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Did it upset anyone else that rogers obviously had something that looked exactly like pine tar on his hand during the 1st inning tonight? I know he pitched very well without it, but just on principle I was kind of dissapointed with his character. Oh well, cheating will always be a part of baseball, unfortunately...
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I wouldn't be too quick to jump to any conclusions. I saw that discoloration on his hand when the TV commentators showed it. It looked like a stain of some sort. Didn't seem as if there was any kind of foreign substance that could have been rubbed onto the ball.

The guy threw a brilliant game. Watching post game right now and they are turning it into a controvesy. If it is a foreign substance issue, doesn't that require that whatever it is, it had to be wiped on the ball so that it could influence its flight? I didn't see anything that looked as if it could be transfered to the ball from his palm.

Bear in mind: I am rooting for the Cards in this series.
I didn't think too much of it (as he was pitching well after it was washed off) until ESPN showed a montage of Rogers' mucky hands pitching against the A's, the Yankees, and the Cards....

Then the conflicting stories from Leyland, Rogers, and the umps in postgame interviews.

Where was LaRussa? No idea ths had happened before? Not looking for it? Not kicking up a stink during the game?

He still beat us for the other 7 innings he pitched. But I don't understand why, given the recent history, he's not being called on it.

Rogers' Hand
Last edited by Orlando
Here's what really happened...

Kenny and John Cougar Mellencamp were in the dugout before the game swapping autographs and each enjoying a pre-game Charleston Chew. You know what I'm talking old fashioned chewy favorite since 1922...flavored nougat covered in chocolate!

Although it was very cold last night, the chocolate still managed to melt in their hand. John took the time to clean up...that's why he was late getting out on the field before the game to sing with his group. Kenny must have been enjoying the song so much he forgot about the chocolate mess on his palm.

Honest mistake if you ask me.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Its - Yes, he sure did. Rogers has pitched amazingly during playoffs and now. Folks can credit something on his hand for one inning, but there were seven more! He's been brillant!

The Tigers weren't quite as together as they have been during playoffs, but were much better than Sat night.

Still think it's going to be a great series!! I hope for both teams that the weather warms up a bit!
I wish I had a digital camera. I can get that same look in about 5 seconds. There is a spray found in every training room in America that undercoats athletic tape wrap. It looks exactly the same. Any of you that spend time in a training room can verify the accuracy of this post.

I heard today that they are claiming it was mud. If so, why the concern in the dugout, shown on tv, when a teammate was telling Rogers about what the camera had captured?

Hey, you can wash that stuff off and yet, you will still have a tacky feeling. I know, I've done it before in batting practice when its cold outside and I'm getting tired and don't want to hit one of the kids.
Last edited by CoachB25
I've always been a Rogers fan and I would bet that he had an adhesive type spray on his hands and not dirt. Just the fact that it was on the base of his thumb is evidence in itself that it is the perfect location that would allow a pitcher to rub the finger tips across it prior to every pitch if he wanted. The funny part was the only people up in arms about it was the media who in turn will enrage the State of MO. The Cards should have envoked the State motto "Show Me" while he was on the bump. As of now it's water over the brige and open to only speculation.

Maybe LaRussa did not say anything in order to protect his own staff on a cold night, during a cold series. That is my gut feeling, and I'm STICKING to it.
Last edited by rz1

I ask the same question--why did not LaRussa yell?
Why did the umpires not question ?

Perhaps the Bobbleheads on ESPN who contininue to have no "substance" and just reach for straws and RATINGS are creating---the game is still played on the field not on your TV screen--if you get the gist of it all
the bobble heads just create chaos for the "paying fans"
It was either pine tar or that other sticky substance someone mentioned.

He tried to get it "off" in between innings.

LaRussa didn't want to make an issue of it...that was OBVIOUS to the entire world! Classy thing to do...when you've only had 1 hit until the 9th inning.

Where is the Commish during all of this...Suspend him for the Series!...and I want the Tigers to win.
Beenthere, the rules say suspend and so it should be so. However, it won't be. Has anyone seen the website with the three pictures side by side from the A's game, the Yankee's game and last night's game? I've heard that there is such a posting.

All of St. Louis is buzzing over this. FYI, spilled milk. Get on with rooting for our team, enjoy the series. IT IS THE WORLD SERIES. So many teams didn't get a chance to complain. Besides, get a couple of hits earlier in the game and let the bats do the talking. Good series so far. I hope you all agree. Good coaching, great interest stories, enough arm chair quarterback situations thinking what I would do, great fans and good camera work. I don't enjoy the commentary as much but then again, who on God's green earth could make all of us happy?

Last edited by CoachB25
Heaven knows our Tony has thrown fits over less, though I don't know that calling out the umpire crew in the second game would be a good idea.

I certainly don't understand why the umpires didn't even look.....

Well, wood, there are little glimmers in House for the Blackadder fans. Like Hugh's appalling English accent when he was trying to disguise his voice in the first season. And a more recent (but very badly delivered) Cameron line, asking "what the cunning plan was". Did you see him on The Actor's Studio?
Where is the Commish during all of this

Been- I hope that is tongue-n-cheek because I didn't know that Bud was part of the crew.

Everyone rips on Selig for every bad thing that happens in baseball but no one will acknowledge the fact that a five year labor deal is all but passed without any media blasting which usually does nothing more than stir a pot that is none of their business. This is probably one of the most significant labor issues ever negotiated behind the medias back and I'll bet there are many people being called to the carpet for not recognizing what was going on.

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