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Boomer, great comments. It's very important for both the HS and Travel coach to communicate and be on the same page. If not the same page atleast the same chapter. It's very important for the HS coaches to realize especially at the 15 and 16u level that elite travel baseball is vital for the top players. They should use summer HS. ball to evaluate the border line players that need more playing time, and let the star players get a chance to play for solid travel programs against great competition. Lets face it for the most part most HS teams won't be able to provide that competition at the Freshman and Sophomore levels day in and day out. 15 to 20 spring games just isn't going to cut it. Any good Varsity Highschool coach should realize that. Travel baseball is bigger and more popular than ever. For the top players they must play elite travel baseball. Playing for your Highschool is also great.
Communication or lack of communication is the biggest problem with conflict between HS and travel ball. Sit down with the kids and tell them what you expect out of them, the dates they need to be with you and the dates that they may have a tournament with the travel team. With regards to pitchers, talk to them about what your goals for the suummer are. How many starts you would like them to get. How many innings are you looking for them to throw and the work you want done in between starts. I try and talk to my kids about the travel experience, how many innings they threw, what worked well for them on that particular start. It not only helps you get on the same page, but It builds a relationship with that player. take an interest in what they are doing to become better. However, I do take issue with you comments about HS summer ball for the border line kid. Summer is not just about evaluation, it is a great time to stress the fundamentals, show the younger kids what it takes to be a varsity player, and lay out what we do as a program. There have been a few, but it is very limited on the number of 15 or 16 year old kids who dominate HS baseball wheather it be spring or summer.
Great topic...I am afraid that the conflict between High School and Travel Ball will continue for some time to come. What I have witnessed the past few years seems to be the majority of HS coaches feel that their players allegiance is to summer HS ball first and if time and position permitting only then can a player play travelball. I myself have never been in total agreement with that thought. I have always felt that whether a player play summer HS or Travel ball should be decided on a individual players needs as the occasion arises. Whats best for the team and whats best for the individual.

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