need to show me where that was done. I never posted anything about your players, you did. I asked you where you got that information, and how it could be determined where a player will be in the spring of 2009, the same as many others did. You have made others upset, not I, I closed the thread to avoid the onslaught on you and you know that.

Don't place blame on others or me for this whole mess. I also did mention the same as you have just done, personal information about a player, under certain circumstances should be private information unless the player or family wants to share it.
Last edited by TPM
Barbara Kopp (Mother of David),

What bothers me most is that you get involved in conversations that have nothing to do with you and add nothing - usually wrong information.

I'd suggest that you basically mind your own business. If you have nothing to add that is substanial please do not post. I'll do the same if you follow those rules. I think that is fair.

Have a great day,

Bob Pincus,
You are to tell me where I can and cannot post?

I don't think so.

When you post anything here, on a public forum, anyone can make a response if they wish. You have no control over that and neither do I.

The purpose of the HSBBW is to help others. I am really surprised at your responses, and those of TR. I have heard both of you on several occassions say that you earn a place on the team, then you earn your position. What you both have done, if I am understanding Dad04 correctly, is undo that in two threads. Ok, maybe you don't like my input, I can accept that, but I and many others hold those that claim to be people in the business of baseball more accountable than just some dumb baseball mom. That is really what this is about. If you can't understand that, that's not my problem. Even the posting of my name (not that I hide it) and my sons name next to it, tells many how you approach things and it's not too flattering if you want people to respect you and what you are trying to accomplish for your own goals. What you should do is worry more about yourself and not me.

I am done too, I have had enough abuse from you for the last day, for no reason other that I expressed my opinion. You have claimed to do the same, yet you don't like being called out for it. That I don't understand.

Last edited by TPM

I am not prone to PM exchanges such as you are so I will say this here

I again reiterate that I feel Bob was not out of line--he did not disparage any player---yes it is my opinion but I believe that is allowed here---isn't it?

Yes, players have to earn the right but what was discussed here was what was being thought about and planned.

As I have said before on this site we are becoming too sensitive and PC oriented---WOW if Beenthere went at it like we used to in the old days the PC'ers would shudder and he and I are best of friends today and I expect we will be for years to come

What happened to Freedom of Speech ?--TPM--are you going to close this thread as well ?

we used to have some great spirited and hot debates on here with no thread closing---too bad that spirit is being derailed
This "so and so is going to start" reminded me of a good story. When I was in college unpacking at the beginning of my junior year I met some of the guys in the dorm and this one new guy had this clipping from his local newspaper pinned up on his bulletin board that was announcing his letter of intent and it had a quote in there from our coach that he would start next year... at my position.
I was a little shocked and kind of laughed it off... then I went out in fall practice and was very focused to say the least to prove that article wrong...
Point is, maybe the coach said it, maybe he didn't; who cares by the time the season rolled around the right guy was out there (at least I'm saying it was the right guy If you get me Smile

So when it comes to words about lineups of the future: they are just little words...
Now i will say this: if you use a website to blast a kid... you're going somewhere you can't be too proud of at the end of the day.
Last edited by trojan-skipper
First don't get into the pm exchange as your friend Bob sent me a very nasty pm regarding closing of the original thread. So don't go there.

I will say to you this in public as well, no one ever said that you two said anything bad about any player, nothing bad was said about anyone in that thread.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I do not have a player going to that program and I do not have a player being recruited. FYI, when I saw that post, it for me was old news, as Bob had already been on the phone to a player's parent spouting off the information that was told to him while he was on the visit with his players. So there is a lot that you don't know that has occured with Bob before he even posted what he did. I just think that he should have used better judgement in the way he went about giving information and because he claims he knows those coaches well gives even more reason to watch what one has to say.

Again, I closed the thread because I knew what would come after his post, and some people were angry so it may not have been too pleasant. The only regret I have is that I didn't delete it, but that is the judgement I used at the time.

If I was the only one who felt this way, why the need to begin this topic, I didn't start it, I never even contributed to it until again Bob mentioned that I said something about his player, which I NEVER did, yet he wants me to mind my own business? I don't get that one either.

I know he is your friend and you will defend him which is good, because I don't see anyone else doing that, do you? You have also brought yourself into this discussion by telling a parent, of a player who attends that school to stop feeling touchy feely, where I don't understand where you had that business to do so.

If Bob had expressed his opinion, which you are claiming he did, that would have been another story, but he DID NOT do it that way. If you can't see that, that's not my problem.

That is the point, nothing means nothing until the players take the field, no matter what you are told or who you say it to.
Last edited by TPM
What was posted was specific and absolute ("he will be the starting shortstop"), and did not mentione earning anything at that program. It was also made with the knowledge that families involved in that program post here regularly. Families who then might make decisions about signing elsewhere, transferring, or buttonholing the coach based on this published information. Further, it sets a precedent that it's OK to pass along such information, be it valid, speculative, or just gossip.

Notice I didn't mention "getting their feelings hurt".

This has Sweet Fanny Adams to do with PC, a word which has taken on a definite pejorative tone. Shame, really, as I believed it had less to do with concern over people being offended and more to do with stopping the perpetuating of outdated stereotypes.
What happened to Freedom of Speech ?

There is no such thing TR.

Lets use the old Oliver Wendall Holmes example - "Surely everyone can agree that it is not permissable to yell fire in a crowded theatre"

What we are talking about here is posting confidential and/or insensitive information regarding amateur ballplayers. There are limits on that. When someone posts that some guy will start over others that by implication puts the other guys down. It also makes the program look bad.

If you told someone something in confidence about the College Select organization or some of their players, would you not be upset if they went and posted those thoughts publicly? Free speech right?

BTW - my son was mentioned in the closed thread and I did not take offense to it. He realizes that what goes on in the field is what determines things and not what is hyped on a message board.

trojan-skipper - good post!
TR, please see CD's post to answer your question.

"Freedom of speech" means that the government can't prosecute or persecute you (within obvious limitations), not that someone can say whatever they bloody well want without consequences. Even if those consequences are simply being called on it on an internet board.

Though, by your definition, everyone responding is doing so with such Free Speech.
Even if the Coach himself posted that X player is going start in Y's position before even arriving on the field...I would be amazed.

Nothing bad was said, in fact the contrary, however filling out a lineup card on a message board is a big INVITATION to start debating kids. One of the things that make this place good is...we don't do it.

Kudos to CD for not engaging.
I think everyone gets it and understands that we need to support all the young man we support on this site and should never compare negatively one against the other, even if that isn't the intention perhaps that is how it was taken. Lets move on to more positive posting and put aside personal opinions and attachs of individual posters here. Sometimes we need to step back and take a breath, and then move on....
Last edited by RYNO
Originally posted by Florida Baseball Guy:

For example, Kopp sent a nasty email to people about TRHit not too long ago (I have a copy). That should not be done on this site and is dispicable. Yes, TR is a friend, but PMs and emails privately trashing people on the site show she is not who she claims to be and should not be a moderator on a site she uses to downplay others. I'm sure she has trashed me to people on this site as well. I just want the new posters to be aware that this is not the type of person to be getting information from when we have Fungo, TRHit, and others who has been there and done that with numerous players - not just one son.

Without taking sides, I think this is the kind of example that we are talking about...things said in confidence and privately, being aired publicly.

It's not about free speech, it's about appropriate behavior. Going public with private matters is not excercising free speech, it is excercising poor judgement.
Last edited by CPLZ

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