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Well, Friday night is Senior night! That's when the seniors are honored and the parents are announced and brought onto the field. I can't believe his final season is almost over!

I do have a sophomore still, so we're not gone from the program yet, but it's not going to be the same.

Well I bawled my eyes out tonite. When each senior was announced they brought us onto the field. I was given a yellow rose and a baseball signed by my son. Then he gave me a big hug right on the field. We all stood on the foul line with our sons during the National Anthem.

After the game, we got a bunch of pictures, and I had the rest of the seniors sign the ball.

Tough game tonite. The lead changed hands every inning, then went into 11 innings. Both teams did a great job, then the other team got a homer in the top of the 11th, and we weren't able to come back.
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I seriously feel for all of you...parents of seniors. Seems like yesterday (although BASEBALL was the ONE sport that was not honored in a senior night ceremony----BAD FORM!!).

My son is currently completing his junior year in college, yet his senior year in HS seems like last week. Really. Cherish the moment---it all goes by at lightning speed....
I feel for everybody when they have to see their son's "last" high school game. My son's school used to introduce the parents before the last HOME game. For some reason the year our son was a senior, they passed on it ... probably just as well since I can't keep score when my tears make the scorebook wet.

But I always like to share my fondest moment of my son's last high school game ... we were in 2nd round of play-offs and were eliminated. The players left the field, and went down the third base line to listen to the coach thank them for a good season and bid his adieus. They straggled back to the dug-out to get their gear for the last time that season ... and for some, the last time ever. I watched as my son ... red faced and obviously teary-eyed himself ... walked to the mound that had been his "home" for 3 seasons, watched as he squatted down at the edge of the dirt, watched as he put his index finger in the mound's dirt, made some motion with it, and stared at it for several minutes.

Later, I found out that he had written his name ... A J ...

High school ball wasn't always fun for him because sometimes the coach ... who never used profanity ... could intimidate a player by the wagging and pointing of a finger, by the waving arms, by the look. Despite his good record, our son had been at the receiving end of those tirades several times over the course of his high school career. But he loved his "home" and was going to miss it a lot. Obviously.

Enjoy the ride ...
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Highlandermom I have tears in my eyes! I am beginning to panic as our last games are coming around th corner. Next week is our last home game. I think that is neat the way you all do senior night on the field, we do that at our banquet, but I am going to suggest it to the coach.
This year went by too quickly. With official visits in the fall and scout visits in the spring, I realize now that these things occupied too much of his senior year.
David passed on the State All Star game. His prom is the same weekend. I am glad as I think he has not had enough time to really enjoy.

I am wondering how my son will react to the last day at the field. Although he is so ready to move on to the next level, I know he will miss his home away from home very much!
Fortunately Senior Night was not our last home game, but it was our last home Area game. "Oh, by the way, it was determined that the pitcher from the other team pitched too many innings, so we got that win, not that it changed our playoff chances, but it was nice to have something go our way.

Our last two home games were last Saturday and we won both of them!! One of them was against our cross-town rivals who wanted an extra game to get ready for playoffs. We obliged and beat them!!

We're also having a banquet in a week or so for all the players and parents where letters and awards are handed out.

This month is going to be a blur!! We have prom in two weeks, East/West Seniors tournament, an Eagle banquet the week after that,Baseball banquet somewhere in there, then graduation on May 20th, then Disney World for a week!!
Last night was senior night for us and it was very emotional. We have 6 seniors all starters that have been together since they were 13 in recreation ball. Each player was introduce and walk on the field with their parents. Each player gave their parents a ball that they had wrote a message on. My son , who is a man of few words wrote to us " Mom and Dad, Thanks for everything ya'll helped me through. All the bad times and the good. As everyone knows all things must come to an end, thank for everything love you both, TJ". I was a mess! It was hard to look at the other parents, people I have spent so much time with over the last four years and know that I will lose my connection to these people soon. My son and 1 other have signed with colleges, but for the other four, they may never play these game again. It also was made more emotional by the fact that the game we were about to play would be the last if we lost and we would go to the play-offs if we won. I am very happy to say we WON, first play off game is friday of next week. The lose did mean the end of the other teams season and I couldn't help but feel emotional for there players and parents after the game.
I know this is a ladies forum so I will ask for forgiveness ahead of time for writing this.

This is senior night for our school. I have 2 seniors, a SS and a pitcher (reliever). This looks like a 2 Kleenex box night for my wife and I. Our pitcher had been asked to play the national anthem on his guitar since he is going to major in music next year. We found out last night that he will also be the starting pitcher.

No matter what the outcome tonight, this night will be difficult to top.

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