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Originally Posted by El gato:

GoHeels, would you go so far as to select infielders as group or would you split up the infielders into corner and middle infielders? What about the outfield?


Wildcats17, most coaches put their best players up the middle, especially when they are younger.  High school is no exception.

For me, I would split the infielders into corners and MIF.  I would allow for a total of 3 MIF and 2 corners.  I would have OF, and I would have four of them instead of three.  One UTIL, and room for three pitchers.


I would have a 1st and 2nd team.


Using this as an example, this may be one of those rare years where the top talent at 2nd base may be better than at SS.  Having MIF vs. splitting up allows for that.


Also, using last year as an example, there were three shortstops that had committed to ACC schools.  Two seniors and a sophomore.  The right one won the honors, but one was left off all together.  The one (the sophomore) that was left off probably makes second team as a MIF, vs. nothing as a SS.  He was very clearly one of the best MIFs in the district.


Finally, I would also allow a player to be voted in at ONE POSITION only.

Last edited by GoHeels
I have posted that I deleted all my post that  I wrote. Others have replied to mine so they are still there. I have signed off and will not write anymore. A lot of people know a lot of people and say things but better to keep that quiet and not put in ink...Best of luck to all teams in playoffs.
  Originally Posted by redbird5:
Originally Posted by Ball 4:

Would love to be in the room when players are talked about. For example. Hickory. Does Connors' Dad get to rave about him? Still amazed that dads are still coaching. Did that family move out of Grassfield District since he could not be a coach at GF? Must be nice to be able to move when you want too.

I'm still trying to figure out the points of your posts.  Connor's dad, Jerry, is a great guy. I consider him a friend. He doesn't promote his son at all.  He lets Connor's play speak for itself. So, does that answer your question or is there an underlying concern you may have?


So, to have now posted inaccurate info about the Uptons, insulted a Hickory coach and passed on inaccurate and potentially damaging "info" on a NR pitcher. What's next?


Originally Posted by Build a Bridge:
Why is it that the players on teams in the bottom of the district get no attention.  KF though a deplorable team, has one of if not, the best outfielder in the district.  Anyone disagree?  I'll offer a hundred bucks to anyone who can out run him, or outplay him.  Batted over .400 this year with 1 error.  Thoughts?  His name is Noah Johnson.

You are clearly familiar with him and have brought him to everyone's attention.  But, I also think you've answered your own question. Discussions on all-district usually revolves around players on the teams at the top with few exeptions.  It only makes sense, the teams that finish at the top typically are made up of the best players.  From my stand point I was able to see opposing players twice, and in few instances three times.  The OF is crowded this year.  Players that stood out to me were Lowry and Polanski from Hickory, Matthews from Great Bridge, Burcham from Grassfield, Trevor Riggs from Nansemond River, and a kid not mentioned much here but Justin Hayes of Western Branch.  That young man covers so much ground WB might be able to play 5 infielders and 2 outfielders (a joke for anyone ready to jump on that). 

Noah Johnson is certainly a fast player, but was hitless with multiple strikeouts in two games against Nansemond River.  Please don't take that as a slight on him because he is a good player.  While there are those on this forum that enjoy posting about players struggles they know nothing about, that isn't my intent.  But when you get limited opportunities to see players, those making tremendous plays in the field, wreaking havoc on the bases, getting multiple hits in a game including smashing homeruns are typically the ones that make an impression on those posting here.  Those guys, more often than not, are playing on the teams at the top of the standings.


Good news for you is that nobody's opinion here matters.  The coaches will determine all-district honors and more often than not they get it right.  But, there's always a deserving player that gets left off.

Last edited by Go Dawgs
Originally Posted by Build a Bridge:
Why is it that the players on teams in the bottom of the district get no attention.  KF though a deplorable team, has one of if not, the best outfielder in the district.  Anyone disagree?  I'll offer a hundred bucks to anyone who can out run him, or outplay him.  Batted over .400 this year with 1 error.  Thoughts?  His name is Noah Johnson.

I will offer an observation.  In the most recent game between KF and NR, the KF scorekeeper credited KR with 4 hits, while the NR book had 1 hit and 3 errors.  For anyone attending the game, the errors were very obvious, and were primarily made by JV players who were called up for the last game of the season.  Point is, if the scorekeeper credited those errors as hits, how many of the young man's "hits" have been accrued in this manner to allow his stats to suggest he is a .400 hitter.  I don't know the answer to that.


Otherwise, GoDawgs hit the nail on the head.  The outfield is crowded at the top, in regards to talent and production.  Lowry, Polansky, and Riggs are all D1 commits and had fantastic seasons.  Hayes is easy to overlook in his uniform (not a big kid), but impossible to miss on the field of play.  These are 4 players that stand out in very obvious ways.  There are certainly other outfielders who are fine players, and Johnson is probably one of them.


I would not assume though, that because a young man hit .400 and runs fast, that he is better than others around him.  There is always going to be someone who is better than I am!

Last edited by GoHeels

Nothing against Johnson, but against GB he went 2-5 with a walk against 4 different pitchers (their #2-5 pitchers).  Lowry and others from WB, HI and GR tended to face tougher pitching when facing GB. 


As Go Heels says, certainly error vs. hit rulings come into play, but hitting .400 against the back end of a rotation needs to be accounted for.  I don't know what year Johnson is so perhaps he'll have a chance to improve even more next year and continue to show folks what he can do. 

So I guess it really does matter who you play for. Not taking anything away from anybody but it seems that all the outfielders being pulled for play for the canes organization. It is a good organization, but just because you don't  play for them should not make a ball player invisible. Noah Johnson is a good ball player and chose to play for a different club team. If Johnson was at another school and played for a different club team he would be talked about.

Originally Posted by Go Dawgs:

Originally Posted by LDRIVE:

So I guess it really does matter who you play for. Not taking anything away from anybody but it seems that all the outfielders being pulled for play for the canes organization. It is a good organization, but just because you don't  play for them should not make a ball player invisible. Noah Johnson is a good ball player and chose to play for a different club team. If Johnson was at another school and played for a different club team he would be talked about.

I'm not following the point of your post.  Who these guys play for in the Summer has nothing to do with their performance on the field during this high school season and whether or not they're in the all-district discussion.  Conversely, their performance on the field probably has something to do with who they play for in the Summer.
Originally Posted by LDRIVE:

So I guess it really does matter who you play for. Not taking anything away from anybody but it seems that all the outfielders being pulled for play for the canes organization. It is a good organization, but just because you don't  play for them should not make a ball player invisible. Noah Johnson is a good ball player and chose to play for a different club team. If Johnson was at another school and played for a different club team he would be talked about.

I'm not really "pulling for" anyone in particular. My hope is that all HS players who have talent can play in college.  But, the comment was made that no one can out play a certain player.  I picked one that I am very familiar with and is considered one of the best in the country, as evidenced by his scholarship to a perennial Top 10 school.  


And, just so we are clear...Lowry committed to UVA prior to coming to the EvoCanes.  He was with Cutters Baseball previously.


GoDawgs said it perfectly: " Who these guys play for in the Summer has nothing to do with their performance on the field during this high school season and whether or not they're in the all-district discussion.  Conversely, their performance on the field probably has something to do with who they play for in the Summer."

Originally Posted by LDRIVE:

Like I said not taking anything from anybody, but it does matter who you play for ie: contacts and who the college coaches trust. Canes is a good organization period.


In that context, yes it does matter.  We have very good relationships with many college coaches and they trust us in discussing players.  There are many good teams out there.  You just need to look around.

I'm sure he's a great kid but here is what I see:  KF usually faced everyone's "other" pitcher. With that comes less velocity, weaker secondary pitches, less command, etc. Hickory faces everyone's ace.  Comparing stats of 2 players on these teams is apples and oranges, IMO. 


Please explain "hitting begats hitting". 

Originally Posted by Build a Bridge:
Hitting begats hitting.  Curious...if any of these other kids were challenged with leading a talent poor team, would they perform consistently? Great kid, bad program.  Think it was said well that if he played for a contender, everyone would know his name.   It will be interesting to see how Johnson performs next year at Norfolk State.

You make a fair point.  I also think it could also be argued that a super talented kid on a very bad team would stick out like a sore thumb.  The players previously mentioned "stick out" on very good teams.  Best of luck to Johnson both on the field, and off, as he moves on to college!

Originally Posted by Build a Bridge:
Hitting is contagious and it often leads to more hitting.  If the whole team struggles, it's rare that one player will perform well day in and day out. That being said, there are better hitters than Johnson in the SED, but they do have better coaches and players surrounding them.

In all of the hoopla that is "who should be All-District", I think a very important piece gets lost.  For those young men who have a love for the game, and wish to play it as long as they can...whether they make the All-District team or not, is not the goal.  It is always nice to be recognized for your accomplishments, and I know that it means something to some of them.  However, nothing means more to any of them than the opportunity to further their career by playing college baseball.  That is the ultimate goal, reward, and accomplishment!

@Go Heels.  Fantastic point.  That is the goal, and whether a player gets recognized by a group of coaches in a room, means little in the big picture.  These kids are the ones that play their hearts out and have gained the respect of their peers and competitors.  Way to bring the focus to what it should be.  Good luck to all the players this week and perform well for the One who made you!
Not sure this is anything like last year.  Troy Jones pitched outstanding last year and did beat Nansemond River in the District Tournament. Only problem is the voting was already done.  Prior to that tournament win, and certainly through no fault of Troy, he didn't pitch against Western Branch or Hickory or Nansemond River in the regular season.  He put up outstanding numbers and had a nasty curveball unfortunately for him when it came to playing the top schools in the district he didn't get the ball.  If Great Bridge had finished in 1st place instead of 4th place things may have been different.
Originally Posted by CARDS FAN:

heels,the same thing happened last year to troy jones who had transfered and led great bridge and district in wins, strike outs but got little attention because  of who he pitched against in voting in which he did beat nans. river in sed tourny got very little recognition. Its almost like all-stars when you were a kid who knows who.


I echo GoDawgs comments.  Regarding the "who knows who" position, I completely disagree.   From my perspective, how coaches within the SED, and hopefully other districts, nominate and vote on these accolades has nothing to do with "who they know".  It is all about "what they see"!


If Troy Jones didn't pitch against the top half of the district last year, that is telling in the sense that the coaches in the top half of the district simply didn't see him.  It is also telling when they did see a couple of others who were flat dominant, either for or against their respective programs.


Bottom line, daddy can't put Lil Johnnie  on the All-Star team!!!!

Last edited by GoHeels

The lower tier teams always think it's political!!! I sat in last years meeting because I was still coaching and every kid that was selected 1st - Honorable Mention... I feel was correct. If your team is 7-11... a losing record and yet never beat any of the best at the top of your district then those kids aren't going to get selected.  Looking at the standings how they are right now the best kids play on those teams 1-5 GB,HH,GR,WB and NR. Your only in the tourney because they need an even number of teams. It's hard to be the best, when you can't beat the best. Yea the program has gotten better over the last couple years...You went from winning 3 games a year too 6-7.  The teams that win majority of the time and often, well those kids are going to get the nod over the losing ones. I don't understand whats wrong with that. You WIN, YOU GET REWARDED!!! Thats how it's supposed to be. For one to think it's soley based on politics must live in a world where everyone gets a trophy.

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