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First of all, as Joe Morgan said "the Hawk should be immediately put in the Bradcasting Hall of Fame"

If you cub fans actually watched the Sox all year you'd know that instant replay has showed the Sox to be jobbed out of no less than 3 games...NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

If your trying to say that Casper Milktoast would not mention bad calls...fine,..but Brenly certainly would.Not to mention Ron "the Town Crier" Santo...biggest bag of wind in our town.

How about the call at second the other night?? Is he supposed to NOT mention THAT?

With the Dodgers waiting and a .500 record VS playoff bound teams you will need the crying towel next my friends!
If Joe Morgan is the source of your HOF info, then there's really no point in further discussion.

There are 29 other play by play announcers throughout baseball, and I'm quietly confident that there isn't another one with such virulent tendencies that reek of unprofessionalism.

Questioning a call is so far removed from the way your announcer operates. He thought he was smarter than everyone when he was the Sox GM, fired Tony LaRussa and then got canned himself, that he thinks that he's the last word on umpiring. Pathetic.
Rosy's right. Hawk was far beyond professionalism in the way he handled a few bad calls. Perhaps if he were to want to give back games they won on bad calls it would be easier to swallow. He questions every call that is even remotely close including any ball or strike call that goes against the sox. It will be very interesting to see how it works out with Steve Stone next year sharing the booth. One guy who really does know and another who thinks he does, and egos to match.

I'm not going to defend Santo, who can't be taken seriously as an analyst. He isn't even a good cheerleader...panicking like fan who doesn't really doesn't know the game. Brenly is far beyond the hawk when it comes to professionalism.
Last edited by FastballDad
That was a 460 some foot bomb. WOW!

I just want to say that with the Cubs, Sox and Brewers making the palyoffs it is a special time for baseball here in the Midwest. Should be an exciting October.

This could truly be a Cub fans greatest year ever. Beat the Brewers in the NLCS and the Sox in the WS. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but its cool to think it could happen.
Originally posted by Mike F:
Just got back from the game and I have a question since I didn't have the benefit of TV replays and announcers...where did Thome's ball land? None of us could track the ball live or on the scoreboard replay.

The TBS camera behind home plate had a hard time too. It looks like it hit off the wall behind the lower tier of the Fan Deck.

Danks is a man.
Pathetic effort on the part of the cubs..........BUT:

The Crowd of tourists and fat cats should be ashamed of embarassment to the city of Chicago.

Just remember the difference between the morgue atmosphere at wrigley, with people (half of them) booing the NL's best team.....and the wonderful, civic pride shown the night before in a real baseball environ.

Never has the true difference between Sox and cub fans been more apparent. Shame on 50% of those in attendance!

For 6 innings of futility the Sox fans showed their class while the cub fans could not muster anything but bitterness after a middle inning granny which had them behind by only 2 runs.
I would just like to congratulate all you Sox fans on making the playoffs. Not only did you win the coin flip you managed to win the game vs. the Twinkies and win the AL powerhouse Central Division.

The Sox did not back into the playoffs, they just did one heck of a job parallel parking…
Last edited by CSG
I have to agree with you on the lack of class and baseball IQ by the fans at Wrigley yesterday. They were so excited when DeRosa hit the bomb in the 2nd that they wanted to give him a curtain call, (it was the 2nd inning people!!!). When Dempster finally got paid off for a game of wildness the fans turned on this team fast. Booing “the best team in the NL” down by 2 or 3 runs is BS. If your team and offense are that good then shouldn’t you still be in the game? The loudest cheers I heard from the fans in the late innings was the cheering when they threw the HR balls back.

The only people that were worse than the fans yesterday were the Cubs players and sweet Lou. 3-23 for your 1-6 will never get it done. Why is Fukodome back in the top of the order? I think Sweet Lou outthought himself yesterday. If Big Z is really still hurt than this could be a short series for the Cubs.

I was at Sox/Twins game on Tuesday and the atmosphere at that game was more electric than any game I have ever been too. I have been to clinchers in 83’, 93’, and WS game 1 and none of those games could compare to Tuesday. The sea of black was something to behold and the fans were great. I thought the upper deck was going to come down when Thome’s homer left the yard. I’m still waving my towel!!!

Javy is due to throw a good game, lets hope he has seen the last 3 starts and has some pride and steps up for us. I’ll say Sox in 5 but I can easily see them going down in 4 or 5. The Rays are good and have good pitching, the x factor could be the Sox experience vs. the Rays youth. The playoffs are a whole new ballgame…

Keep working hard,
Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball

I, like all other fans who pay attention knew that 97 wins guaranteed nothing for the playoffs. BUT I never figured they would choke like they have so far. I think the word (choke) is overused...but in this case....

Dempster so unbelievably wild in game one, Lou failing to recognize that he wasn't just a LITTLE off but terrible, Soriano looking very tight at bat....The whole stinkin infield in game two. Theriot should have been charged with an error on the hit and run play...reaching for it with his bare hand when it appeared he could have reached it with his glove.....DeRosa and that DP ball....D Lee and later Ramirez......They all looked very tight to me and you can't win that way. Zambrano wasn't that bad, but he wasn't going to throw a shutout regardless, which given the offense looking very futile and not making adjustments he would have needed to do if they were going to win. Torre has clearly gotten the best of Lou so far in this series. Lou has done his best Dusty Baker imitation so far.

Who knows, they could turn it around away from home (not the MO this year) but to me this is as bad as it gets for a team that should be much better than we are seeing. sox fans will chime in with delight, but this time the Cubs deserve whatever accusations of being chokers they get. It isn't just that they will probably lose, it's that they didn't even give themselves a chance, at least so far. Obvoiusly, I'm thoroughly disgusted.
My condolences to my buddy rosy and all the great cub fans in this great baseball city.

Having said that, I still can't abide the sore loser booing of several truly great players that came up short while trying to fulfill the dreams of millions across the country.

Few,if any booed in 83 when we should have beaten the Orioles. Nobody booed during the scary .500 stretch in 05 (while the Indians ripped off a .900 clip)in late August and most of September.

A major problem, in my opinion, is that the crowd at wrigley changes dramatically in make up during the post season. Any crowd in any city does but @ wrigley I know myself of a dozen ex patriots (Palm Springs, LA, AZ and Florida) that show up to sit in thier fat cat seats and somehow think they are entitled to a world series championship. This is not just a problem with out of town snow birds but also with way too many of the local faithful. Just because its been 100 years is no guarantee that its not going to be 101! In fairness I've felt a similar feeling (of entitlement)at Comiskey over the years but never to the embarassing degree I have seen the last 2 days. Hopefully real cub fans understand that history, no matter the percentages, guarantees nothing, not more of the same, not a division or league championship and definetely not a world series.

Personally I think the cubs can still win this thing....and y'all can only hope the la la fans will put some pressure on thier team.
Last edited by soxnole

You are correct with just about all you said. I give you credit for not gloating as many are. It is not the same crowd at Wrigley to be sure. And maybe the Cubs can buck the odds and come back.

But....I'm sure the players are trying, but they haven't cut it so far...not even close. The booing is really pretty bad. I think most boo-birds have never been in the trenches before.
Soxnole, I also am in agreement with what you wrote. And, like FBD, I appreciate you're not using the current situation to pile on.

Of course these playoff fans are only a small part of the 3.3 million that watched the team during the season. But, nothing is guaranteed to anyone, and year 101 will be upon us sooner, rather than later.

FBD, Lou looks like a deer in the headlights. He should have listened to his gut and benched Fukodome in this series, with DeRosa in right and Fontenot at second base. But, there is much more wrong right now than just that one move. Very sad.
Last edited by itsrosy
guys...You have arguably the best manager in baseball!

Please don't be the carbon copy Chicago Fan that blames it on the manager.

Lou knew that Fukodome was a risk just like Ozzie knew Javy was....the players play and your DeRosa is risky on defense wherever he's at!

Btw, the LA pitching has been phenomenal, not to mention Manny and his suddenly hard hitting friends.
Originally posted by soxnole:
Well....cub fan's, are they chokin? Is the billy goat in the rear view?

Big Z could very well be done for 08.
Hardin might be right behind him.
The bats are silent @ Wrigley.
What will happen on the road?

Imo, the cubs can weather the storm in September....but the playoff's seem very menacing now...whaddayathink gents?

The teams with the best records in baseball for 2008 could possibly be gone in the first clear cut favorites this season to win it all...the cubs are done; the sox are still hanging .....and could still pull out the tampa bay series....if so....2 best records in 2008 would be gone....
Cubs have no excuse other then they are running into a hot club....on paper; no one beats them in the National League.... but the game is played on the field and it looks bad for wrigleyville....

Sox fans know that uncomfortable feeling all too well...first time was 05 when the Sox hit a spell of mediocrity just about this time of year.This season has been crazier yet with the Twins within 2 games for the last 100 days!

The Sox must go into Minny for a 3 game series with at least a 2 game lead...or else blow the playoffs!

The cubs have to get themselves in battle mode for the first time all year...which may be difficult but Lou knows how it's done even if the players and GM don't!

Luckily for them the Brewers don't seem remotely capable of getting red hot like Cleveland did in 05.

Lets hear your thoughts out there!
Both teams in very difficult spot after really good regular seasons. Lou and Ozzie have zero to do with them getting to playoffs and zero to do with each facing a sweep. The good & bad is on the players - period! If Lou's the best around not sure why Dusty has more Cub playoff wins?
I was among the Wrigley crowd witnessing last night's debacle. Very tough to watch.
As I said a month ago, they're still the Cubs. Seen too many of those over the years to get overly excited about a good regular season. Maybe each team can put together a couple of wins and make this interesting.
Heard some Cubs fans wondering aloud if the Hawks or Bulls would be good this winter. Yikes.
Bottom of the 6th and I've had enough. Just too much Dodger Blue, and I don't care to watch them celebrate. Good pitching always shuts down good hitting and that's what I've seen. My son is at the game, and I feel for him. I tried to tell him when he was young, that being a Cub fan was just too tough, to find another team to root for. He didn't listen, and now, surrounded by Dodger fans, he'll witness another letdown. This year's team only disappointed at the very end, when it really counted. Nothing more to say.
Boy, can't remember hearing the sound of the air coming out of a teams balloon so clearly.

Can't help thinking that the fan atmosphere during the first game kicked things into gear. Bummer...

What the hell, the Sox aren't feeling it either. Let's hope they can salvage something tomorrow. Tampa's tough and I think it's confirmed that they have the Sox' number.

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