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Posted June 10, 2006 08:44 PM
Column: Scorned Mistress Trouble for MLB

In response to previous posters on this subject...from what I can determine.

Authoritarianism, better known to the world as (Communism & Nazism) is not being practiced in the USA...that's your position.

Just recently within the last few days the US Supreme Court just issued a new law that allows the police to break down your door unannounced come into your house and take whatever they want as long as they have a warrant...anyone know how easy it is to get a warrant from a local magistrate to do that???

You are all in jeopardy from the police state that is now locking-down this country.

As the border fences and walls go up your freedoms are disappearing.

...and then you wonder why a man like Adolph Hitler could take a nation like Germany into becoming a murderous happens because the judiciary system becomes an arm of the police state and institutes laws that take away all the rights that are guaranteed by documents like our US Constitution.

Wake up before it's to late.

But I'm sure the authoritarianist on this website will make sure that the underlying meaning of this article is never discussed here.

I hear the chant starting already...shut it down...shut it down, etc.

I feel sorry for you guys...
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If it is so bad here why are you living here ?

You seem to be able to take advantage of what the country has to offer including I assume "special benefits"

Lose the freaking cross--it is getting boring

This is not a political forum even if you might think think so--take it somewhere else--I think it is time you are banned and eliminated--but that is just my own opinion

Baseball articles are nothing but about the politics of baseball in how players are treated, viewed and either assimilated into the game or rejected.

The articles discussed has more meaning than one cares to admit.

Just recently the US Supreme Court issued a law that allows the local government where you live to take your property using emminent domain and givng it to someone else. That means you no longer have sole ownership property rights.

Baseball players are also citizens that are effected by what goes on in this country. Inspite of a desire to ignore the reality of what effects our sons and our families in the pursuit of the game it doesn't help to ignore current events in and out of the game.

This article speaks volumes about how players rights to privacy and protection from self-incrimination can be twisted by using third party hearsay in lieu of hard evidence. This players rights are being thrown aside to achieve an desired outcome...just because a player is black and has an ugly not a justification for the methods being used.

Means to an end at all cost are not part of our democratic system of justice. We are supposed to be a country of laws that respect the sovereignty of the individual to be secure in his property and person. That is what is being ignored completely, here.

This, to me is the worse form of selective authoritarianism.
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