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Originally posted by funneldrill:
That wreck was something! I live 10 minutes away from Allen HS so I just went the back way and told our bus how to avoid it.

Your hitters had good at bats and barreled up some balls on him. You guys can definitely make a run in the second half.

No run, coaching decisions are terrible!
Originally posted by The Gooch:
Nice post coach j. I'm sure that 7-2 win over Flower Mound would have been a run rule with you in the 3rd base box.

First of all, I wasn't speaking to you or responding to your post. Secondly, I was referring to the season in general - not one game specifically. The team has the talent to do it, too bad he (the coach) doesn't know what to do with it.
Originally posted by The Gooch:
I'm pretty sure Allen opened that position up for interviews last year. Did you apply? Sounds like you were the right man for the job. Lovejoy is lookng for a coach I hear. You could head right down the street and show off your coaching talents.

I didn't apply, I thought Funneldrill was getting the job - he was my choice....

I would apply for the Lovejoy job but unfortunately it doesn't pay as well as my current job. However, if the current (Allen) coach doesn't shape up, he may find himself in the same position as the ex-Lovejoy coach.
Last edited by coach_j
Originally posted by coach_j:

I would apply for the Lovejoy job but unfortunately it doesn't pay as well as my current job.

Don't look at it in terms of salary. View it as a chance to impact the lives of youth by imparting your baseball and life knowledge on them. You apparently have plenty.

What is it you do for a living? I can probably second guess your decisions on the appropriate message board.
Originally posted by ironhorse:
Originally posted by coach_j:

I would apply for the Lovejoy job but unfortunately it doesn't pay as well as my current job.

Don't look at it in terms of salary. View it as a chance to impact the lives of youth by imparting your baseball and life knowledge on them. You apparently have plenty.

What is it you do for a living? I can probably second guess your decisions on the appropriate message board.

I have imparted my baseball and life wisdom on several kids that are on several varsity rosters in the area. Unfortunately, I have a family to take care, I have to look at the salary.... Oh, I'm in software sales. Let me know when you find that message board.
@ BatBuster.....I don't know you, and it's safe to assume you don't know coach'j'.....your comments are not needed.....and I know there are coaches on this board....but let's not jump to the conclusion that all coaches are always right.....some are not so good....and there is nothing wrong with them being held and everyone in the U.S. has that right.....I'm sure you've never complained about a politician....maybe we'll see your name on a future ballot.....

In summary, there are way too many snarky comments and uncalled for discussions on this board....especially when you consider most would not have the "insert male anatomy here" to make the same comments face to face.....

GROW UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Clemson896:
@ BatBuster.....I don't know you, and it's safe to assume you don't know coach'j'.....your comments are not needed.....and I know there are coaches on this board....but let's not jump to the conclusion that all coaches are always right.....some are not so good....and there is nothing wrong with them being held and everyone in the U.S. has that right.....I'm sure you've never complained about a politician....maybe we'll see your name on a future ballot.....

In summary, there are way too many snarky comments and uncalled for discussions on this board....especially when you consider most would not have the "insert male anatomy here" to make the same comments face to face.....

GROW UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is funny that I am the one with the "snarky comments and uncalled for discussions" I was just responding to a post. If he wants to hold the coach accountable then he needs to do it as you said face to face and not on a public message board.

You need to follow your own advice!
Thought I would toss in my two cents worth. A coach is as good as the program he has built. Wins to losses over a period of a few years. Just like in sales some are better than others and the record doesn't lie over the long run. Look at the school districts that have added schools in the last few years. Have both the schools had equal success? In most cases, no one has outperformed the other because of better coaching. One game or even one season does not make a coach but a number of successful (or not) seasons does.
I watched Allen play a few games earlier in the year, and they didnt look very talented. I have since watched them play against FM and Sherman and WOW are they a different team. They have one legit arm (Senior) and they are 4-1 with him on the mound. Ive seen a few of their other pitchers throw and there just isnt anything in the tank. I was at the game they played Wakeland their starting pitcher quit after being pulled in the 1st inning. Some of the people around me said the kid has pitched awful all year and had a horrible attitude to go with it. Rumor is he checked out of school and is now trying to play for Plano West. That kids parents ought to be spanked for allowing their child to up and quit, and then condone his behavior by allowing him to transfer and play for another school. Hopefully that is their only child. As for the Allen Coaches, from what ive seen that head coach and his young assistant have those kids playing WELL ABOVE their talent level. I wish them the best of luck the rest of the way.

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