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I have no problem understanding what others are 'trying' to say when they challenge my 'beliefs'.

Your use of the term 'angular mumbo jumbo' implies that the converse may be the case on your part.

If I disagree, I explain why. I don't claim that the person I'm disagreeing with is 'blind' or lacking in inteligence.

(I may think it, but I won't type it.)

The Tiger stress fractures is simply an invitation to the biomechanical discussion. I'm not falling for it, even though you have it backwards.

The mention of torque and angular accelleration is an invitation to a physics discussion. I'm not engaging in that either, even though a basic understanding of both would benefit people in many facets of life.

Feel free to disagree. I may learn something new.
Last edited by Quincy
If I disagree, I explain why. I don't claim that the person I'm disagreeing with is 'blind' or lacking in inteligence.

I never said you were unintelligent. Lets not go overboard here.

The blind comment was due to the fact that while darn near every poster on the forum stated that they see the hips before hands on the clips you posted, you still stated that it was the opposite.

Once the clips are there for all to see it's a objective view and not subjective any longer. To say that you still see the hands leading the way in the clips when they obviously were not is what fueled my Blind comment. Sorry if you took it as me attacking your intelligence. Hardheaded maybe.
The Tiger stress fractures is simply an invitation to the biomechanical discussion. I'm not falling for it, even though you have it backwards.

The Tiger stress fractures is simply an invitation to the biomechanical discussion. I'm not falling for it, even though you have it backwards.

What part did I get backwards? I would also like to state that the swing or any human movement pattern is biomechanical so how can we not fall into that trap?
Last edited by Gameth

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