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Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Can't say I disagree with you, but it's the world that the baby boomer's created. Like it or not, it is too far ingrained in this society. Sick, sad world. However, you went WAY too far back with the Cobb example. Outside of a book or movie, that's as close as we will ever get to those hard nosed (basket case) figures. Do you realize how many odd looks I get from not making my kids wear helmets when riding bikes or scooters in the neighborhood? With me even mentioning it here on this site, I guaranty you a few people are ready to p!ss and moan about it. 


With all that said, exactly when would you say men were allowed to be men? Back in Cobb's day? I feel it wasn't too far ago personally. You know, a couple of decades ago when your neighbors would take a switch after you and your parents would back them up. When a teacher called home and you KNEW you were about to be begging for mercy. Those days are long gone. Now what?

Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Please. If being violent is some sort of prerequisite to being a man, then I'll go have surgery tomorrow.

Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Can't say I disagree with you, but it's the world that the baby boomer's created. Like it or not, it is too far ingrained in this society. Sick, sad world. However, you went WAY too far back with the Cobb example. Outside of a book or movie, that's as close as we will ever get to those hard nosed (basket case) figures. Do you realize how many odd looks I get from not making my kids wear helmets when riding bikes or scooters in the neighborhood? With me even mentioning it here on this site, I guaranty you a few people are ready to p!ss and moan about it. 


With all that said, exactly when would you say men were allowed to be men? Back in Cobb's day? I feel it wasn't too far ago personally. You know, a couple of decades ago when your neighbors would take a switch after you and your parents would back them up. When a teacher called home and you KNEW you were about to be begging for mercy. Those days are long gone. Now what?

So you agree, then disagree, then ... uh .. WHAT??


Kids without helmets?


Come on, man. You know you started this whole thing, and you also know that right now, you're part of the problem.


Own it.

Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Please. If being violent is some sort of prerequisite to being a man, then I'll go have surgery tomorrow.

Who said that?


But just to discover your true feelings: When violence is called for, will you call your wife?


It's not prerequisite, but it might just be necessary. Centuries of history kinda makes that clear, doesn't it??


Originally Posted by jp24:
Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Please. If being violent is some sort of prerequisite to being a man, then I'll go have surgery tomorrow.

Who said that?


But just to discover your true feelings: When violence is called for, will you call your wife?


It's not prerequisite, but it might just be necessary. Centuries of history kinda makes that clear, doesn't it??


You're moving the goalposts. Violence is not called for in an incident like this.


Also, keep in mind that I have a background in the Army and law enforcement. I'm well aware of the calculated use of violence.

Originally Posted by jp24:
Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by jp24:

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

Can't say I disagree with you, but it's the world that the baby boomer's created. Like it or not, it is too far ingrained in this society. Sick, sad world. However, you went WAY too far back with the Cobb example. Outside of a book or movie, that's as close as we will ever get to those hard nosed (basket case) figures. Do you realize how many odd looks I get from not making my kids wear helmets when riding bikes or scooters in the neighborhood? With me even mentioning it here on this site, I guaranty you a few people are ready to p!ss and moan about it. 


With all that said, exactly when would you say men were allowed to be men? Back in Cobb's day? I feel it wasn't too far ago personally. You know, a couple of decades ago when your neighbors would take a switch after you and your parents would back them up. When a teacher called home and you KNEW you were about to be begging for mercy. Those days are long gone. Now what?

So you agree, then disagree, then ... uh .. WHAT??


Kids without helmets?


Come on, man. You know you started this whole thing, and you also know that right now, you're part of the problem.


Own it.

Should have clarified, I agree with him screwing up, as we all have done. Yet that is such a pitiful scapegoat of a comment. Helmet comment was to simply state that this nation has become completely sissified. As far as me being apart of the problem and owning it, you need to stop tippy toeing and actually explain what ever it is you are trying to insinuate.

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

Originally Posted by JCG:

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

jp24- THIS is the guy you need to talk to. You two go ahead and get together on a pm huh? Get his out of context self on his way...


As far as the "good job" pat, yeah, right down into his seat, and just enough to hack the gf off as well. Thanks for the chuckle there JCG.

JP you should man up and speak for yourself sometime, you and a couple others love to agree with each other and pat each other on the back. Everyone should say what they think and not what they hope will be popular within their clique. And for the record I would of got kicked at of that game when I threw the ball at Adams for pushing me!

Originally Posted by JCG:

You sure you're not Baseball Mania?  Another very hostile guy who who got all excited when he talked about beating children.

You are the only one talking about beating children. Anything else that needs to be clarified here? I'm not the one to try and get a certain type of attention from. Thanks for your consideration though. Now, if you would like to talk baseball, I'm all for it. Let me know.

Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by JCG:

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

jp24- THIS is the guy you need to talk to. You two go ahead and get together on a pm huh? Get his out of context self on his way...


As far as the "good job" pat, yeah, right down into his seat, and just enough to hack the gf off as well. Thanks for the chuckle there JCG.

Last post on this, because,yes ... it hits home:


The bottom line is, the guy screwed up -- but it factually was nothing more than a push. We all know that. What I can't stand is the reaction minor mistakes like this elicit.


Matt: I wasn't moving the damned goal posts. You overgeneralized my comment. If you can see that, cool. If you can't, well, damn.


Coach3: Thanks for your service -- one vet to another. All I'm saying is that you decided to create this thread, and make this young baseball player a bad guy. Why?



Originally Posted by jp24:

Matt: I wasn't moving the damned goal posts. You overgeneralized my comment. If you can see that, cool. If you can't, well, damn. 

The conversation went from one specific incident to you asking a non-specific question that was not relevant to the incident at hand. The generalization was on you, and by shifting the topic, you moved the goalposts.

Originally Posted by jp24:
Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by JCG:

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

jp24- THIS is the guy you need to talk to. You two go ahead and get together on a pm huh? Get his out of context self on his way...


As far as the "good job" pat, yeah, right down into his seat, and just enough to hack the gf off as well. Thanks for the chuckle there JCG.

Last post on this, because,yes ... it hits home:


The bottom line is, the guy screwed up -- but it factually was nothing more than a push. We all know that. What I can't stand is the reaction minor mistakes like this elicit.


Matt: I wasn't moving the damned goal posts. You overgeneralized my comment. If you can see that, cool. If you can't, well, damn.


Coach3: Thanks for your service -- one vet to another. All I'm saying is that you decided to create this thread, and make this young baseball player a bad guy. Why?



Yes Coach3... Why DID you post a thread about a current baseball event here on the baseball board?  What were you thinking?  Can't you see that no one wanted to discuss it at all?  In the future, let's go ahead and run those post ideas through jp24 please.  And remember, Coach, you're responsible for making this young ball player look like a bad guy... not the ball player himself of course.

Originally Posted by Soylent Green:
Originally Posted by jp24:
Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by JCG:

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

jp24- THIS is the guy you need to talk to. You two go ahead and get together on a pm huh? Get his out of context self on his way...


As far as the "good job" pat, yeah, right down into his seat, and just enough to hack the gf off as well. Thanks for the chuckle there JCG.

Last post on this, because,yes ... it hits home:


The bottom line is, the guy screwed up -- but it factually was nothing more than a push. We all know that. What I can't stand is the reaction minor mistakes like this elicit.


Matt: I wasn't moving the damned goal posts. You overgeneralized my comment. If you can see that, cool. If you can't, well, damn.


Coach3: Thanks for your service -- one vet to another. All I'm saying is that you decided to create this thread, and make this young baseball player a bad guy. Why?



Yes Coach3... Why DID you post a thread about a current baseball event here on the baseball board?  What were you thinking?  Can't you see that no one wanted to discuss it at all?  In the future, let's go ahead and run those post ideas through jp24 please.  And remember, Coach, you're responsible for making this young ball player look like a bad guy... not the ball player himself of course.


Various angles will show different things due to perspective but on St. Louis news, they showed the incident and the fan did mouth off to Adams as well as put the glove in Adam's face and shake it around.  From one angle it looks like the glove in the face was late and from the other angle it looks like he put the glove directly into Adam's face.  Adams, himself, is quoted in the story on the game as saying that he didn't really intiate anything but rather was trying to get back up, as Matheny said, his butt up in the air higher than his head.  Again, a matter of perspective and we will all see this through those rose colored glasses.  JMHO!

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Various angles will show different things due to perspective but on St. Louis news, they showed the incident and the fan did mouth off to Adams as well as put the glove in Adam's face and shake it around.  From one angle it looks like the glove in the face was late and from the other angle it looks like he put the glove directly into Adam's face.  Adams, himself, is quoted in the story on the game as saying that he didn't really intiate anything but rather was trying to get back up, as Matheny said, his butt up in the air higher than his head.  Again, a matter of perspective and we will all see this through those rose colored glasses.  JMHO!

This may be a little better angle.

Originally Posted by coach3:
Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Various angles will show different things due to perspective but on St. Louis news, they showed the incident and the fan did mouth off to Adams as well as put the glove in Adam's face and shake it around.  From one angle it looks like the glove in the face was late and from the other angle it looks like he put the glove directly into Adam's face.  Adams, himself, is quoted in the story on the game as saying that he didn't really intiate anything but rather was trying to get back up, as Matheny said, his butt up in the air higher than his head.  Again, a matter of perspective and we will all see this through those rose colored glasses.  JMHO!

This may be a little better angle.

 I still don't know why you were personally attacked by TPM!  name calling because she don't like your post?...REALLY?

Another entertaining thread! LOL!
I am a Cardinal's fan. I watched the game. I have seen the replays.
What I saw, I have seen many times before,  a player trying to make a hell of a catch. Couldn't have been too comfortable either! :: If Adam's had caught the ball, we'd all be talking about what an effort, what an awesome catch. Do I think a push was intentional? Doubtful. Everything happening so quickly, going over a wall, almost in the stands, all the while trying to keep his eye on the ball, and not fall or injure himself...or a fan. What may of looked like a push, may have been an instinctive push off away... Are these teams rivals! Yep! Was the guy in the stands injured? Didn't appear to be. Apparently, his middle finger was working fine. He'll get his 15 "seconds" of fame. Adam's may get a warning.

It's Baseball!  I'd hate to see where the game of Baseball, starts to change so much, like the NFL is starting to look like Pee Wee or Flag Football, with all.of the rules and fines.
Let em play! It's a game of athletic sports...

I always enjoy reading where posters get fired up. Mostly in good fun. But then there will always be those that "Take Their Ball, & Go Home!"

I certainly wasn't offended by anyone's post, least of all the Doc's
Ironic...comes to mind! Go Cardinals! (*Would you believe that I married a Cubbie?!!) ::
Here is the thing that no one seems to point out. There is an umpire right there and if something that egregious happened then Adams would have been ejected from the game.

I see Adams trying to make a play, fan gets the ball instead and gets a little mouthy while Adams is in a vulnerable position and Adams gives him a little "shut up" nudge to the chest.

I chalk it up to s-it happens.
Coach that was basically what I said but then end result is matt is classless and a punk which is totally out of line and posted to cause whatever happened in this topic and has been done before in other topics.
This place over the past several months has become comical.
This discussion prime example. Trolls.
Originally Posted by TPM:
Coach that was basically what I said but then end result is matt is classless and a punk which is totally out of line and posted to cause whatever happened in this topic and has been done before in other topics.
This place over the past several months has become comical.
This discussion prime example. Trolls.

Per the OP and other comments, if you look at the various video, you can see the fan saying something to Adams.  Adams, in the St. Louis Post Dispatch said that he didn't even know he pushed the fan.  Well, that might be a stretch but it was not the catastrophic event that ESPN or others make it out to be.  If he gets fined or suspended, then that is the way it is.  I don't think a suspension will happen but today we will see.  It seems that ESPN and others are doing their best to make the Cardinals the team to hate.  That's fine.  The Cardinals will draw 3.5 million + fans again.  They will continue to have a payroll that is within their means.  The fan base is rabid and huge both in numbers and geography.  I don't subscribe to the "best fans in baseball" spiel and actually hate it.  However, Cardinal Nation will turn out again regardless of team success and support this franchise.  That is the history of the franchise.  Go ahead and hate them.  


TPM, the difference I see between today and in the past is that posters used to come on this site to learn about what to do with their son and getting him to the next level of play be it HS or college and then, anything else was icing on the cake.  In doing so, they shared who they were and who their son was.  Coaches came on here to learn but also to promote their programs as well.  I can't tell you the number of college coaches I met because everyone knows who I am from this and another site.  TPM, everyone knows who you are as well along with most of the "Old Timers."  We all watched their sons grow up.  We followed their careers.  I did with your son.  We still have a few come to this site in that regard.  Still, we have others who come here with other agendas.  This was never a flaming site. 


Most people know that I have made no secret who I am.  I have helped/mentored literally hundreds of coaches on this site.  I have shared coaching materials that took me decades to develop.  Other coaches have sent me stuff as well.  Coach Labots used to do the same and I know he shared his catching stuff with many members.  That doesn't happen as much anymore.  I do appreciate Coach Sampson sharing his journey.  It is neat to follow a new coach learning the process.  This site will be what members want it to be.  I tend to not moderate threads that I am active in because I don't want to abuse my moderator abilities.  If fact, any time I have ever questioned whether I have crossed the line, I have sent MN Mom a Private message asking her to review my post or thread and remove it if I crossed the line.  Same with this thread. I will state that I have never hidden behind a screen name. 


Take care,





Originally Posted by JCG:

It wasn't much of a shove.  If anything it was a "good job bro" gesture.  Almost respectful in fact.  How anybody goes from go from there to bemoaning the sorry state of America, wishing the neighbors would beat your kids, or bragging about kids not wearing helmets is way over my head.


But nice job by the fan.  He looked pretty pleased with himself. 

WOW, what a decisive issue this has turned out to be.  When I started reading this thread, and before I watched the video clips, I was expecting to see a good two-handed shove.  After watching, I had almost immediately formulated a response that would have almost mirrored JCG's...except, that mine would have had Adams saying "nice catch, d*%^", in bro style sarcastic voice.   Wait, that's right, we're not allowed to be sarcastic any more in America...don't want to be labeled a "bully"



Wow....wake up this morning to this bunch of BS!!!   Some of you guys are way off base on this one....WAY OFF!!!


Was the push intentional??  I think so...thought it when I watched the game...and thought it after watching replays.  My guess is that the Reds fan said something too....any guy who would stand in front of 40,000 people and flip the bird to a player isn't the brightest guy in the world to start to think he said probably said something to Adams isn't a stretch I wouldn't think.


Does it deserve TWO PAGES or all of these ridiculous arguments?


NO!!!  Heck, it doesn't deserve TWO SECONDS of what, it's over...some of you guys are completely out of control. Haven't any of you ever played a competitive sport?  If I'm Adams...I want to catch the's my job.  If a fan keeps me from doing it, I'm already mad...then the fan says something stupid...well, I may just have reacted just like Adams's human nature...being an MLB player doesn't take that away.  I have seen hundreds of things much, much worse than that in the MLB over the years...and most of them don't get one bit of media's just part of the game.  If the idiot fan hadn't thrown up the bird, this story never makes the news.


If Adams gets fined I will be shocked....if he gets suspended I may just quit watching it's obviously headed the direction of the NFL with out of control fines, suspensions, etc.


Oh....and I should mention....I am a Reds fan 

Last edited by Buckeye 2015

Let's get back to the specifics shall we? This isn't an attack on the Cardinals as some may think. This isn't an attack on America as some may think. This is simply one player and one fan in one situation. Completely remove all emotion anyone may have in this specific circumstance and watch the play for what it is. Answer these questions; Did Adams forcefully (not debating with how much force) extend his glove hand and redirect fan's body in process? Was this a "good" thing to do coming from an MLB player (any player for that matter. Think if YOUR kid did this in a LL/HS game). Would this one specific incident be considered "classless", "cool", or any other adjective in between in your eyes?

Originally Posted by TPM:
The fan said he wasnt pushed.  He just had knee surgery and lost his balance when matt put his glove to his chest.
where is the espn outrage?  Where was the discussion on mlb channel?
Again, it was inappropriate but not punkish or classless.

....sounds like the fan realized that he looked like an a$$ on national TV and is hoping just past it and put this thing behind him. He realizes he just became "that guy"...and maybe is starting to regret it

Coach3, with all due respect, this is no longer a fan and player incident.  This is now a national discussion.  ESPN's second story complete with analysis last night was this incident.  MLB station had coverage well into the night with the same analysis.  Over and over again.  Then, the fan and his injure became the story.  You brought the topic here.  It has two full pages.  Yet, when I view the incident in real time, I barely see it.  When shown last night from two angles the incident zoomed in and focused on just these two, more was brought to light.  Still, I have no idea as to intent.  I don't have any idea as to what was said.  Heck, when ESPN was done last night, you would think that Adams would be suspended with a lifetime ban. 


Per an indictment on the Cardinals, they have been trashed this winter for a publication that they call, "The Cardinal Way."  This publication is said to be issued to all players in the system but, as Mathney said last week, if we really had a magical formula do you think we would publish it so that it could be copied?  The Post Dispatch has an article today were Matheny is wishing that that would die.  It won't because the national media will continue to harp on it.  National commentators continue to harp on the "best fans in baseball" crappola.  I have been a die hard Cardinal's fan all of my life and not once have I felt this way or agreed with it.  None of my buddies do as well.  We cringe every time it comes up.  Many in Cardinal Nation do agree that there is a movement on the national level to make the Cardinals into the bad guys.  Of course we are sensitive to that since we are Cardinal fans.  Others might not notice it at all.  JMHO!  


Take care,


Last edited by CoachB25
Originally Posted by TPM:
The fan said he wasnt pushed.  He just had knee surgery and lost his balance when matt put his glove to his chest.
where is the espn outrage?  Where was the discussion on mlb channel?
Again, it was inappropriate but not punkish or classless.

Will you stop it already? GOOD NIGHT!

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