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Tuesday, April 27
Hickory @ Oscar Smith (postponed to 4/29)
Indian River @ Great Bridge (postponed to 4/28)
King's Fork (10) @ Deep Creek (6) in 8 innings
Lakeland (3) @ Grassfield (6)
Western Branch (5) @ Nansemond River (4)

Wednesday, April 28
Indian River (6) @ Great Bridge (7) in 9 innings (postponed from 4/27)

Thursday, April 29
Hickory (10) @ Oscar Smith (1)(postponed from 4/27)

Friday, April 30
Deep Creek (1) @ Western Branch (10)
Great Bridge (0) @ Grassfield (2)
Hickory (4)@ Indian River (10)
Lakeland (8) @ King's Fork (6)
Oscar Smith (3) @ Nansemond River (10)

District Win / Loss Records through April 30:

Great Bridge 10-2
Western Branch 10-2
Grassfield 10-2
Indian River 8-4
Hickory 7-6
Nansemond River 7-6
Deep Creek 4-8
King's Fork 3-9
Lakeland 2-10
Oscar Smith 0-12
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Originally posted by luv baseball:
In the last couple of weeks OS has taken teams like IR and GB to the wall only to lose big late. They are getting better and will not end the season with a donut in the W column. They may get 3 or 4 before its done.

And before the IR and GB games, the score in the WB - OS game was WB 4 OS 0 at the end of 6. They are getting stronger and I agree that they will not end up with a donut in the W column.
i know im jumping ahead of myself here...
but does anyone know what would happen if GB, IR, WB, and GF all end up tied with three losses?

after this week if the second time around the teams split( aka IR beats GB and GB beats GF )

GB 2 losses
WB 2 losses
GF 3 losses
IR 3 losses

i dont know how the schedule works out, im not sure that all 4 could end with 3 losses, but i think that we could end up with a 3 way tie at the top.... what is the tiebreaker?
Don't know how they deal with a 3-way tie but do remember in past years when there was a 2-way tie for #1 or a 2-way tie for #4 (for the #4 and #5 spots), the tied teams had to play off. The loser of the two teams playing for the #1, and the winner of the two teams playing for #4, were in effect having to play an extra tournament game. Really puts the team which ends up in the #2 spot at a disadvantage.
Last edited by WB Reporter
From VHSL:

56-6-1 Determining District Championships-Each district shall determine a district
champion(s) no later than the date specified in the Activities Calendar (inside front cover of the Handbook). Only the district chairman can authorize the postponement of determining a district champion(s) beyond the specified deadline date. It is recommended that district champions be determined on a straight percentage basis, with each district council establishing the number of games to be required for championship ranking. A forfeiture should be counted as a game won by the school receiving the forfeit and as a game lost by the team forfeiting. If two or more teams are tied in the percentage standings, the team which has played the larger or largest number of games counted in the ranking should be declared the champion. If two or more teams are tied in the percentage standings and are ranked on the basis of the same number of League games, it is recommended that a play-off be arranged. In the event a tie for a championship exists in a district, the suggestions given above shall, if necessary, be followed in designating a district representative for the regional championship unless the district council has authorized some other method.
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I had forgotten that the VHSL rule says "two or more" but it still does not explain how they would have a playoff if the situation were in the "or more" category. Could end up with a pretournament to the tournament. The way I have read the rule, it does not appear that there is a head-to-head tiebreaker but of course a particular district could have a set of rules that includes a head-to-head. Was not able to find anything on the Internet re SED rules when I was looking a couple of weeks ago.
Two years ago Nansemond and IR were tied at the end of the season. VHSL scheduled a playoff but weather was threatening to come in that day and we were told if we couldn't play the game (due to impending regionals starting), it would be a coing toss....that is the tiebraker if teams do not play. I do not think there is even a head to head tie breaker (i.e. same district record but one team beats the othe 2x in the season). In most cases with the VHSL and Coaches sense of fairness and impartiality has prevailed for the 4 years I've been around HS Baseball.
Originally posted by luv baseball:
So unless GB sweeps this week it is what WB does that will determine the winner.

Luv baseball, I think a number of other teams, other than WB, may have a "say" in the final standings, even if GB sweeps this week. GB has to play Nansemond River yet (as does WB), a team which played Grassfield to a 1-0 loss on an unearned run, if I remember correctly. Hickory may be a long shot to be in the top 4 but they certainly have the capacity to have a "say" in the final standings. Both GB and GF have to play Hickory after this week. Oscar Smith is getting stronger and stronger and while they are yet to have a district win, they have the potential to "bite" a team that might be looking past them and impact the final standings. Last year, if I remember correctly, King's Fork shocked GF. I believe that the final standings will not be decided until the last week of the season.
u will probably be right wb.right now i think gf and ir are playing the best.but u never know.yeah i hope os can knock some body sorry we have 4 freshmen pitchers i can think of between jv varsity.1 of em is just learning this year how to pitch.but he is tall enough to be good.we also have 2 other pitchers that are sophmores.our top pitcher is a freshman then maybe a senior or one of the freshmen or a jr.thats all i can think of.

IMO it is unlikely to happen but it's hard to see how a GB sweep this week does give them a near hammerlock on the District. At that point only Hickory is a true threat to them until the final game at WB.

If GB gets past Hickory then WB is the only one that could catch them and almost certainly must run the table to even make the last game matter.

Of course rain can change all of this today.
WB 5 NR 4. WB manufactured a win tonight despite being outhit by NR 8 to 5. WB was limited to 5 singles by NR pitchers Moore and Hoffler. WB scored its first and only ER in the first inning and added a run to the tally in the second. Hayden Champigny and Ryan O’Hara hit back to back solo homeruns for NR in the bottom of the second inning to knot the score at 2-2. In the 4th, WB scored 3 unearned runs and NR answered with 1 run to make the score 5-3 which continued until the bottom of the 7th. The first two NR batters were retired in the bottom of the 7th but Zach Vann kept NR’s hopes alive by singling in Dylan Roach who had tripled. Vann, the potential tying run, and Kyle Moore, the potential winning run, were left at third and second, respectively, when Shane Johnsonbaugh struck out the final batter to claim the complete game win.
Last edited by WB Reporter
King's Fork 10 Deep Creek 6 in 8 innings. Cam Stewart (DC) hit a home run. Noah Johnson's (KF)steal of home tied the game 4-4 in the top of the 5th. Travis Cherry (KF) pitched the first 6 1/3 innings, leaving the game with the score 4-4. Nick Bowman relieved Cherry and pitched to the game's conclusion to claim the win. In the 8th inning, Cherry also stole home.
Last edited by WB Reporter
Probably one of the most exciting games I have watched...Great Bridge over Indian River 7-6 in the bottom of the 9th.

IR 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
GB 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 1

Indian River had 4 home runs (Dean Ali, Josh Carter, and #8 and #10 - don't have their names)

GB tied the game in the bottom of the seventh, 6-6. Bottom of the 9th, 1st batter, Anthony Stokes got a triple and next batter, Cameron Czech brought him home with a hard line drive up the middle to win the game.
GB did win 7-6 in 9 innings.

The starting pitchers were Flaherty for GB and Ali for IR both of which ended the game with no decision. IR struck first, scoring in the top of the first off a 2-run home run by Josh Carter. GB left the bases loaded in the bottom of the first, never scoring that inning. IR scored 2 runs in the top of the second off a 2-run homerun by Kelyn Simons but GB answered with one UER in the bottom of the second to make the score 4-1. Dean Ali led off the top of the 3rd with a solo homerun. The next scoring was in the top of the 5th when Leland Clemmons led off with a solo homerun and with what was to be the last run scored by IR. GB answered with another UER in the bottom of the 5th to make the score 6-2. Luke Suttmiller pitched the 6th and 7th innings in relief for GB, holding IR to no runs. GB scored again in the bottom of the 6th when Anthony Stokes led off with a double, advanced to 3rd and was scored on a SAC fly. GB led off the bottom of the 7th with 3 straight hits with all those batters ultimately scoring to tie the game. Dickason took the mound for IR in the 8th, yielding 1 hit and no runs, striking out 3 batters. Ryan Vanassche took the mound for GB in the 8th, striking out 2 batters and hitting one with a pitch, that one runner then being picked off trying to steal third. Vanassche also hit the lead off batter for IR in the 9th but retired the next three batters without IR scoring. In the bottom of the 9th, Anthony Stokes hit what should have been a routine fly ball to right field but the fielder lost the ball in the lights and Stokes made it to third (good hustle). The next batter, Cam Czech, brought in the winning run with a single over second base. Good game, but there were errors by both sides and some definite base running mistakes. Vanassche appears to be adding to his win total by regularly winning in relief.
Last edited by WB Reporter
this was a very exciting game to watch!
Ali was as advertised ( didnt give up many ER's) and Flarhety IMO did not pitch all that bad tonight. Besides the HR's, he only scattered a few hits, and i think for the most part he kept GB in the game

IR lived ( and in this case died) off long balls. all of their runs were off of homeruns, and made several errors to make Ali work harder and harder each inning.

I was VERY IMPRESSED by the way GB kept battling back, they were clearly getting it handed to them at the beginning, but they never gave up and fought hard to the end. They are going to be tough to beat with a mentality like that

Also, id like to add that the umpiring crew was very sloppy as well. The home plate made a few questionable swing calls both ways (in key moments for both teams). There seemed to be a big to-do about a play at second base late in the game where the IR coach ran out to dispute, but i didnt catch it.

All in all a great game to watch, i hope the GB/ Grassfield game friday is as exciting!

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