A college baseball roster is comprised of 35 players of which, year over year, the make-up changes due to a number of things to include players graduating, players getting drafted, players being either added via being new students or transfer students and players leaving or not playing the following year for one reason or another. Essentially, that covers the adds and deletes . . .
Here's my question - what is considered a normal amount of turnover for a collegiate program? By that, I am strictly addressing the players who decide to no longer stay at a school or quit playing for their school. As an example, let's say a team has 35 players at the end of 2014 upon which five are drafted leaving the 30. Next, 8 players graduate which leaves them 22. Before we add in the recruits or the JC transfers or any transfers for that matter, of that 22 players how many would a school typically turnover from their roster in a basically normal situation? I realize there is no right or wrong answer and I'm simply curious what folks who have had a son play D1 College Baseball have experienced with their son's roster composition. Thanks very much in advance for any insight.