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I have a question about if your son or daughter's school has a website for their athletic teams. Reason I'm asking is that I've been named Athletic Director at the school I teach at. While I'm not officially on the job until June when the current one officially retires you can imagine that I'm already on the run in working towards next school year.

One of my goals is to be more active with our community and I want to get as much information, accolades, recognition and whatever else out about our athletes. I think one way to do this is to provide a website anybody can access at anytime.

Here is an example of what I'm looking for. This is a website for another school in our county.

School Website

I like this one but I want to make sure there isn't something else out there that could be better.

If you could post a link I could look at I would appreciate it or if you don't want to post a link that everyone can see what school your child attends I understand. Maybe contact me through PM and we could talk about it in private.

Thanks guys and I'm glad this place exists so I can get a random sampling of things used all over the country.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Coach- I just sent my congrats on Facebook, but I will here again. Awesome news on the promotion!

Perhaps you could contact an SID from a college/university who uses a format you like? From my experience the majority of colleges have the same website format and I'm sure they use a similar or the same host site to create that page. I'm sure the SID or the school IT department would be more than happy to share that with you. I could get you in touch with the SID at my school if you'd like, we use a pretty standard format and I find it fairly easy to navigate.
Thank you guys so much on the congrats and websites - I really do appreciate all of them.

Woody I hope when it's all said and done that there might be 10 reasons let alone 2709 LOL.

Backstop thanks a lot - I've been looking at them earlier today.

trojan-skipper thanks a lot - that is a nice looking website. I will definitely look into that one a lot more. It may not take a year to let you know if it was a promotion or not. I'm not even on the job and my head is already swimming on everything that I'm supposed to do.

JH - that would be awesome if you could do that and it's a great idea also. After thinking about it most colleges do have great websites.

Cabbage - I do plan on coaching both football and baseball. We have two asst AD's already in place and they are awesome and will help out on the responsibilities on the job. I'm going to try and keep coaching until I end up swamped if that happens.

Sultan I hadn't thought of that and makes a ton of sense. Thanks for that heads up.

I've had a couple of PMs which have lead to some great sites as well so a huge thanks to them as well.
Keewartson's school uses as well. The entire school's actvities are posted including plays, staff meetings, and weekend activities. All students and parents are enourced to check it, especially for changes. The nice feature is that you can sort by sport and get the whole schedule, JV or Varsity. I believe all the school's in our county use it.

If you desire something different, you may want to check with MidloDad. He set up a fan based website for his son's school team several years ago.

Chefmike is right....not too eyecatching, though. Sounds like it could be a nice project for a web deisgn student project.
Last edited by keewart
Congratulations, Coach! It's a big job. The key to a great website, I think, is not necessarily how they look, but how good is the content and is it regularly updated. Great content that never changes quickly becomes yesterday's news. You will need someone to keep it current, and it is a big, big job. Best of luck.
Thanks again everyone and appreciate the help. PG that would be great if you could do that.

Jemaz you are correct and I'm trying to work it out with a computer class we have so they can keep it up to date. We got some kids who love to help out and I don't see a reason why we shouldn't use them as long as we provide them direction and guidance.

    "I think, is not necessarily how they look, but how good is the content and is it regularly updated."

Absolutely slam, bam, ringy, dingy, pass the mustard, B-I-N-G-O! You are so right jemaz! And your comment on having someone keeping it current is spot on too...actually crucial to the site's success.

I would suggest to you coach that you find someone responsible and willing to take on this task...perhaps a committee or at least more than one person? Spread the load around...and the praise too if earned. Maybe it could be a continuous assignment for one of the computer classes or something the newspaper staff could do. Get 'em jazzed to do it!

Let us know how it turns out.

"Have you seen our new sports website?"... ..."Yeah I have. It's awesome! And helpful too! Someone deserves a pat on the back!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by coach2709:
Jemaz you are correct and I'm trying to work it out with a computer class we have so they can keep it up to date. We got some kids who love to help out and I don't see a reason why we shouldn't use them as long as we provide them direction and guidance.

First off, nice job, Coach. They picked the right guy.

Secondly, grab those computer kids and don't let go. I've got more work for them. Since you have a lot of kids with mom or dad deployed, or just too busy at work, can you get some of your events on the internet- ustream them, or something? Doesn't have to be just baseball and football. Maybe, basketball, softball, the school play... From what I understand, the basic software is free.

Lastly, are you still gonna teach history? Smile

    " or dad deployed..."

Can you imagine how uplifting to be able to see your kid, brother, or sister competing or acting while protecting and serving our country? Any one of us can easily put ourselves in their shoes (or boots) and feel the yearning for such a gift. Wow!

And this isn't just for coach...we should try to do this all over our great country. We should all be motivated to take a great idea like this and make it happen. Thanks for the great idea AntzDad!

"That AntzDad really has his stuff together, doesn't he?"......"You better believe it...none better!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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