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Smells pretty ugly. Sagaro has been involved in youth travel baseball for as long as I can remember and thought nothing of paying to fly players in for the MVP team back in the day. As the original poster said, not surprised to hear this. I am surprised the FHSAA allowed them to compete in post season play...

BTW...Sagaro's kid was a very late add for PG Jr Nationals as well...wonder how that happened?????

Last edited by SanDiegoRealist
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

You can look up his workout numbers from the PG Jr Nationals last month...

this is the best quote from the 2013 travelball article from the Sun Sentinel (IMO):

"Sagaro acknowledged he's given jobs to the fathers of a few of his players, but said those arrangements haven't been tied to their sons' performance or participation on his teams. The father of one current player he lured from a team in Miami Lakes, he said, works as a courier at his Coral Gables real estate company.

Because his program has achieved success at the national level in recent years, Sagaro said, he rarely needs to seek talent. Parents driven to ensure their children's success will bring their kids to him.

"There are a lot of sick fathers who will fly [their kids] in from wherever to wear our uniform," Sagaro said. "If I'm going to pay [travel expenses]for a kid, he's going to be a superstar."

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Last edited by SanDiegoRealist
SanDiegoRealist posted:
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Breaking rules at "The U"!! my god those people from Miami have forgotten more about breaking rules then most ever learn, they will just add to pond scum of the Canes....

SanDiegoRealist posted:

Smells pretty ugly. Sagaro has been involved in youth travel baseball for as long as I can remember and thought nothing of paying to fly players in for the MVP team back in the day. As the original poster said, not surprised to hear this. I am surprised the FHSAA allowed them to compete in post season play...


Took the words right out of my mouth.

old_school posted:
SanDiegoRealist posted:
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Breaking rules at "The U"!! my god those people from Miami have forgotten more about breaking rules then most ever learn, they will just add to pond scum of the Canes....

To be fair, the baseball program has never really been an issue there. 

MTH posted:

I find it difficult to believe that the HS coaches did not know what was going on.

Nah, no way...

"...On top of that, nine players that were on the MVP Banditos roster on the championship team at the 15u PG BCS Finals attended Archbishop McCarthy High School in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., which won its sixth Florida state title in seven years under head coach Rich Bielski in 2016; Bielski coached third base for the Banditos at the 15u BCS Finals."

Sagaro runs MVP, his son plays for McCarthy, Coach works for MVP, players tuition paid for by Sagaro.

Really, I don't think the investigators had to work too hard on this one.

Although this does show the abject idiocy of the state rules.  The school loses completely meaningless games, keeps its state championship, plays a fine (mostly waived), and... well, that's it.  The players have to sit out of games until January of next year... when there aren't even any games being played. 

Rob T posted:
old_school posted:
SanDiegoRealist posted:
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Breaking rules at "The U"!! my god those people from Miami have forgotten more about breaking rules then most ever learn, they will just add to pond scum of the Canes....

To be fair, the baseball program has never really been an issue there. 

Miami cleaned up their act. It's why they're not a football powerhouse anymore. 

2019Dad posted:

Here's the travel ball article from a few years ago:

Great article.  The oldtimers around here would not be shocked in the slightest to find out that the 11 & 12 year olds mentioned in the article as being flown in to tournaments have not so far ended up as the next Bryce Harper.   They are still good players and commited to D1's/mid-majors but it is what it is....

Teaching Elder posted:

12.5 MM kids playing baseball.  750 MLB roster spots and 11.7 scholarships per college team.  But some of the parents are shelling out $2k/mo on training.  Now, you tell me.  Is their motivation one of desiring to help their kids and investing in college?  Or is it perhaps something else?

I have three outlooks on this ...

1) If a kid has a C in math and is hitting .250 watch the dad get a hitting instructor versus a math tutor. 

2) If people invested all the money they put into sports the money saved and accrued interest over the years would go a long way towards college. 

3) You can't purchase college level talent. You can only refine the potential (assuming it's there).

I believe too many parents see their kids success as a reflection of their parenting. Only the kid's behavior is a reflection of their parenting. It's hard to turn horse manure (dad's athletic talent) into Secretariat. 

Last edited by RJM
Teaching Elder posted:

I hope that at some point the guy who has a $24K diamond encrusted ring celebrating a 12 y/o championship realizes that he's kind of a clown.

Kinda?  You are being very kind

Look, I understand the competitive and sometimes cutthroat nature of 15U-17U Baseball, the scholarships and draft picks on the line etc, but the 11U/12U National Championship stuff is just a joke.  Its all about finding the kids who entered puberty early and milking the parents for every dollar.   Pretty sad & twisted I'd say.

RJM posted:
Teaching Elder posted:

12.5 MM kids playing baseball.  750 MLB roster spots and 11.7 scholarships per college team.  But some of the parents are shelling out $2k/mo on training.  Now, you tell me.  Is their motivation one of desiring to help their kids and investing in college?  Or is it perhaps something else?

I have three outlooks on this ...

1) If a kid has a C in math and is hitting .250 watch the dad get a hitting instructor versus a math tutor. 

2) If people invested all the money they put into sports the money saved and accrued interest over the years would go a long way towards college. 

3) You can't purchase college level talent. You can only refine the potential (assuming it's there).

I believe too many parents see their kids success as a reflection of their parenting. Only the kid's behavior is a reflection of their parenting. It's hard to turn horse manure (dad's athletic talent) into Secretariat. 

You sitting down? Agree 100%!

3and2Fastball posted:
2019Dad posted:

Here's the travel ball article from a few years ago:

Great article.  The oldtimers around here would not be shocked in the slightest to find out that the 11 & 12 year olds mentioned in the article as being flown in to tournaments have not so far ended up as the next Bryce Harper.   They are still good players and commited to D1's/mid-majors but it is what it is....

My oldest grew up playing with and against many of the teams and players mentioned.  Fortunately our family had enough sense to know how ridiculous the travel scene was down here. I opted to pay a small team fee for him to play for good coaches rather than take the free ride in a mercenary laden program.  i just had no interest, and saw no point in traveling all over creation to chase plastic trophies.

The amount of flat out open recruiting violations down here would shock most people.  It usually just gets swept under the rug.  I'm wondering who turned them in.  I would suspect parents of a player on the team that got tired of seeing kids being brought in and taking their kids shot.  I doubt it was another coach. 

Rob T posted:
old_school posted:
SanDiegoRealist posted:
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Breaking rules at "The U"!! my god those people from Miami have forgotten more about breaking rules then most ever learn, they will just add to pond scum of the Canes....

To be fair, the baseball program has never really been an issue there. 

Had some issues a while back. They lost scholarships because of it. Don't remember the details, but involved Lazar Collazo. In 2003, the school faced recruiting violations he was involved in and had to resign. Collazo has had problems where ever he goes.

You have a pm.

Being from the west coast of FL, its widely known that its pretty much the wild west in Miami(in some tournaments I have been too, I have seen some incredible things... including teams flying in someone from the DR to pitch, a kid jumping from one roster to another, in the same tournament, to pitch in the championship game after pitching that day on his other team).  I think that for some rules are really just suggestions.

JLC posted:

Being from the west coast of FL, its widely known that its pretty much the wild west in Miami(in some tournaments I have been too, I have seen some incredible things... including teams flying in someone from the DR to pitch, a kid jumping from one roster to another, in the same tournament, to pitch in the championship game after pitching that day on his other team).  I think that for some rules are really just suggestions.

Being from the east coast of Florida (not Miami), I agree.

TPM posted:
Rob T posted:
old_school posted:
SanDiegoRealist posted:
19coach posted:

PG has his 2020 son committed to Miami and lists him at 5'4" 135 

wow...if his kid ever does end up at Miami for real, expect recruiting violations to occur.

Breaking rules at "The U"!! my god those people from Miami have forgotten more about breaking rules then most ever learn, they will just add to pond scum of the Canes....

To be fair, the baseball program has never really been an issue there. 

Had some issues a while back. They lost scholarships because of it. Don't remember the details, but involved Lazar Collazo. In 2003, the school faced recruiting violations he was involved in and had to resign. Collazo has had problems where ever he goes.

You have a pm.

I'd forgotten about him... yea, he kind of brings a dark cloud around on a leash.

wareagle posted:

It's not the same coach, but is is the same organization that the head coach got busted for soliciting a prostitute last  year during a tournament  

Parents need to wake up and realize that these coaches are some of the most influential figures in these boys lives. Choose them wisely!!

Yeah, that's true.  But the prostitute ran a 6.5 sixty and threw 95 from the outfield !!

wareagle posted:

It's not the same coach, but is is the same organization that the head coach got busted for soliciting a prostitute last  year during a tournament  

Parents need to wake up and realize that these coaches are some of the most influential figures in these boys lives. Choose them wisely!!

  And to wareagle's point - the baseball organization he is referring to (Banditos) is named after an outlaw biker gang that was founded in south Texas in the 60s. The Bandidos were (and are) notorious for their criminal activities and that gang is full of some bad dudes. If you take a good look at Ray DeLeon (the founder of Banditos Baseball) its not hard to picture him with a Harley and an arrest record.  In fact, you can say the same thing about a lot of coaches in that organization.  Some think that there may be a real connection between the Bandidos and the Banditos.  After the big biker gang shootout at a Twin Peaks in Waco in 2015 some joked (in very poor taste) that the disagreement was all about a select baseball turf war. 

  So the advice to wake up & choose wisely is spot on.

I hate mercs.  PERIOD.  I live in SE Pennsylvania and drive to MD for coaching.  We don't fly in or pick which games we will play.   We are only one of two guys not from that area.  Our last travel club we competed against but always fell short of teams that brought in guys from multiple states.  We happen to know one who plays for a club out of VA and he said he only knows 3 guys on the team.  Like seriously.

He played on 3-4 other teams THIS year alone!    Id rather have my son play for a TEAM  and someone who can develop than a damn merc team any day.

Maybe if my kid was one of these 6-2 200 15u kids I might feel different, but I would like to think I would feel the same way.

The last article reeks of denial. Fernandez (fired director of baseball) says the school doesn't want to deal with the Bs from parents thatncomes with winning? No the school doesn't want the embaradssment, forfeits, suspensions and substantial fines.

Fernandez says the coaches want to stay together and repeat the formula somewhere else. Repeat the formula of cheating? If they are allowed to stay together it will be the most watched school in the state.

Kevin A posted:

I hate mercs.  PERIOD.  I live in SE Pennsylvania and drive to MD for coaching.  We don't fly in or pick which games we will play.   We are only one of two guys not from that area.  Our last travel club we competed against but always fell short of teams that brought in guys from multiple states.  We happen to know one who plays for a club out of VA and he said he only knows 3 guys on the team.  Like seriously.

He played on 3-4 other teams THIS year alone!    Id rather have my son play for a TEAM  and someone who can develop than a damn merc team any day.

Maybe if my kid was one of these 6-2 200 15u kids I might feel different, but I would like to think I would feel the same way.

Guest players happen.  Started around here in 12u. Just be clear with your coach what his view on them is. 

CaCO3Girl posted:
Kevin A posted:

I hate mercs.  PERIOD.  I live in SE Pennsylvania and drive to MD for coaching.  We don't fly in or pick which games we will play.   We are only one of two guys not from that area.  Our last travel club we competed against but always fell short of teams that brought in guys from multiple states.  We happen to know one who plays for a club out of VA and he said he only knows 3 guys on the team.  Like seriously.

He played on 3-4 other teams THIS year alone!    Id rather have my son play for a TEAM  and someone who can develop than a damn merc team any day.

Maybe if my kid was one of these 6-2 200 15u kids I might feel different, but I would like to think I would feel the same way.

Guest players happen.  Started around here in 12u. Just be clear with your coach what his view on them is. 

Yes and no. You are correct in that the practice is widespread. but there are some very successful organizations that flat out don't do it. 

No surprise about the cheating/shenanigans: a bunch of those kids played for Team MVP (prior to the Banditos association) back in 12U and were covered in this article about travelball: 


BTW, reading the article posted by Rob T I was shocked that the McCarthy team finished the year at no. 1 in the Maxpreps ranking (actually, it was no. 4 or no. 2, depending on the Maxpreps poll, but you can't expect a reporter to check these things ). Anyway, I saw them play in a NHSI game that was livestreamed, and they got handled fairly easily, 5-1, by a good, but not great team. Certainly didn't look like the best team in the country, or the 4th best. Must have had a bad day. And I guess they got hot and rolled through the Florida playoffs.

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