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I wanted to make one more comment and then, I'll stay out of this unless/until MLB makes a statement.


What a shame it is that the game itself is lost on this.  The Cardinals had a great offensive night and got out to a big lead.  Then, the Reds show great fortitude and came back.  Frasier's second homerun for the night was a thing of beauty as it was a hanging slider on the outside part of the plate and he drove it opposite out of the park.  I hated it when it happened but it was great baseball.  Rosenthal's 4 batter save was also indicative of what the Cardinals will need from him this year.  Lynn battled and scared Cardinal fans as he always does.  Again, there was so much to comment on from this game that highlighted the National League Central.  The NLC is going to be a treat to watch this year.  I wish we were talking about that.  JMHO!

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

I wanted to make one more comment and then, I'll stay out of this unless/until MLB makes a statement.


What a shame it is that the game itself is lost on this.  The Cardinals had a great offensive night and got out to a big lead.  Then, the Reds show great fortitude and came back.  Frasier's second homerun for the night was a thing of beauty as it was a hanging slider on the outside part of the plate and he drove it opposite out of the park.  I hated it when it happened but it was great baseball.  Rosenthal's 4 batter save was also indicative of what the Cardinals will need from him this year.  Lynn battled and scared Cardinal fans as he always does.  Again, there was so much to comment on from this game that highlighted the National League Central.  The NLC is going to be a treat to watch this year.  I wish we were talking about that.  JMHO!



I watched that whole game and thought it was a great game. Frasier was solid at the dish. The fence robbed Holliday of a HR as Jay Bruce makes a spectacular play, yet it was all one long single in the books. I won't mention the Jon Jay/Holliday FUBAR in left-center (Oops!). It's a great game this baseball. It is highly subjective and that's why so many people can relate to it and have an opinion about it. No matter if one agrees, disagrees or could care less, let's remember that everyone has a right to their opinion. We just need to remember that we need to be ready to back up our opinion in most cases. HA!

Originally Posted by zombywoof:
Originally Posted by The Doctor:

I bet my man Jeter would of came away from that play with a smile, and a couple of new fans from the Reds!

That there is the difference between the Jeters and Adams of the world. One gets it and the other don't.

Or about, what, 18 seasons of MLB experience? Come on now...

Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:
Originally Posted by zombywoof:
Originally Posted by The Doctor:

I bet my man Jeter would of came away from that play with a smile, and a couple of new fans from the Reds!

That there is the difference between the Jeters and Adams of the world. One gets it and the other don't.

Or about, what, 18 seasons of MLB experience? Come on now...

Jeter carried himself the same way he did in his rookie year. And he did it in the toughest sports market in the world. Comes down to the type of individual you are.

Last edited by zombywoof
Originally Posted by zombywoof:
Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:
Originally Posted by zombywoof:
Originally Posted by The Doctor:

I bet my man Jeter would of came away from that play with a smile, and a couple of new fans from the Reds!

That there is the difference between the Jeters and Adams of the world. One gets it and the other don't.

Or about, what, 18 seasons of MLB experience? Come on now...

Jeter carried himself the same way he did in his rookie year. And he did it in the toughest sports market in the world. Comes down to the type of individual you are.

So you're saying you could never find ONE thing Jeter ever did "wrong?" Not ONE? That was debatable whether it was even wrong in the first place...


I agree with CoachB. The media and the rest of the league is out to hate the Cardinals. Jealousy can be an evil thing...

It's not about if Jeter ever did anything wrong or not. He probably did. But I don't think in all his years, he ever publicly embarrassed himself or took a swing at a fan in the stands. If he did, he did a good job keeping it out of the public eye. First impressions are everything and if someone saw Adams for the first time in this video, he won't make a very good impression.

Originally Posted by zombywoof:

It's not about if Jeter ever did anything wrong or not. He probably did. But I don't think in all his years, he ever publicly embarrassed himself or took a swing at a fan in the stands. If he did, he did a good job keeping it out of the public eye. First impressions are everything and if someone saw Adams for the first time in this video, he won't make a very good impression.

Wow, a "swing at a fan in the stands?"  Really, absolute nonsense and you know it.  A slight bump now becomes a swing at someone in the stands?  Your supposition on Jeter is exactly that.  You have no way of knowing at all how Jeter would have handled this.  Pure speculation on your part.  Embarrassment?  Oh you're not exaggerating too much at all.  You qualify now to work for ESPN where the lead in for this story is that Adams and the fan had a "heated exchange." 

Last edited by CoachB25
Originally Posted by zombywoof:

It's not about if Jeter ever did anything wrong or not. He probably did. But I don't think in all his years, he ever publicly embarrassed himself or took a swing at a fan in the stands. If he did, he did a good job keeping it out of the public eye. First impressions are everything and if someone saw Adams for the first time in this video, he won't make a very good impression.

  Wasn't it Jeter that flopped at the plate to to buy a HBP????? But I guess making a farce of the game isn't embarrassing when you are considered one of the best to ever play the

Originally Posted by CoachB25:
Originally Posted by zombywoof:

It's not about if Jeter ever did anything wrong or not. He probably did. But I don't think in all his years, he ever publicly embarrassed himself or took a swing at a fan in the stands. If he did, he did a good job keeping it out of the public eye. First impressions are everything and if someone saw Adams for the first time in this video, he won't make a very good impression.

Wow, a "swing at a fan in the stands?"  Really, absolute nonsense and you know it.  A slight bump now becomes a swing at someone in the stands?  Your supposition on Jeter is exactly that.  You have no way of knowing at all how Jeter would have handled this.  Pure speculation on your part.  Embarrassment?  Oh you're not exaggerating too much at all.  You qualify now to work for ESPN where the lead in for this story is that Adams and the fan had a "heated exchange." 

Hmm.. I wonder if Adams gives Gift Baskets to the ladies like The Captain does.


"Yankees star Derek Jeter, one of New York’s most eligible hunks since his split with longtime gal pal Minka Kelly, is bedding a bevy of beauties in his Trump World Tower bachelor pad — and then coldly sending them home alone with gift baskets of autographed memorabilia.


The Yankees captain’s wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kiss-offs came to light when he mistakenly pulled the stunt twice on the same woman — forgetting she had been an earlier conquest, a pal told The Post.


“Derek has girls stay with him at his apartment in New York, and then he gets them a car to take them home the next day. Waiting in his car is a gift basket containing signed Jeter memorabilia, usually a signed baseball,” the friend dished.


“This summer, he ended up hooking up with a girl who he had hooked up with once before, but Jeter seemed to have forgotten about the first time and gave her the same identical parting gift, a gift basket with a signed Derek Jeter baseball,” the pal said.

“He basically gave her the same gift twice because he’d forgotten hooking up with her the first time!”


Woof, I agree with you 100%. Just putting it out there so nobody mistakes Jeeter for a saint. But I disagree with you that based on the incident yesterday it's fair to call Adams a POS.  IMHO that's going waaaaaaaaaay too far.  And saying he's the same as A-rod?  That's just stupid or trolling or both.

Wow, for all the great threads/topics that have been on this site....and all the great comments/discussions some of you have posted in the past....I'd have expected better in this case.  Did your 12 year old sons...wait, make that 8 year olds take over your usernames for the past 18 hours or so, because if that's the case, some of these ridiculous posts may actually make sense.  If not, I really hope the skies clear up and the sun comes out soon....because some people have obviously been cooped up in their houses much too long and need to get outside and get some fresh air.....

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