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Just to prove that, once in awhile, I actually do think about other things beside baseball.

Tonight I was clipping my toenails. I know… not exactly a pleasant topic, at all!

The truth is… The older you get the harder it is to clip your toenails. Seems one loses a certain amount of flexibility over time.

All of a sudden, I got to thinking (I know that’s dangerous!) Couldn't help but wonder how they clipped toenails way back in the old days? What did they use before nail clippers were invented?... Scissors?… Knives?... Files?... Or just let them grow?

It dawned on me just what a truly great invention the nail clipper was. Anyone know who invented this most necessary device? Just think about it?

Whoever invented the nail clipper may not be very well known, but he or she has my thanks! I hope they made a fortune off that one!

Sorry for this weird post. But it just goes to show how we take certain very important things for granted.
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Not only as we get older they get tougher to reach, but when I was young I would see older guys toes at the beach or what not, and say "God are those ugly feet." As I was proud of mine. Me and my good looking young toe nails.

I am now the guy who has trouble reaching(part stomach , part bad joints) and the ugly toe nailed dude too.

Its a silly topic but you come to realize how important those tools are when you pitch for a living. Have to make sure the toes and the finger nails are taken care of. Nothing worse than throwing with toe nails that went its own course.

Off subject, but what do you use to clean those ear drums of yours? Judging by your picture there, looks like work too...
Last edited by SPARKY1
Having missed too many of infidel_son's curveballs or whatever they were that eventually would deflect off my shoe, I too had an ugly toe. Since I haven't caught him in quite a while, I figured it would eventually improve. It never did, I asked the doctor about it last visit and he prescribed Lamisil. The toe nail still has a way to go, but I can testify that this stuff works great!

Maybe this is how it was done before the clipper was invented...

Off subject, but what do you use to clean those ear drums of yours? Judging by your picture there, looks like work too...

Good call, SPARKY1!
Last edited by infidel_08
my mom use to tell me she would take here pencil to her father and ask him to shapen it with his pocket knife as a kid.

I would say knife or file to cut toe nail with a slight pronation of the wrist and arm, so as not to cut to deep. I mean it would seem there is some lower body movement to get set up in proper positions and than the lean. I imagine if you were a bigger person you would have to set up differantly


Last edited by Drill
PGStaff ...

Sounds a lot like an Andy Rooney moment t me ... are you considering giving up your day job and replacing the old curmudgeon when he retires? I don't think you are curmudgeon enough, personally.

By the way, zomby ...
Or just chew them down if you can still reach your toes

If we can hardly clip thm with a nail clipper, how the heck are we supposed to accomplish this?
First you take a set of block and tackle.
And hoist the leg up.
Then you get that special curved, side ways style nail cutter.
The wide open style for thick nail's.
After making a few cut's across the nail.
You then pull out your all in one Special edition,
McGyver autographed Stainless steel, Titatium enforced, Walnut handled Leatherman.

And pull the rest of that sucker off.
With a pull and twist method.

If done right you can limit the bleeding that's involved.

PGstaff,..I'm sending you a coupon for a yearly, twice a week pedicure.

Please save your money. You will need to hire a hitman to get me to a pedicurist.

Besides, if people like me start showing up for a pedicure. One of two things is going to happen.

1. The price of a pedicure is going to skyrocket.

2. There will be a lot less people wanting to get into the pedicure business.

Here's another question? For those getting a bit older. Is it my imagination or do fingernails and toenails grow a lot faster than they used to?
Last edited by PGStaff
I could see were a Pedicurest could make alot of money in Florida.
It's a common fact that women's Toe's from Florida are longer and much more spread out from going bare foot all there live's in the sand.

I wonder how the Hobbitt's with there bare feet cut there toe nail's??

I imagine the prehistoric man would just lose them has they break off. OUCH.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Here's another question? For those getting a bit older. Is it my imagination or do fingernails and toenails grow a lot faster than they used to?


Time just passes more quickly and it seems they are.

That is yet another thing I have noticed. A week seem to fly by like a day used to. And then there is the old memory, it seems to have dissapeared.

Probably won't be long and I'll be DEAD! Big Grin

How will this world survive once that happens?
Last edited by PGStaff
I think it's high time to bring this thread back to baseball!

PG Staff: How much nails does a Wood Chuck clip if a Wood Chuck could clip nails?

Baseball Guy: Who knows. My advise is to chuck it, get some wood, and nail it!

PG Staff: Am I going to die soon?

Baseball Guy: Not as long as there are prospects to follow and you keep clipping. (But make it your goal to actually reach them toes. The day you don't, it's time for a pretty Filipino nurse. Whatta way to go!)
A few musings on the subject at hand:

Warning: Try not to use visuals here.

If your belly was as big as mine you wouldn't have to worry about your toenails. But there is that other thing I have to worry about......I'll leave it there.

I can now claim that clipping my toenails is exercise. New work-out video coming soon.

If I hurry, I can get three done before my leg falls asleep.

My big toes collect more lint than my belly button and I have to use a mirror to collect the lint from either.

If I accidentally lose one of the clipped nails the situation is pretty much treated like someone broke a glass cause if you step on one-a-dem sumb**chez it's gonna cut you.

Pedicurist and Hitting Coaches are pretty much the same thing. You pay someone good money just to yell at you for doing it wrong.

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