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Originally posted by observer44:
Yes,....While it took some time for the body politic to fully appreciate him...

It certainly is at times like this when we realize that we are are all the poorer for the Woodman's untimely retreat....

Right about now he Wood be expected to pop-up with....Well...God only knows what he Wood pop up with...

cry 44

Where is Woodrow? playbaseball?
Originally posted by TRhit:

If nothing bad was said why close the thread?

I'll explain, without argument.

About 4-5 months back, I said something about a coach, not with ill intentions, but it was deleted by CD. His explanation to me was that on this site there are players who play under that coach. I was a bit angry, but after thinking about it, I respected his feelings about why he did what he did, one because it could have been taken the wrong way, two because I know a moderators job is to make decisions which are not too popular (obviously). We also went through the free speech bit in a pm.

I know that CD most likely was not upset that his son was mentioned in the other thread. That's CD. But I know there are parents who post here whose sons go to CC, have signed or are interested in the program. I was thinking abut them. I think that Orlando pointed that out. I also felt that it would eventually turn ugly.

Yes I did make a comment about irresponsible posting, but I don't think that my feelings have been different than a lot of others. I am NOT the one who made teh decision to post such information, by asking me why I closed it, you have avoided the real issues why people are upset. This is not what we do here. I know you are friends with many coaches, but I do know that you would never relay here in public what a coach has told you about a player (yours or anyone else's), neither would most of the coaches who have many players here who have gone on to play ball. If you can't understand that by all of these posts saying the same thing, well that's not my problem.

You wanted an explanation. That's it. Bringing up closing the post is not an excuse to avoid the real issue at hand.

I am asking that we all put it to rest now.

Last edited by TPM
OS8, I agree what happens on the field it what matters.

It would bother me if my son was mentioned in a thread, And I don't know why it would.
It's going to come with the Territory.
The farther the player makes it up the ladder, the more things will be written.
And not always in a positive way.

It's alright to talk in generalities about a Program without mentioning anybody, ( Coaches, Players ).
When you start getting into the Programs business.

Well thats being Irresponsible.

I got into this dogfight a little late, so I'm not sure who let go of the leash first.. but guys, do we really have to enjoy being vile?Going out of our way to mention someone as the "Mother of X" just seems plain weird to me. I'm with TPM on this one.

Freedom of speech is great, but that's on a street corner. Last I checked, Mn-Mom owns this site so it's her show. There seems to be a few neighborhood bullies lately and guys, the neighbors who want a community are watching.
Last edited by Bum
Let me just say that I deleted my post. I read it and just felt that it probaly served no usefull purpose other than for me to relieve some frustration. After writing it and posting it I had done exactly that. I did not see any reason to leave it up. I sent a pm to TPM , I talked to TR on the phone and I will talk to Coach Pincus tonight some time. I enjoy this site and respect everyones opinion here, everyones.
Originally posted by Coach May:
Let me just say that I deleted my post. I read it and just felt that it probaly served no usefull purpose other than for me to relieve some frustration. After writing it and posting it I had done exactly that. I did not see any reason to leave it up. I sent a pm to TPM , I talked to TR on the phone and I will talk to Coach Pincus tonight some time. I enjoy this site and respect everyones opinion here, everyones.

Coach May - I saw your previous post and the fact you removed it on your own explains why I spend so much time here. There was nothing wrong with it but I think everything has already been said imho.

Look, I believe cooler heads have already prevailed. Coach Pincus has acknowledged that some things are better left unsaid while standing up for his player 100% - which is admirable. While TPM could have rightfully come out swinging in her last post, yet she showed great restraint and posted one of her better ones here in a long time. I think this thread can go away now because all the points have already been made. These type of threads add some spice to the mix sometimes and usually occur when baseball is not in session.

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