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Originally posted by Coach May:
What I have always believed is "You can accomplish anything if you work hard enough for it and dedicate yourself to accomplishing it." That "it" is the best you can be. That "anything" is the best you can be. Maybe the best you can be is 84? Maybe its 94? All a player can do is strive to be the best he can be. If he achieves that goal he has won. That may mean the best he could be is a good HS player. Or it could mean more. But reaching the goal of being the best you can be is all anyone can ask of themselves and all anyone can ask of a player.

The journey , the attempt to reach that goal is where the joy actually is. When that player looks in the mirror when its all said and done and can say "I have no regrets , I was the best I could be." Then no matter what level they achieve or what accomplishments that garner in the game , they have won. The others have to live with that question "What if?" They will fight that question the rest of their life.

I believe this. There are way more players that fight that question than there are who can look in the mirror and know that they did. If your son can look in the mirror when its all said and done and answer that question and know they did , then its all good without a doubt.

Every pitcher has a ceiling no matter how they train or what their genetic make up is. The key is striving constantly to reach that ceiling and knowing you have done everything you can to go as far as you can go. Thats how you win. You lose when you dont.

Coach, This is beyond good.

In he end the gretatest value of sport is the value personal journey. In that journey to bring out and polish every last ounce of emotional, mental and physcial ability that was God given...and to do so in the most difficult of circumstances is the REAL game. If in the end you can do so and walk away, without regrets, knowing that even if you did not reach the heights, that you made the most of what you win. You have no one to answer to in the end but yourself. In the words of Kipling...


If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

We can ask no more of our players and our sons.

Last edited by observer44
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

We can ask no more of our players and our sons.

Great posts by everyone.I trully believe that sometimes we as people focus too much on the outcome, and not the journey.

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