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what is the definition of a troubled kid? or good kids that got into trouble? i dare say most of the posters on this thread don't have troubled kids, or sound like they don't anyway. i think colleges should give a chance, but not recruit per say.if the kids asking for a chance ? case by case.

i remember a great quote from a friend is anything can happen day. as much as we try and control our youngsters they leave the house alone. and they may well know right from wrong,that doesn't mean they always practice that rule. my first lesson as a parent of a grade schooler, never say my child wouldn't do that. or he couldn't have. they surprise us every day some good ,some bad. remember it's all part of the master plan.
Originally posted by TripleDad:
Isn't there a difference between "troubled" and a good kid making a mistake?
My son was in the wrong place at the wrong time back in 7th grade. It nearly got him in a lot of trouble. What I told him applies to anyone whether a young kid like my son, an athlete being recruited or any one of us. "If there's an ounce of doubt in your mind you're in the wrong place, you are. Walk away."
I think there would be a difference between a troubled kid that a college is thinking about recrutiing and the kid that is in the wrong place at the wrong time, or makes a poor choice, but takes responsibily and pays whatever dues HC seems fit.
I think the troubled kid is a kid that has had a string of incidents, his reputation preceding him in this way. I have read on this site that "coaches dig deep" when checking out a potential recruit. If that is true then they are aware that this kid is troubled in whatever way - has had a hard time making good choices. Now they must communicate with this prospect and judge if he is now ready to handle his life in the right way. They might want to suggest that he go to JC and prove he can do it with a possiblility of recruiting him once he has proven that he is back on track to being a complete player, teamate, student, person. If there is no interim period, they have no incentive to change.

Of course case by case is first order of business because of variables and the subjectivness of this topic. JMHO

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